Hey pallies, likes we gotta 'fess up that we weren't plannin' to post a second Dino-gram on this 19th day of Dino-wintry month, but the days of this Dino-season are tickin' quickly by and we have such a sweet treat that has come our way and we don't wanna wait to shares it. Likes faithful readers of ilovedinomartin may remember readin' a post here at ilovedinomartin on July 10 of this Dino-year featurin' Mr. Daire O'Hagan a young laddie from Ireland who is solidly sold out to our Dino and whose croonin' is remarkably reminiscent of our most beloved Dino. That original post, "Is this 17-year-old schoolboy really Dean Martin reincarnated?" can be located HERE.
Well pallies, likes since sharin' that powerfully potent post, Daire has been sharin' his passion for croonin' Dino-tunes, and in the post below, once 'gain from the online presence of "BelfastLive," Miss Shauna Corr swankly shares an ubber update on Daire and his music in the post, "Watch: Northern Ireland's young 'Dean Martin' is taking requests for the 12 days of Christmas." Likes, as the post states Dino-devotee Daire is spreadin' holiday cheer on his musical facebook page with 12 special croons in honor of the season. Day by day you can listen to them HERE on Daire's facebook page.
Daire has also had created an amazin' professionally done music vid of "The Christmas Song" that appears near the end of this Dino-gram and can also be found on Daire's youtube pad HERE. We gotta 'fess up that nobody reminds us more of our Dino then this young man...we coulda watch his seasonal vid croon over and over and over....we have done so and will be doin' so in the Dino-days ahead. Likes there will never ever be anyone as great as our King of Cool, but Mr. Daire O'Hagan is honorin' our Dino and his legacy in the most amazin' way.
We sez our thanks to Miss Shauna Corr and all the pallies at "Belfast Live" for updatin' us on this up and comin' cool crooner who is so so smitten by our one, our only Dino. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Watch: Northern Ireland's young 'Dean Martin' is taking requests for the 12 days of Christmas
The teenage crooner said he is hoping to spread a little festive cheer with his timeless renditions

Daire O'Hagan loves a good croon
Northern Ireland's answer to a young Dean Martin is recording a song every night for the 12 days of Christmas in a bid to spread some festive cheer.
Talented teenager Daire O'Hagan has been making a name for himself in the world of music since he spoke to Belfast Live in July.
This 17-year-old's singing voice and youthful looks do not match up
Now the A-Level student has decided to showcase his amazing voice with a series of 12 songs in the run up to Christmas - and you can event put in a few suggestions of songs you'd like to hear.
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas anyone?
"They keep telling me they want to hear more of the music that I love (the rat pack) so I hope this will give me a chance to show lots of different songs that I love and hopefully let people see that crooners music is my passion."
Aside from keeping his Facebook fans happy Daire has been on the Phil mack show in Wales and has even made a Christmas music video.
"I’ve had great time over the last few months," he added.
"And I will be hopefully be playing on different radio stations over the next week or so."
The busy teenager said all you have to do to request a Rat Pat era song in the run up to Christmas is put a request under a video the has already shared here.
1 comment:
Daire O'Hagan brings great honor to our Dino.
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