Miss Michele is one of dem bloggers who likes to share a countdown of Christmas croons, and yesterday, Day 5 of her swank series, she awesomely accented our most most beloved Dino with a bit of patter and that hugely fav Dino-wintery,"Let It Snow." Back in the year of our Dino 2013, "Let It Snow" was the "Most Played Christmas Song Of 2013." Likes goes HERE to check out our patter on the delightful Dino-accomplishment.
Likes with a grand Dino-pose and links youtube versions of both "Let It Snow" 'n " It's A Marshmallow World," already shared here at ilovedinomartin by our own Danny G., and proclaimed by Miss Michele as a close second to the first. Also, we gotta sez that we totally totally digs that swank sentence by Miss Michele that we chose to tagged this post, "Growing up in an Italian family meant certain things were a given: Pasta and church on Sunday, no meat on Friday and this man’s music for the holidays."
We thoughtfully thank Miss Michele for here sharin' of her deep Dino-delight with her readership and helpin' put us all into an ever more Dino-state of mind this delightful Dino-season! To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
We remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
25 Days Of Christmas Songs: Day 5
Hello, Vixens!!! Welcome back to the countdown!!!

(Original source unknown).
Growing up in an Italian family meant certain things were a given: Pasta and church on Sunday, no meat on Friday and this man’s music for the holidays.
But he did so much more than sing. He was in the original “Ocean’s 11”, one of my favorite disaster movies (“Airport”) and two of my favorite guilty pleasure shows (“Charlie’s Angels” & “Vegas”). That is in addition to his many TV specials, celebrity roasts, dozens of movies and numerous albums.
Nicknamed “The King of Cool”, Dino Paul Crocetti was also a member of “The Rat Pack” and one half of the comedy team Martin and Lewis. He sang a multitude of Christmas songs throughout his career, but this one is my favorite (followed very closely by “It’s A Marshmallow World“).

Dean Martin circa 1970 (original source unknown).
Dean Martin: “Let It Snow“.
I do not own the rights to anything. I am just sharing some things that I love with you 
What are some of your favorite Christmas songs?
Until next time, fellow Vixens, happy listening!!!
Hey there, pallie! I can TOTALLY relate with Ms. Michele. The Sunday macaroni & gravy...the no meat on Friday...ANY Friday...& DEF I NATE LY plenty of Dino 'round the holidays! He just went hand n' hand with all the best parts of the year! All the best parts of the days, weeks & months, actually.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o it comes as no surprise to us that you relate to Miss Michele. It also comes as not surprise to us when you sez, that our Dino "just went hand n' hand with all the best parts of the year! All the best parts of the days, weeks & months, actually." Well stated from a true Dino-holic Dino-phile! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
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