Sunday, August 31, 2014
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Fools Rush In"
Welcome back mi amici! Well, I guess this is the "unofficial end of Summer" pallies! Man o man...where do the days go?! Even months fly by like weeks!
Summer is hot & fun & I really dig the beach goin'...but... I gots to be honest pals...I'm kinda anticipatin' the Fall season. Love that "spooky" vibe in the air! Haha!
Hey pallies...whether your swingin' & singin' at some jammin' cook outs or just grillin' & chillin' at home, this long Labor Day weekend...thins' mite get a wee bit hectic.
I'm bettin' we could ALL use a little serenity.
For today's Serenade, thinks I'm gonna ask our BESTEST pal, Dean, to wind this Summery season down with some COOL COOL & VERY laid back croonin'. "Fools Rush In' should set the Dino-mood so so PER FEC TO!
Now, this tune has been sung many many times by many many singers, pallies. But...NO ONE & I means NO ONE can't turn it into PURE PURE tranquility likes our pal!
So...when the grills have burned out...& everythin' is cleaned up & put away...find yourselves some "alone" time. Just youse & Dean. Pour up a little vino & remember what Dino says... When we met, I felt my life begin. So open up your heart, & let this fool rush in.
Ahhhh serenity. Enjoy pals.
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
And so I come to you my love my heart above my head
Though I see the danger there
If there's a chance for me then I don't care
Fools rush in where wise men never go
But wise men never fall in love so how are they to know
When we met I felt my life begin
So open up your heart and let this fool rush in
When we met I felt my life begin
So open up your heart and let this fool rush in
Saturday, August 30, 2014
..... when Dean Martin first walked back onto Jerry Lewis's stage.
Hey pallies, likes knows that we here at ilovedinomartin have shared the followin' words of Dino-remembrance before 'bout that great great moment in Dino-history when our most beloved Dino and his former partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis reunited on the MDA telethon on September 5, 1976, we somethin' so sweet is certainly worth sharin' 'gain.
So, likes on this 38th anniversary of the reunion of Martin and Lewis, we shared with you the wonderful words of Mr. Andrew Cohen from the on line presence of "The Alantic" from December 29, 2011. Mr. Cohen does a simply stunnin' job of puttin' words to page in capturin' the immense importance of this most historic day in all of Dino-time. It is pure pleasure to read 'bout this remarkable reunion from Andrew's awesome perspective.
We here at ilovedinomartin 'gain thanks Mr. Andrew Cohen and all the pallies at "The Alantic" for honorin' our Dino and Mr. Lewis in this wonderful way. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. In Dino-awe always, DMP
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis: 35 Years Ago, the Reunion
ANDREW COHEN DEC 29 2011, 11:50 AM ET
Remembering an event that meant an awful lot then—and no doubt means something still—to tens of millions of Americans

So I'm watching "Method to the Madness of Jerry Lewis," the documentary of a sort now premiering on Encore about the life and art of the polarizing entertainer, and it dawns on me that America largely missed the 35th anniversary of one of the most famous moments in television history: the live reunion between Jerry Lewis, who was doing his 11th Muscular Dystrophy Telethon that year, and Dean Martin, who had left Lewis's side 20 years earlier.
When these guys were on the television screen it was more than just a show—it was an event
those of you under 50, stay with me for just a few more moments. The Martin-Lewis reunion may mean nothing to you—especially if aren't a fan of either man or a student of Hollywood or Vegas history. But I'll bet you a bag of donuts that the reunion, orchestrated by Frank Sinatra himself on September 5, 1976, was a big deal to your parents, or to your grandparents, or to your great-grandparents. Go ahead and ask them, you'll see.
It's understandable why America wasn't in the mood to celebrate this anniversary a few months ago. On September 5, 2011, after all, we are all gearing up for a much more grim remembrance. But I think it would be a shame if the entire year passed without so much as a brief tribute to the grand moment at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas, on a Sunday, when Dean Martin first walked back onto Jerry Lewis's stage.
And I say all this as a kid too young either to remember Lewis and Martin as a team (they broke up in 1956 after a glorious run) or to link them to the Rat Pack. But in 1976 they were still both a big draw in our house. My father was just a few years younger than Lewis, and was said to look a bit like him, and I remember the feeling back then that when these guys were on the television screen it was more than just a show—it was an event.
I acknowledge that Lewis is a divisive figure, although, like this recent reviewer at The New York Times, I'm not quite sure exactly why. And I know what the other reviewers say about "Method to the Madness." I hope one day that a stronger documentary of Lewis is made, one which answers the many questions this one has left behind. But now is not the time for a debate over Jerry Lewis, his foibles, and his legacy. Now is about September 5, 1976.
Here is the video. Trust me when I tell you that it meant an awful lot then —and no doubt means something still—to tens of millions of Americans who loved laughing to Martin and Lewis and who then were saddened by their long split. Whether you love Lewis, or loathe him, and I sadly concede that there are reasonable people on both side of that divide, you have to concede that this was great television.
