This grooviest of groovy Dino-trib was wisely written by Miss Hillary Bonhomme whose remarkable resume tells us "is a native of Lafayette, Louisiana where she attended the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and studied Music Business. In addition to her studies, Hillary was part of the Acadiana Symphony and Conservatory of Music's marketing team. She was also part of the KRVS, Radio Acadie staff. Hillary is a vocalist with performance credits under both the UL Lafayette Opera Theatre and the UL Lafayette Chamber Singers. In the New Year, Hillary moved to New York City to complete internships with both the National Arts Marketing Project (NAMP) and WQXR under New York Public Radio. Since her start with NAMP, Hillary has created her own article for the Profile in Creativity series, curated social media content, and provided the NAMP team with additional administrative support."
Likes we gotta 'fess up that we deeply digs how Hillary sweet scribin's awesomely accents our Dino's supreme success as the King of Cool with a thrillin' trio of "steps" she states we "can try too"...to, of course, be more like our Dino...and likes which of us Dino-philes aren't strivin' to be...none we dare say. Those steps include: (1) First, Skip the Rehearsal, (2) And Remember to Stay True to You!, and (3) Finally, Find the Coolest Clique in Town. We frankly finds this a perfectly primo way of framin' the life and times of our Dino.
In closin' our our reverent reflections we woulda likes to hugely highlight two thin's that stunnin'ly strike us 'bout this particular prose a la Dino. First, we loves findin' and sharin' yet 'nother of today's youth showin' there deepest of delight in our King of Cool...so hats off to Miss Hillary Bonhomme for her energetic efforts in sweetly sharin' the Dino-story. Second, we are also deeply delighted to see such an esteemed educational pad like New York Public Radio helpin' bring more and more pallies into the Dino-fold by highlighting our one and only Dino's birthday in this coolest of cool way.
Likes once 'gain thanks scriber Miss Hillary Bohnomme and all the pallies at New York Public Radio for this remarkable remembrance of most most most beloved Dino!
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

With his smooth voice and charming exterior, Dean Martin became known for his effortless performances and quick wit, which led to 50 years in the spotlight and a reputation for being, well, cool. So, on what marks the King of Cool's 100th birthday, we remember the performances that highlighted what made Martin so special, and broke them down into three steps that you can try too!
First, Skip the Rehearsal
Watching Dean Martin perform could leave anyone thinking "How does he make it look so easy?" or "It just seems so effortless." And effortless it must have been. Martin hated rehearsing. It was built into his contract on The Dean Martin Show that he be present for nothing other than the taping. He joked in live performances that he could barely remember the music and the words, but knowing that he didn't attend rehearsals, he may have only been half joking.
And Remember to Stay True to You!
Dean Martin never distanced himself from his Italian roots. True to himself, Martin played up to his heritage in TV sketches, films, and concert performances. Because of that, he is known by many for performing some of the signature “Italian” popular tunes. In the 2010 book, The Story of Italian American Songs, author Mark Rotella cites Martin's performance of "That's Amore" in the 1953 film The Caddy as an important turning point in Americans' introduction to Italian culture. Rotella notes that previous "Italian" songs like "Mambo Italiano" were stereotypical and not written with Italian performers in mind, but "That's Amore" was different. Rather than imitating the sound of the language or pointing at the differences between Americans and Italians, the lyrics simply celebrated the Italian phrase and the pleasures of Italian life. Martin allegedly didn't care for the song, but he managed to add his signature sound to the tune!
Finally, Find the Coolest Clique in Town
And let’s not forgot all of Martin's cool friends! Dean Martin was no stranger to the nightclub scene. It was as a club performer that he attracted the attention of MGM executives who thought he’d be a great leading man. He frequently shared the stage with popular stars of the time on The Dean Martin Show. He had segments with guests such as Louis Armstrong, Goldie Hawn, and Peggy Lee, and on top of all the duet partners he had on his show, he was a founding member of the Rat Pack alongside Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr.
Martin may have been too cool for school (or rehearsal in this case), but he also gave us a lot to smile about. Whether cracking one-liners or serenading audiences in song, Martin kept the crowd feeling as good as he did, and for that, we raise our glasses to him. Happy birthday Dean Martin!
Awesome find, pal! Hillary definitely helped spread the Dino-message with that Cool Cool piece! Three steps we ALL should, & I'm sure, WILL do our bestest to follow! Thanks for sharin'!
In the 2010 book, The Story of Italian American Songs, author Mark Rotella cites Martin's performance of "That's Amore" in the 1953 film The Caddy as an important turning point in Americans' introduction to Italian culture.
And changed the world for better!
Good find, DMP.
Hey pallie, likes per usual, youse speaketh the Dino-truth...pure 'n true! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our King of Cool, our Master of Hip, our Ruler of Randy!
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, thanks for the neat nugget of Dino-importance. Just wonderin' if by chance you mighta consider doin'a Dino-centric post durin' this special month of The Day That Coolness Came To Earth? Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most most beloved DINO!
I'm not sure if I'm up to doing a post these days. But I'll give it some thought.
Thanks for the invitation.
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...no worries ma'am. We simply wanted to extend an invite to you if you were up sharin' your Dino-passion. No worries....keeps lovin' our most most beloved DINO!
I have a Dino tribute up on my site for this weekend.
Hey pallie, likes thanks ever so much Miss AOW for puttin' us on to your Dino-devotion. Know that your Dino-gram will be shared in the week to come here at ilovedinomartin. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
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