Hey pallies, likes as youse read yester-Dino-day here at ilovedinomartin, the pallies at Turner Movie Classics have delightfully declared our one and only Dino as the "STAR OF THE MONTH" at TMC which means that each and every Wednesday durin' this Dino-month, Turner will be showin' a ton of classic Dino-epics on their coolest of cool cable channel. Likes, we absolutely apologize that we didn't learn of this sooner 'cause as youse all realize the first Wednesday has sadly come and gone.
Below we are sharin' the listin' of Dino-flicks bein' shown each Wednesday, includin' those that aired last week. As you will note the swank series of 22 of our Dino's 51 silver screen energetic efforts have been divided into four themes. On the 5th, the theme was "Early Comedy. Today, on the 12th the focus is "Dramas." On the 19th, TMC will accent "The Rat Pack Years." And on the 26th the month long Dino-celebration will conclude with "Later Years."
Likes the terrific thin' is pallies is likes if you wanna gets a in depth description of any of these Dino-epics, youse simply have to click on the title to go to 'nother page that will give youse all the Dino-details. To view this in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram and youse will find this Dino-compilation on the right hand side of the page. Stayed tune tomorrow to a Dino-gram sharin' more from the pallies of Turner Movie Classics 'bout their huge honorin' of our most beloved Dino this very Dino-month!
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Kiss me Stupid! Yes! Then bring on the Helm! Haha!! What a month to be s Dino-holic!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we just knew that youse woulda gets the biggest Dino-buddha grin on your face when he learned on the Helmer marathon....and KMS ain't no surprise to us as well! Keeps lovin', WATCHIN', 'n sharin' our most beloved DINO!
Every Wednesday this month? Celebrate!
The other night (early AM), I watched Ada, a film that's not shown very often and one that I dearly love. Perhaps Ted Turner owns that film?
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, we ain't sure, but we are glad that most of our Dino's big screen epics are currently for sale on DVD, includin' "ADA." Keeps lovin' our most beloved DINO!
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