Even in this brief clip you can see and feel examples of why Lewis got into so much trouble later and why the dialogue of the Rat Pack did not age well (to put it kindly). But this clip isn't only about Lewis. It's about Martin coming back to him after all those years. It's about all the stunned people in the audience. It's about the Chairman of the Board interceding—everyone acknowledging later, of course, that only Sinatra himself could have pulled it off.
This is what tens of millions of Americans—most now senior citizens—were paying attention to in the late summer of 1976, the year the country turned 200. This is why it is still important to remember these cultural moments as they fade from personal memory. Do yourself a favor this holiday weekend. Put aside your apathy (or worse) toward Lewis. Ask your folks, or your grandparents, about Lewis and Martin and the reunion. And then just sit back and listen.
So, likes on this 38th anniversary of the reunion of Martin and Lewis, we shared with you the wonderful words of Mr. Andrew Cohen from the on line presence of "The Alantic" from December 29, 2011. Mr. Cohen does a simply stunnin' job of puttin' words to page in capturin' the immense importance of this most historic day in all of Dino-time. It is pure pleasure to read 'bout this remarkable reunion from Andrew's awesome perspective.
We here at ilovedinomartin 'gain thanks Mr. Andrew Cohen and all the pallies at "The Alantic" for honorin' our Dino and Mr. Lewis in this wonderful way. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. In Dino-awe always, DMP
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis: 35 Years Ago, the Reunion
ANDREW COHEN DEC 29 2011, 11:50 AM ET
Remembering an event that meant an awful lot then—and no doubt means something still—to tens of millions of Americans
So I'm watching "Method to the Madness of Jerry Lewis," the documentary of a sort now premiering on Encore about the life and art of the polarizing entertainer, and it dawns on me that America largely missed the 35th anniversary of one of the most famous moments in television history: the live reunion between Jerry Lewis, who was doing his 11th Muscular Dystrophy Telethon that year, and Dean Martin, who had left Lewis's side 20 years earlier.
When these guys were on the television screen it was more than just a show—it was an event
those of you under 50, stay with me for just a few more moments. The Martin-Lewis reunion may mean nothing to you—especially if aren't a fan of either man or a student of Hollywood or Vegas history. But I'll bet you a bag of donuts that the reunion, orchestrated by Frank Sinatra himself on September 5, 1976, was a big deal to your parents, or to your grandparents, or to your great-grandparents. Go ahead and ask them, you'll see.
It's understandable why America wasn't in the mood to celebrate this anniversary a few months ago. On September 5, 2011, after all, we are all gearing up for a much more grim remembrance. But I think it would be a shame if the entire year passed without so much as a brief tribute to the grand moment at the Sahara Hotel in Las Vegas, on a Sunday, when Dean Martin first walked back onto Jerry Lewis's stage.
And I say all this as a kid too young either to remember Lewis and Martin as a team (they broke up in 1956 after a glorious run) or to link them to the Rat Pack. But in 1976 they were still both a big draw in our house. My father was just a few years younger than Lewis, and was said to look a bit like him, and I remember the feeling back then that when these guys were on the television screen it was more than just a show—it was an event.
I acknowledge that Lewis is a divisive figure, although, like this recent reviewer at The New York Times, I'm not quite sure exactly why. And I know what the other reviewers say about "Method to the Madness." I hope one day that a stronger documentary of Lewis is made, one which answers the many questions this one has left behind. But now is not the time for a debate over Jerry Lewis, his foibles, and his legacy. Now is about September 5, 1976.
Here is the video. Trust me when I tell you that it meant an awful lot then —and no doubt means something still—to tens of millions of Americans who loved laughing to Martin and Lewis and who then were saddened by their long split. Whether you love Lewis, or loathe him, and I sadly concede that there are reasonable people on both side of that divide, you have to concede that this was great television.
Even in this brief clip you can see and feel examples of why Lewis got into so much trouble later and why the dialogue of the Rat Pack did not age well (to put it kindly). But this clip isn't only about Lewis. It's about Martin coming back to him after all those years. It's about all the stunned people in the audience. It's about the Chairman of the Board interceding—everyone acknowledging later, of course, that only Sinatra himself could have pulled it off.
This is what tens of millions of Americans—most now senior citizens—were paying attention to in the late summer of 1976, the year the country turned 200. This is why it is still important to remember these cultural moments as they fade from personal memory. Do yourself a favor this holiday weekend. Put aside your apathy (or worse) toward Lewis. Ask your folks, or your grandparents, about Lewis and Martin and the reunion. And then just sit back and listen.
Dean Martin monologue about reunion with Jerry Lewis on the 1976 MDA Telephon
Hey pallies, likes we were just doin' a bit of researchin' for more information 'bout the remarkable reunion between our most beloved Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis, we were so so Dino-led to the followin' youtube clip of an audio recordin' of our Dino patterin' in Chicago in 1977 at the Sabre Room with Mr. Frank Sinatra.
