Hey pallies, likes we interrupt all our swankest of swank sharin' of the deepest of deep devotion to our Dino on the twenty second anniversary of his departure from our planet to gets the Dino-eve 2017 vib goin' here at ilovedinomartin. Not to worry dudes, we will be ringin' in the new Dino-year 2018 with likes just a ton of perfectly profoundly powerful potent posts of awesome adulation of our one and only Dino from 'round the globe....and we promise not to stop sharin' 'em to we get 'em all posted here at our humble little Dino-home.
But, likes Dino-eve beckons dudes....and if ever a celebration was made for our most beloved Dino it woulda be Dino-eve! Our Dino was swinger extraordinare....especially after he broke the strings with his second wife...numbero duo, Jeanne. No longer the homebody he was portrayed to be, Dino enjoyed makin' the clubbin' scene with the youth of his day...in particular at the swingin'esqe Discotheque of them all....The Candy Store. We deeply digs all the cool candids shot of our Dino at this where it is at club.....Dino wearin' the modest of mod fashions of the day and makin' the scene with Miss Cathy Hawn who woulda becomes the third and last Mrs. Dean Martin.
Likes truly truly Dino-eve belongs to our Dino! And, as we gets the party here at ilovedinomartin off to an early start we once 'gain, as has become 'nother Dino-tradition here, we share two historical 'n hysterical poses of our Dino and Jerry as Father Time and the babe-in-arms. Likes ain't it hard to believe that these here pixs were swankly shot to celebrate the comin' of 1952....65 count-em-65 years ago!

How fun to see our most delightful Dino decked out as Father Time...lookin' so wonderfully wise with his long flowin' robe and sickle...and Mr. Lewis dressed as a new born ready to toot his horn....indeed these beau-ti-ful boys are certainly totally totally type cast! ilovedinomartin wishes all you pallies a swingin' and safe New Year's Eve and the bestest of best New Years!
Keeps checkin' in at ilovedinomartin for more of that great great Dino-action in the comin' year as well as some fabulous Dino-clips from the Dino-show bein' shared tomorrow on the eve of Dino-eve. And, likes most of all, all youse Dino-holics , keeps drinkin' deeply deeply from the Dino-fountain of complete cool!
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Man o man, pal...youse is gettin’ me pumped up & rarin’ to go! Dino-Eve is only days away & I, for one, cants’ wait to see what Dino treats we have in store in the comin’ year!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, know that we are already workin' on some completely cool Dino-treats to gets us off to swank start in the year of our Dino 2018. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved DINO!
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