Shearer is an awesome artist and witty writer and both of his great gifts are amazin'ly accented in his Dino-centric post "Dino and the Vino." Brian has used his terrific talents as artist to creatively conceive the coolest of cool caricature of our most beloved Dino, wearin' his signature tux with Santa hat havin' drunk liberally of liquid libations. His witty writin' is displayed his sayin'..."I don’t know about your house, but around here it’s not Christmas until a drunken Dean Martin sings Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer."
Well, likes pallies, I don't know 'bout all youse Dino-philes, but Mr. Shearer has made our Dino-spirits soar with both his amazin' artistry and witty words, and we sez our thanks to him for his coolest of cool contribution to celebratin' 'n rememberin' our King of Cool with delightful Dino-cheer. To checks this out at Brian's blog, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
Likes as a little bonus pallies, at the end we are addin' a youtube vid of our one, our only Dino croonin' 'bout "Rudy The Red-Beaked Reindeer."
We remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dino and the Vino
I don’t know about your house, but around here it’s not Christmas until a drunken Dean Martin sings Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.
Hey pal...Brian is one talented Dino-bro! GREAT pic! As a matter o facto...I is makin' it my phone's screensaver for Dino-Winter Month! Yes, mam!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, very very cool idear for Dino-sure! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!
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