Our Dino is as cool, hip, and randy as ever, simply beau-ti-ful pallies, beau-ti-ful, and Dino lets his appreciate audience in on the details of how Mr. Sinatra got him and Mr. Lewis back together after 20 years durin' the 1976 Labor Day MDA Telethon from 'Vegas baby 'Vegas.
ilovedinomartin thanks a youtube pallie tagged "andnowitspython" for sharin' this for the larger Dino-world for our Dino-edification. Dino-rememberin', DMP
From 'A Swingin' Night at the Sabre Room' with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, 1977.
Our Dino is as cool, hip, and randy as ever, simply beau-ti-ful pallies, beau-ti-ful, and Dino lets his appreciate audience in on the details of how Mr. Sinatra got him and Mr. Lewis back together after 20 years durin' the 1976 Labor Day MDA Telethon from 'Vegas baby 'Vegas.
ilovedinomartin thanks a youtube pallie tagged "andnowitspython" for sharin' this for the larger Dino-world for our Dino-edification. Dino-rememberin', DMP
Dean Martin monologue about reunion with Jerry Lewis on the 1976 MDA Telephon
From 'A Swingin' Night at the Sabre Room' with Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin, 1977.
On This Weekend In Dino-history 1976
Hey pallies, likes 'nother Labor Day Weekend has roled 'round and for those of us that are deeply deeply devoted to our most most beloved Dino, that means passionately pausin' and reverently rememberin' one of the greatest moments of supreme surprise and deep delight in the life, times, and teachin's of our Dino. For it was on this weekend in the year of our Dino 1976 that Mr. Frank Sinatra did what we consider to be his greatest deed and was the catalyst to reunite our Dino with his former partner in comedy Mr. Jerry Lewis durin' the MDA's annual telethon from 'Vegas baby 'Vegas.
Today in deep, pure, and true homage of our Dino and this hugely historic moment, we share with all youse Dino-philes some precious poses of our Dino and Mr. Lewis together after 20 years of separation. The looks of love and affection between these two men is powerfully palpable. And, likes of course we share with you the youtube vid clip that captures that monumental moment for eternity. Likes every time we view it, it brings such happiness to our hearts to see our King of Cool reunite with the person who always has and always will know him better then anyone else.
We gets perfectly pure pleasure in seein' our Dino saunter out on the stage, ever present Kent cigarette in hand with that hugest of huge Dino-buddha-grin on his face and see Mr. Jerry Lewis emotionally embrace him as he approaches. Seein' these two men show such awesome affection for each other brings a rapturous response from our hearts each and every time we views it! And to hear the powerful patter between 'em, of course, totally unrehearsed, takes us back to the days when they ruled the world of comedy together.
So on this 38th anniversary of the reunitin' of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis, we invite you to take some time to view these precious poses and the deeply movin' moments captured on video that record this hour of history when our Dino and Mr. Jerry Lewis appeared together again. In deepest devotion to our Dino, DMP

Friday, August 29, 2014
A Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Moment
Hey pallies, likes here it is my Dino-addicted pallies, likes part two of our newest down under pallie Graham's devotion a la Dino. Likes yester-Dino-day we shared his homage, " A Dean Martin Moment," and today we follow up with " A Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Moment." Graham calls South Australia, Australia home and his bright blog is tagged, "Soar with The Mountain Eagle - to find the beauties, memories and wonder of life!"
Likes today we gets to goes back in time "to find the beauties, memories and wonder of life!" when our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis ruled comedy for a decade of delight. Graham has assembled 'nother quintet of poses, this time Dino and Jerry together that brings back some many many marvelous moments of their powerful partnership and fantastic friendship.
Likes, 'gain we salute our pallie Graham for sharin' some perfect pixs of Martin and Lewis, "A Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Moment," to our utter Dino-delight. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-rememberin', DMP
A Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Moment
Thursday, August 28, 2014
A Dean Martin Moment
Hey pallies, likes it's the good ol' summertime and just as baseball games are sometimes double headers, we have a double Dino-header for all youse Dino-philes today and tomorrow. From the blog "Soar with The Mountain Eagle - to find the beauties, memories and wonder of life!" comes a 'couple of soarin' Dino-focused posts from a down under blogger tagged Graham. Graham is from South Australia, Australia and he shared back-to-back photo essays of first our Dino and then our Dino and his sidekick Mr. Jerry Lewis.
"A Dean Martin Moment," posted in June at Graham's blog a day after our most beloved Dino's day of remembrance for comin' to our planet indeed highlights the "beauties, memories and wonder of life!" Dino-style that is. Likes we digs the quintet of Dino-poses that are both serious and funny, featurin' a variety of ages and stages in the life and times of our King of Cool.
Likes it is always always so so great to find more internationale Dino-devotion provin' that amore of our most most beloved Dino knows no bounds! We thanks Graham for sharin' this moment of Dino-pleasure with his readership and with us! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-inspired, DMP btw, stay tuned for part 2 on the morrrow.
