Likes seein' the powerfully potent pix sent us to wonderin' if perhaps there just mighta be a youtube vid that captured these marvelous moments of Dino-history...and indeed we immediately found the vibrant vid below that completely, coolly captured this touchin' and tender time between our our beloved Dino and his most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis.
Havin' found both the pix and the vid, it further mightily motivated us to search that greatest of great Dino-bio, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Living" by supreme scriber Mr. Nick Tosches for his remarkable reflections on this sweet sweet movin' moment between our Dino and Mr. Lewis. Here is how Tosches' perfect prose remembers it"
He knew where he was, and he knew who that was, wheeling out the big birthday cake toward him on the stage of Bally's Grand. The monkey look good. God bless him since he'd gotten off the shit. Open- heart surgery agreed with him.
"Here's to seventy-two years of joy you've given the world," Jerry said, "and why we broke up, I'll never know."
Yes. Seventy-two. He knew. Seventy-two years ago today. The little house on Sixth Street. The feast of St. Anthony.
"You surprised me," he said. It was true. "I love you," he said, "and I mean it."
We gotta 'fess up pallies that as we read, and then listened to on the vid, the luminously lovin' wonderful words spoken between our Dino and Jerry, our heart was wonderfully warmed and when we saw our Dino kiss Jerry and saw the almighty affection that they truly have for each other, our heart was filled to overflowin' with Dino-happiness.
We give grateful gratitude to a pallie tagged Donazify, who posted the youtube vid; to the pallie who posted the Dino-image on the 'net; to Mr. Nick Tosches for his swank scribin' of his Dino-tome; to Mr. Jerry Lewis for his joyful grandest of grand gesture of surprisin' our Dino on his '72 birthday; and most of all to our mighty marvelous majestic Dino for, as Mr. Lewis sweetly stated, "years of joy you've given the world."
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Jerry Lewis surprises Dean Martin at his B'day '89
Jerry Lewis surprises Dean Martin at his birthday celebration at Bally's 1989. From the Joe DiCesare collection.
Man, pal! Youse got me all choked up with that one! Hahaha!!! TRULY a BEA U TI FUL moment captured on film...for ALL us fortunate Dino-devotees to marvel at! Thanks for sharin' somethin' I ain't never seen!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as youse will so often say, my pleasure...but givin' credit where credit is due....it was truly our most beloved Dino that was leadin' and guidin' to make this Dino-vid appear at our humble little Dino-pad. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!
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