Today through the great gift of Twingly Blog Advance Search we takes all youse Dino-holics to to tumblr blog home of a 27 year old young lady tagged Kayley who tags tumblr pad "jerrylevitch" and had the former tag "Classickat." In speakin' 'bout herself and her passions, she proudly proclaims that "Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are everything to me."
In searchin' the ol' archives of ilovedinomartin we found that Miss Kayley's delightful Dino-adoration has been shared before here at ilovedinomartin includin' HERE. Today we share for glorious gifs of our most beloved Dino and his beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis 'long with Dino's wife Jeanne and Mr. Lewis' wife Patti makin' the scene together at the 1951 Academy Awards. Seein' 'em lookin' so so youthful and so so happy to be together likes makes us so so happy our Dino-selves!
Now what we wanna does is see if we can find the film footage from which Miss Kayley has drawn her inspiration to create these here gifs...and if we find it, we'll be sure to report back in to all youse Dino-devotees. We thanks Miss Kayley for her on-goin' delight in sharin' her cool creativity in sharin' her pure passion for our Dino and Mr. Lewis. To view dem gifs in their original source, per usual, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message.
We share this a few hours before the 'morrow 'cause we ain't gonna be able to be on the ol' net tomorrow!
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis with wives Jeanne and Patti at the 1951 Academy Awards.
Kayley is def i nate ly a cool cool chick & I diggin' these cool cool gifs! Awesome!
Great to see fellow Dino-zens going through the efforts of making such wonderful works of gif!
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