A Dean Martin Moment
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Hey pallies, likes don't knows 'bout youse, be we here at ilovedinomartin are glad for today's Dino-devotion 'cause it reminds us that we needs to goes to our local bookstore to order a copy of the recently released "restored in high definition" disc of "At War With The Army." Before it was released we shared the great news that this early Martin and Lewis flick was bein' released by the folks at Film Chest who are the first pallies to "upgraded the quality of the print to HD with the restored version."
Likes today we share the first review we have come 'cross from the pad, "SHU-IZMZ," where flick aficionado Mr. Bryan Schuessler a.k.a. SHU holds forth. Mr. Schuessler has done a fine job of reviewin' the first film featurin' our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis in starrin' roles, and as we had hoped, Bryan reports that Film Chest's release "is much better than any of the other grainy prints around."
So, we sezs our thank you very much to Mr. Bryan Schuessler for review of "At War With The Army" and we will soon be visitin' our local shop to put an order in to add it to our collection of all thin's Dino. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
The comedy duo of Martin & Lewis, comprising of actor/singer Dean Martin and comedic slapstick artist Jerry Lewis, team up for a comedic romp that takes place in the army entitled AT WAR WITH THE ARMY. The story, based off a play by James B. Allardice, encompasses Pfc. Alvin Korwin (Jerry Lewis) who is a low ranking soldier and always at the end of everyone’s yelling, orders, and the pulling of rank throughout the film. I guess it does not help that Korwin is a major spazz, a smaller stature than all the other soldiers, and usually screws up every assignment or order given to him. Of higher rank is Korwin’s best friend (hard to tell at times throughout the movie) 1st Sgt. Vic Puccinelli (Dean Martin), whom is part of a singing group with Korwin (outside of the military and now inside the army), but seems to take great pleasure in pulling rank on Korwin and busting his balls at every given moment. I guess everyone seems to enjoy busting Korwin’s chops on a regular basis. The plot of the film revolves around the antics of Korwin (Lewis) mucking up every duty and complaining about everyone ranking above him and the sexual escapades of Sgt. Puccinelli who has developed a ruse for getting the pretty ladies to give him a kiss, and quite possibly more. Being that this film came out in 1950, I doubt that the “something more”, in regards to this wholesome studio film from Paramount Pictures, is anything other than some heavy petting and maybe a groping of the breast. One can only hope Martin at least gets some head from these attractive dames for the work he is putting in.
As for the attractive dames cast in the film, there are quite a few lookers. One of the more enjoyable performances and quite a beauty is actress Jean Ruth, playing Millie, who is the dame to fall for the 1st Sgt.’s love games and is adamant on speaking with him about their relationship. The 1st Sgt. Pucinelli (Martin) of course is trying like hell to avoid her and gives orders to everyone in the office on base to tell her he is not around and there is no telling when he may be back, if ever, for quite some time. The soldiers on hand, all the way up to the highest ranking officers sure don’t mind the eye-candy milling around the offices, though. I sure enjoyed the beauty of Jean Ruth, as well. I got tired of watching the antics, as well as the musical interludes with singing from Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis and even a duet with Polly Bergen (portraying Helen Palmer) inside a recording booth at the bar/club whom Martin is trying to romance.
As I said before, since the story was written for a play on stage, most of the action (or lack of) occurs in the dumpy office setting at the army base and at the bar/club where the guys go to get drunk, hook up with the ladies, and enjoy some singing, dancing, and theatrical numbers from guess who: Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis. In one scene, Jerry Lewis dresses up as a woman so he can sneak off into the bar and let his buddies know that they forgot the sheet music that Sgt. Puccinelli was going to use for his number, and there is some goofy scenes involving him and another higher-ranking officer, Sgt. McVey (portrayed by Mike Kellin (SLEEPAWAY CAMP)in his debut role). This scene was almost amusing, yet really overused in Hollywood films, but one that directors and producers always go to for laughs. I guess the movie did have some humorous moments, but I found myself only squeezing out a slight grin from time to time, but delivering more of a look of grimace when enduring the musical duets. I am not a big fan of musicals and certainly found out that Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are not who I would choose to listen to sing if given a choice.
There is some more beauty mixed into the film with a few more scenes with not only Polly Bergen in her film debut, but also Angela Greene (FUTURE WORLD) who plays Deborah, the wife of Capt. Ernest Caldwell (William Mendrek). At times it was a bit confusing with characters jumping into scenes left and right, many of them off the screen as quickly as they were on the screen, and only to come back later into the film briefly. I definitely had a hard time keeping track of everyone and that probably had something to do with the movie being based upon a play and not written for the big screen. Director Hal Walker (ROAD TO BALI), having a little bit more experience as a Second Unit Director than THE director, helmed a decent comedy that did lag in the excitement department and seemed cramped at times because of its office setting throughout most of the movie.
