Jérôme Leroy (pictured on the left). His blog is tagged "Feu sur le quartier général! L'élégance, la science, la violence! (Rimbaud)," translated into English at "Fire on the headquarters! Elegance, science, violence! (Rimbaud)." Today's Dino-gram appeared at Mr. Leroy's pad on 3rd May 2011.
Likes we just realized that what haven't shared any of Jérôme's bio before, which tells us that he is, in his own words, a "writer and saboteur".... author of novels, black novels, novels for youth and poetry. Likes we are totally totally thrilled to find someone of Mr. Leroy's stature speak so openly and affirmatively of his devotion to our Dino.
Likes today we share Jérôme's respectful reflections on the wonderful western "Bandolero," in which our Dino co-starred with the likes of Mr. Jimmy Stewart, Miss Raquel Welch, and Mr. George Kennedy. While Mr. Leroy's wise words are short in general and in particular as relatin' to our most beloved Dino...he describes our Dino's as "sorry and melancholy dandyism." Once 'gain the original vid clip that Leroy used in no longer available, but we have found a youtube vid of one of the western's original trailers that shows plenty of Dino-action for sure.
What a potent pleasure it has been to spend the last few days with awesome author Mr. Jérôme Leroy and sharin' with all youse Dino-philes his amazin' appreciato for our one and only Dino! We thank him one more time for sharin' his awesome adulation of our King of Cool with his readers, and we are certain that his wise words have been very helpful in bringin' others into the Dino-fold. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Bandolero! is a late western of Andrew Mc Laglen. A maker without genius? Perhaps, but the cartridge he shot in 1968 hit his target and represented a beautiful Hollywood honor to the insolent supremacy of the Italians at the time.
However, the extraordinary music of Jerry Goldsmith is not enough, forty three years later, to explain the lasting and poignant charm of Bandolero !.
His dream cast either. And yet, James Stewart's desperate and humanist chic, Dean Martin's sorry and melancholy dandyism, George Kennedy's troubled Jansenism, Raquel Welch's tender, animal-like survivor sex would have been more than enough to enchant the evening. of the movie buff.
But no, Bandolero! is more than Bandolero! .
This story of a pitiless pursuit ends with an epic fight but especially a fight where everyone will lose what he came to seek: a brother, a treasure, a woman, a posterity, a Montana dreamed as a promised land.
A massacre for nothing, strictly for nothing.
And yet, this western is not nihilistic. Because the honor of living is worth the horror of living and the important thing is not the result, it is the trajectory.
Go make understand today.
Hence the desire to end, once and for all, by following the desperate expedition of these characters and die with them in a collapse at once appalling, derisory and beautiful.
Bandolero! est un western tardif de Andrew Mc Laglen. Un faiseur sans génie? Peut-être, mais la cartouche qu'il tire en 1968 atteint sa cible et représente un beau baroud d'honneur hollywoodien contre la suprématie insolente des Italiens à l'époque.
Cependant l'extraordinaire musique de Jerry Goldsmith ne suffit pas, quarante trois ans après, à expliquer le charme durable et poignant de Bandolero!.
Son casting de rêve non plus. Et pourtant, le chic désespéré et humaniste de James Stewart, le dandysme désolé et mélancolique de Dean Martin, le jansénisme troublé de George Kennedy, la sexité de survivante, à la fois animale et tendre, de Raquel Welch auraient largement suffi à enchanter la soirée du cinéphile.
Mais non, Bandolero!, c'est beaucoup plus que Bandolero!.
Ce récit d'une poursuite impitoyable se termine par un combat épique mais surtout un combat où chacun perdra ce qu'il était venu chercher : un frère, un trésor, une femme, une postérité, un Montana rêvé comme une Terre promise.
Un massacre pour rien, rigoureusement pour rien.
Et malgré tout, ce western n'est pas nihiliste. Parce que l'honneur de vivre vaut bien l'horreur de vivre et que l'important, ce n'est pas le résultat, c'est la trajectoire.
Allez faire comprendre ça aujourd'hui.
D'où l'envie d'en finir, une fois pour toutes, en suivant l'expédition désespérée de ces personnages et de mourir avec eux dans un effondrement à la fois effroyable, dérisoire et magnifique.
Man! Though Mr Leroy’s words are a little hard to follow...his Dino-passion comes through loud & clear! Was a fun 3 day journey with a fellow Dino-holic! Thanks for bringin’ our way, DMP.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, as often the with international Dino-devotion, the adulation often loses much in translation...but now with our Dino, whether he sings in English or Italian...he never ever loses any of his cool! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
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