Hey pallies, likes as we were patterin' to our Dino-holic pallie Danny-o on his response to yesterday's Dino-gram accentin our most beloved Dino as Mr. Ricco, our Dino gives one of his most powerfully profound performances on the big screen. To superbly showcase our Dino's wonderous work in this flick we discovered three---count 'em---three youtube vids to intro all youse Dino-philes to this Dino-drama.
The first vid is the original movie trailer shown in theatres to promote the film, the second is a clip put together by the pallies at Warner Archives to encourage the sale of "Ricco" on DVD....still available, and the third is a short commerical shown on NBC in 1977 when the film debuted on the small screen. These cooler then cool clips gives us a tantalizing taste of our most beloved Dino's potent performance as Joe Ricco, tough lawyer and tender guy.
Likes pallies enjoy these clips and remember that Mr. Ricco is the last film tomorrow in the Turner Movie Classics' September Salute to Star Dean Martin. To view the timin' simply clicks HERE. And, likes best of all, buys yourselves copies of the "Mr. Ricco" DVD and enjoy this Dino-epic whenever and wherever your Dino-heart desires.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Haha!! Man! That trailer gets me TOTALLY pumped to watch Dino doin’ his thin’ in Mr Rico, ‘gain & ‘gain! I’m recording it Thursday at 5:30am & will finally gets a chance to watch it! Don’t forget to set your dvrs, pals! Mr Rico...All 4 Helm flicks...& a few others...on tomorrow into Thursday on TCM!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, thrilled to see you so Dino-pumped and knows you are goin' to really really groove on our most beloved Dino as Joe Ricco! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
I wonder if the full movie is available anywhere.
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, the wonderful Dino-news is that Warner Archives has made it available and can be found bein' sold on many 'net pads as well as many stores would be able to special order it for you. Keeps lovin' our most beloved DINO!
I found it at Amazon. Ordered!
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW...great news indeed. We gotta 'fess up that we never ever thought that the Matt Helm Lounge set would ever go out of print, but it did. We are grateful to have a set as well as a back up set. Since then we have made certain that we have collected each and every Dino-DVD that has been released of his fabulous film career. There are a few yet to be released titles and we check often to see if any of 'em have been put on DVD. Keeps lovin', watchin', buyin', and sharin' our great great Dino!
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