I found it of interest that this film is in public domain, and that there are quite a few releases of this movie available on dvd, but that Film Chest (the version of the movie I am reviewing) has upgraded the quality of the print to HD with the restored version and from what I have read is much better than any of the other grainy prints around. It is dvd, so it is not perfect, nor pristine, but I watched it on my 21″ screen LCD and it looked great. I have no complaints with the quality of the picture and was happy that Film Chest kept the original aspect ratio of 4×3 and did not stretch the film to a larger ratio. As for extra features on the disc, one only gets the 93 min. film with a chapter menu for skipping to certain parts. Bare bones, but with so subpar prints of varying levels of terrible quality, I guess one should be grateful and happy that Film Chest took the time to restore AT WAR WITH THE ARMY. This is the first film of the classic duo and Martin & Lewis went on to make movies together for six more years.
One of the reasons some feel that this film is still in public domain and the movie’s copyright was not renewed by the studio is because of the fact that when Martin & Lewis signed on with Paramount Pictures, they did so under the condition attached to the agreement that they (Martin & Lewis) could make one film outside of the studio every year for their own company, York Productions. This, AT WAR WITH THE ARMY, being the first film from that negotiation had the stars Martin & Lewis exchange their usual salaries for a 90% cut of the profits. Upon the film’s release, both actors were in the middle of a legal battle over the contract and profits. It got ugly, I imagine, and resulted in them relinquishing all financial interest in the film in exchange for dropping their stipulation that they make films outside of Paramount. Some think all the legal battles are probably why the copyright was not renewed in 1977 and the film going into public domain. Although Martin & Lewis had appeared in films twice before (MY FRIEND IRMA and MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST), but they were only in supporting roles and AT WAR WITH THE ARMY is notable because it is their first film in which they starred in it as the lead comedy duo.
I also read some other consumers comments on various websites of commerce where they left mini-reviews of the film and some of the comments were from veterans of the military and quite a few commented on how realistic and humorous the interactions between the various officers of rank were. Of course, I can’t confirm whether these interactions were accurate or not since I have not even been in the military around the time of the movie, or even any other time period. I believe if this film had a bit more interesting locations for it, some being out of doors instead of all the shots filmed at the office, it may have a bit more appeal for me. GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS (1992) it was not.
I feel that for the historical elements that this film possesses for a film buff and one interested in Hollywood, this is a must-own film. It is the first film that the comedic duo of Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis star in with lead roles and an important part of Hollywood’s history for that reason. I saw this film about four times before writing this review, and probably another several times during the course of researching and writing it and I will say that the film did grow on me and aside from the singing bits within, the film does have its moments more often than not. I recommend picking up the Film Chest version of the film and get rid of the other copies of it.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
I picked DEAN (yay!)
Hey pallies, likes there simply are unendin' ways to the many and varied ways that our Dino is showin' up and layin' his happiness on us his pallies. Likes today's Dino-happiness comes from a pallie who made it big playin' the Dean Martin Wild Party slot machine. From the blog, "" comes a youtube vid of a dude who got twenty free spins and a big hit with this Dino-slot. We totally totally digs these thrillin' words of Dino-appreciato, "I picked DEAN (yay!)"
Likes we deeply deeply digs seein' our Dino makin' a big splash with the slots seein' as how our most beloved Dino loved to be a high roller himself. Likes our only problemo would be we are so addicted to our Dino that once we started playin' Wild Party we wouldn't knows how to stop....winnin' or losin' 'cause we never ever can gets 'nough of our great great man.
Congrats to the pallie who struck it big with Dino, and thanks for sharin' this vid with us. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-playin', DMP
Likes we deeply deeply digs seein' our Dino makin' a big splash with the slots seein' as how our most beloved Dino loved to be a high roller himself. Likes our only problemo would be we are so addicted to our Dino that once we started playin' Wild Party we wouldn't knows how to stop....winnin' or losin' 'cause we never ever can gets 'nough of our great great man.
Congrats to the pallie who struck it big with Dino, and thanks for sharin' this vid with us. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-playin', DMP
Dean Martin’s Wild Party: 20 Free Spins & Big Win
So I FINALLY got the "Holy Grail" of all the Money Burst machines - the 4 matching/locking symbols on the left, and the 3 "bonuses" on the main reels, for a big time total of 20 spins. I had originally matched the (low paying) music notes, but when you also get the bonus, it lets you pick, and take the higher symbol. I picked DEAN (yay!), and was betting 5 credits per line ($1.50). In the end, could have been more, but a very cool 166x bet!
Monday, August 25, 2014
Dean Martin Band net worth: $30,000,000
Hey pallies, likes here's some fun little Dino-details....'though we gotta 'fess up that we ain't gots a clue how accurate this info on our most beloved Dino is. From the blog pad, "Celebrities Money - Because Money Talks," a dude tagged Wasil has shared facts and figures 'bout our great great man's 'mount of "net worth."
