Likes the swank subject of his second Dino-reflection is 'nother of our main man's Capitol Records, Dino - Italian Love Songs - DEAN MARTIN. 'gain this swank scriber lists each of the terrific tunes on this al-b-um with just a bit of wee commentary followed by quintessential quotations of deeper then deep Dino-delight by a variety of Dino-devotees. As with yester-Dino-day's post, we have used our fav of favs to tag this reflection..." ".....and Dino's voice creates an absolutely incredible experience for the listener." Likes ain't that the stunnin'ly simple and absolutely awesome Dino-truth pallies?!?!?!?!
We salute Mr. Right Wing for 'nother superbly scribed lovin' look at this awesome al-b-um of pure Dino-magic. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Pallies, likes stop back tomorrow for our 'nother return engagement with "Vox Pop Music Album Guides" and nother vibrant vinyl Dino-review.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Just Say I Love Her/Arrivederci Roma/My Heart Reminds Me/You’re Breaking My Heart/Non Dimenticar/Return To Me/Vieni Su/On An Evening In Roma/Pardon/Take Me In Your Arms/I Have But One Heart/O Sole Mio
Dino - Italian Love Songs was an album of songs tailored made for Dean Martin’s smooth romantic voice. His coming move to Reprise would see his LPs enjoy much greater chart success. (US:73)
“I play this LP all the time and I can't get enough of Dino and his wonderful voice. Each song is done so beautifully and the arrangements are excellent. I would recommend this for anyone who likes Dean's slow smooth sounds and a Latin beat, which gives off a romantic aura for you to sit back and just listen.”
“Dean Martin is superb on this LP. His silky smooth voice sings all these beautiful melodies with such feeling. All these songs are so relaxing.” “What a gorgeous collection of songs. Being Italian myself, I grew up hearing a lot of these from other artists. Listening to Dean singing these songs is like hearing them for the first time. What a voice, what a legend.”
“This is not only the best Dean Martin LP, it is also one of the most romantic collections of songs for lovers. It sets a lovely romantic mood for the evening ahead.”
“The material has a spellbinding charm that captivates your ears and touches your heart and soul. These are superb, spotless and effortless renditions of Italian love songs full of the genuine emotion which each song evokes.”
“These are the very songs that made Dean Martin 'La Passione di Roma' who was adored by millions of music lovers throughout the world. The magical spell of these hauntingly beautiful Italian love songs is captured in this lovely album.”
“If you are a Dino fan like I am, then you have to place Italian Love Songs among his best. The mood of the album is exquisite and infectious. In this particular case, the right mix of instrumentation and Dino's voice creates an absolutely incredible experience for the listener.”
“This was one of the Capitol 'concept' albums. The lush music and Dean's voice were a perfect match for the Italian melodies.”
Posted by Mr Right Wing at 09:18
AMEN to the title of this blog post!
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW....we have chosen to share this quartet of reviews 'cause so much of the patter for each review is such swank stuff and full to the brim of awesome adulation of our one and only Dino. On 'nother note, how goes it with you? Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
As you know, I've been ill for over two months with this terrible kidney thing. It's not going to kill me -- so says the urologist -- but at time I feel that it is.
Mr. AOW and I have a 45-minute consult with the surgeon to decide which surgery to go with: a ureter rebuild or a kidney removal. Surgery is inevitable. **sigh**
I am so regretful that this agony of the past several weeks has kept me from avidly following I Love Dino Martin, the best Dino site on the web. I had intended to send you several posts to publish, but I just couldn't manage. I know that you understand.
Miss AOW, of course we understand, and we stand with you at this very hard time in your life journey. Please keep us posted as to the ongoing efforts to resolve these hard health issues. Are you planning a return to the classroom this Fall?
Are you planning a return to the classroom this Fall?
I hope so!
I'm an independently-contracted teacher. No work, no pay. **sigh**
I will keep you and Danny G. posted on my medical condition.
Miss AOW, we'll be cheering you on. Thanks for keeping us posted.
It really is amazing that Dean's music, albums and songs are still studied AND loved today as much as they ever were. It just proves that real talent wins out and lives on always. A wonderful posting as always DMP.
Have a great week.
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