As the tag of this Dino-gram states, our King of Cool's net worth in 2014 is stated as 30 cool million....nearly double what was listed in 2010! The reason that we ain't so sure 'bout the accuracy of all these Dino-figures is 'cause it states took in more cash on Mr. Ricco, Showdown, and Something Big then in "Airport." Likes this just can't be 'cause our Dino took home 7 cool million for starrin' in "Airport."
Likes any of youse Dino-holics knows other pads to checks out our Dino's facts and figures? We thanks Wasil for accentin' our Dino in this way, and to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-figurin', DMP
As the tag of this Dino-gram states, our King of Cool's net worth in 2014 is stated as 30 cool million....nearly double what was listed in 2010! The reason that we ain't so sure 'bout the accuracy of all these Dino-figures is 'cause it states took in more cash on Mr. Ricco, Showdown, and Something Big then in "Airport." Likes this just can't be 'cause our Dino took home 7 cool million for starrin' in "Airport."
Likes any of youse Dino-holics knows other pads to checks out our Dino's facts and figures? We thanks Wasil for accentin' our Dino in this way, and to checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-figurin', DMP
Dean Martin Net worth -Actor,Singer
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Someday You'll Want Me To Want You"

Hey there...youse with the stars in your eyes...Hahaha! Man, I'm actin' So So crazy today pals! Thinks it must be this COM PLETE LY swingin' jam we is gonna swing to today! Haha!
Speakin' of swingin'...I found today's Serenade, "Someday You'll Want Me To Want You", on Dean's 1960 al b um, "This Time I'm Swingin'!" What a tune, pals!
Hey, guess that explains So So PER FECT LY as to why I'm wearin' this HUGE Dino-grin today! SWEET SWEET REVENGE!!! "Haha!"
Not in a mean way, pallies...just in an "o well, your loss" kinda way!
It's remindin' me of that ol' sayin', "he who laughs last laughs best!"
I'm sure Dino had some particular lady in mind while recordin' this one pals! Hahaha! I'm SURE there's a few of us out there who may ALSO have a "someone" like that in mind! Haha!
O well pallies...those are the breaks. Every dog has his day!
Let's simmer in the BEAUTY of knowin' WE had the last laugh & that Dean would NEVER deny ANY of us pallies his TOTAL palliness! Hahaha! I'm crazy!
Bask in the GLORY pals! Enjoy!!!
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin 1966

Hey pallies, likes our Dino-lovin' pallie Scotty has struck pay dirt 'gain with 'nother fabulous candid Dino-pose that we here at ilovedinomartin ain't rememberin' we have ever set our eyes on before. This time our swingin'ly swank pallie Scotty, over at his personal blog pad, "BlueisKewl." has very recently shared a pix of our most beloved Dino from 1966.
We digs keepin' our eyes on our Dino as he keeps his eyes on the balls.....pool balls that is, while playin' of of his fav leisure sports. We are always always eager to see what new Dino-discovery that our Scotty is goin' to share with all his readership, and we always always stand waitin' and willin' to pass it on to all youse Dino-philes here at our humble little Dino-waterin' hole!
Salute Scotty! for 'nother great great find of our great great man....keeps that Dino-searchin' goin' man 'cause in our Dino-book likes you are simply the bestest of the best Dino-devotees! To checks this out at Scotty's site, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-sharin' Dino-psyched, DMP
Dean Martin 1966

Friday, August 22, 2014
"I always sing Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me on the karaoke....."
Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-devotion likes not only proves that Dino-adulation is internationale in scope, but that Dino-croons are where it is at when one is tryin' to makes it big on one of those reality entertainment shows. From the UK blog pad, "The Stokes Sentinel" comes a post 'bout a retired Brit fight promoter, Mr. Paul Dykes, who hopes to make it big on "The Voice" TV programme by croonin' one of his fav Dino-tunes.
Seems Dykes who loves to do karaoke, loves to sings Dino-tunes the best. Like as you will read below Dykes states, " "I always sing Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me on the karaoke and that's what I sang to impress. I sang the same song in Manchester in a room with a record executive and a Voice coach."
And when asked to sing 'nother song, this Dino-lovin' pallies chose "another Dean Martin track King Of The Road."
Likes we are proud as punch to know that this " Sixty-one-year-old" "roofing business owner" has chosen golden hits of our golden man to wow his audiences. We here at ilovedinomartin certainly wishes Mr. Dykes the best on his journey towards fame and fortune. We thanks the pallies at "The Stokes Sentinel" for sharin' this wonderful news story of 'nother way our King of Cool is bein' shared with the masses. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
VIDEO: Can Burslem boxing promoter land chance to impress Sir Tom Jones and fellow judges on The Voice?
By The Sentinel | Posted: August 20, 2014
SINGER: Paul Dykes. Picture: Malcolm Hart
KARAOKE fan Paul Dykes popped down the pub for a sing-along – and could end up starring on The Voice.
The retired boxing promoter is waiting to hear if he will get the chance to perform for millions of viewers on the BBC1 show after proving a knockout with judges at The Leopard in Burslem.
Talent-spotters invited him to Manchester for an audition after hearing his version of Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me.
And if all goes well Paul could be performing the tune on the show while the celebrity coaches listen in their famous revolving chairs.
Sixty-one-year-old Paul, from Burslem, said: "I heard The Voice was holding open mic auditions all over England.
"I only went down for a laugh and I was picked for an audition."
The roofing business owner added: "I always sing Dean Martin's Little Ole Wine Drinker Me on the karaoke and that's what I sang to impress. I sang the same song in Manchester in a room with a record executive and a Voice coach.
"They asked me to sing another song afterwards, so I chose another Dean Martin track King Of The Road."
If successful, Paul would have to take three weeks off in order to film for the live auditions – although he knows he will face some tough competition.
"I'm just a karaoke singer," he said. "There were semi-pro and professional singers who have done it all before. I've never done anything like this."
Even so, Paul, who also launched a fine art studio online last year, is up for the challenge. "I don't really get nerves," he said. "I used to be a boxer so I'm used to dealing with them.
"The only issue is remembering your lines and when to come in. When you're in the pub, the words are on a screen in front of you, so you don't have to think about it too much."
The live shows – which featured Sir Tom Jones,, Kylie Minogue and Kaiser Chiefs frontman Ricky Wilson as coaches in the 2014 line-up – are set to return in the new year, co-hosted by Emma Willis former JLS star Marvin Humes.
Paul added: "It won't be the end of the world if I'm not picked, I've got the experience now. If I were 21 it would be different, but I'm over 60 now. It's just a brilliant story to tell the youngsters." Former brother-in-law John Matranga, 57, of Bradeley, said: "I have heard Paul sing regularly. I was in Burslem watching him perform. Some of the youngsters there sang pretty well."
"He's not taking it seriously and he hasn't offended anyone with his voice. Nobody has punched him because of it."
Thursday, August 21, 2014
On This Day In Dino-history: August 21, 1944
Hey pallies, likes dudes our pallies at the Dean Martin Timeline (clicks on tag of this Dino-gram to goes there) have 'gain 'lerted us that today is still 'nother Dino-historical date in the life and legacy of our most beloved Dino. Likes it was on this date 70 years ago today that our great man gots himself his first radio gig where he crooned dem tunes for a quarter of an hour on a New York station.
Just wonderin' if back in those early days they recorded such programmes...likes woulda it be likes the coolest if we coulda gets cd copies of those Dino-episodes of "Songs By Dean Martin"? Never was, never will be anyone as cool as the King of Cool...oh, to return to the days when Dino walked the earth! Dino-dreamin', DMP
btw pallies, this Dino-pix seems to be early early Dino...any of you dudes have any clues about whena and wherea it mighta be snapped?

August 21, 1944 Dean gets his own radio program called "Songs by Dean Martin," a 15-minute show from New York where Dean would croon four or five songs
(Originally shared on August 21, 2011, updated August 21, 2014)
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
When Dean Martin knocked the Beatles off the charts
Hey pallies, likes were gotta 'fess up that we are in Dino-heaven over findin' this most Dino-honorin' post in our inbox from google Dino-lerts this very Dino-day. This powerful post comes from the folks over at MPR----none other then Minnesota Public Radio who at their blog pad have shared this most significant piece of Dino-history.....the 50th anniversary of our most beloved Dino knockin' the Beatles off the pop charts with what we know became his signature croon, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."
Likes we always always digs it to likes the max when some source of public education spreads some Dino-edification 'round. Very cool of MPR to honage one of our great man's greatest feats in this great way!
Included is their brief retellin' of this Dino-monumental moment 'long with a great youtube clip of our King of Cool croonin' the tune before a live audience.
ilovedinomartin salutes Minnesota Public Radio for sharin' this hugest of huge Dino-accomplishment with their listeners and readers of their blog! To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-awed, DMP
Likes we always always digs it to likes the max when some source of public education spreads some Dino-edification 'round. Very cool of MPR to honage one of our great man's greatest feats in this great way!
Included is their brief retellin' of this Dino-monumental moment 'long with a great youtube clip of our King of Cool croonin' the tune before a live audience.
ilovedinomartin salutes Minnesota Public Radio for sharin' this hugest of huge Dino-accomplishment with their listeners and readers of their blog! To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-awed, DMP
When Dean Martin knocked the Beatles off the charts
Arts & CultureSt. Paul, Minn. ·
Today's Morning Edition music is from 50 years ago today when "Everybody Loves Somebody" by Dean Martin was on top of the pop charts. At the time he made this record, the song was nearly 20 years old and had been recorded by several artists including Frank Sinatra. But Martin added an orchestra and a chorus and made the song a hit. Never a fan of rock 'n' roll, Martin was pleased to knock "A Hard Day's Night" by the Beatles out of the No. 1 position.
Scotty's Sharin:Dean Martin Entertaining 1958

Scotty posted the followin' swankly suave image of our most beloved Dino 'bout a week ago, and likes somehow, someway we missed it until just a few moments ago. So, likes even though we have made one Dino-postin' this very Dino-day, we simply simply couldn't wait to share this latest contribution to the Dino-cause by our Dino-psyched devotee Scotty.
Likes we can't remember ever seenin' this particular Dino-pose before, and likes we simply gotta say that we digs it likes to the max Dino-degree. Our Dino pausin' while entertainin' a crowd in 1958 to take a deep puff on his ever present cigarette. Gotta wonder if by this time our King of Cool had made Kent cigarettes his smoke of choice.
ilovedinomartin salutes our Dino-addicted pallie Scotty at "BlueisKewl" for continuin' to keeps the Dino-light glowin' Dino-bright at his blog pad, certainly helpin' many many of his massive readership growin' in their adulation of our great great man! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-devotedly, DMP
Dean Martin Entertaining 1958

On This Day In Dino-history: August 20, 1948

Our great man had previously signed his own contract with Capitol, but on this day in the year of our Dino 1948 the team of Martin and Lewis were signed by the great record company to a joint record deal. Likes we thanks the pallies at the Dean Martin Timeline for bringin' this significant Dino-date to our attention. To goes there just clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-reportin', DMP

(Originally shared August 20, 2011, updated August 20, 2014)
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
In Purgatory with Peggy Lee and Dean Martin
Hey pallies, likes gotta 'fess up that likes when we first spotted today's Dino-devotion via the good o' google blog search, the tag of this post immediately, likes absolutely immediately gots our Dino-attentiado! Just reflectin on bein' " In Purgatory with Peggy Lee and Dean Martin" sent our Dino-imagination reelin!
Likes as youse will read below, "In Purgatory with Peggy Lee and Dean Martin" is the theme of the middle section of a magnificant work of fiction by French scriber Mr. Jean Echenoz. Echenoz main character is "Max, a Parisian piano virtuoso" and in the center section of this tome "Max has died and is in purgatory under the supervision of dead celebrities Peggy Lee and Dean Martin."
When we came 'cross this we were absolutely in rapture to find 'nother fine writer, French none the less, accentin' our Dino in this wondrously wise way. To see our most beloved Dino homaged in this classy way brings us the greatest of joy knowin' that tons of readers of this tome have and will continue to be drawn deeper, purer, truer into the Dino-fold of deep, pure, and true Dino-adulation. Likes we simply must get this volume for our very own!
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Tony of "Tony's Book World" for writin' his remarkable review of Mr. Echenoz's book and puttin' us on to 'nother wonderful way that our most beloved Dino has been shared with the wider Dino-world through writin' To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. And, while we were at it, we have selected a trio of youtube vid clips of our Dino and Miss Lee makin' marvelous music together on the one and only Dino-show! Enjoys pallies!
Dino-forever and ever, DMP
‘Piano’ by Jean Echenoz – In Purgatory with Peggy Lee and Dean Martin
‘Piano’ by Jean Echenoz (2003) – 179 pages Translated by Mark Polizzotti
‘Piano’ is a wilder ride than usual into Jean Echenoz land. Here we have the story of Max, a Parisian piano virtuoso. We follow him as he battles stage fright and longs for some alcoholic drinks before each performance. That’s why he has a minder named Bernie who must somehow keep him in check.
But there is trouble ahead. Even on the first page of the novel Echenoz informs us that ‘He (Max) is going to die a violent death in twenty two days’. ‘Piano’ is divided into three parts. The first part has Max in Paris performing concerts. The second part Max has died and is in purgatory under the supervision of dead celebrities Peggy Lee and Dean Martin. In the third part Max returns to Paris which now we assume must be an urban zone of Hell.
After reading his two most recent novels, I decided Jean Echenoz is a modern master writer whose backlist would be well worth reading. Both ‘Lightning’ and ‘1914’ are historical novels written in precise clean prose that I found stimulating and appealing.
‘Piano’, written in 2003, is a much different puppy than these two more recent fact-based novels. Pianist Max is an obvious creature of the imagination, and his antic journey into purgatory and back to Paris is of course an invention. ‘Piano’ is a lighter-than-air playful story that put a smile on my face from beginning to end.
As far as I can tell there is no real point to Max’s journey, but in this case any objective is beside the point. We tag along with Max as he prepares for concerts and finds women to whom he is attracted. He lives with his sister and has never been married, but there is this woman named Rose from his past and a new woman in his apartment building. Later when he meets Peggy Lee and Dean Martin in purgatory the story becomes far-fetched but so funny we don’t care. Max’s adventures after returning to Paris are delightfully wacky.
One thing that sets Echenoz apart from other modern writers is the concision of his prose. His sentences are not short, but they carry so much detail and feeling that the novels themselves are usually on the short side.
Now that I’ve read both sides of Echenoz, the real documentary side in ‘Lightning’ and ‘1914’ and the surreal whimsical side in ‘Piano’, I can’t decide which I like better. You would think that these two sides could not exist within the same writer, but there must be some force within Echenoz that conjoins them.
I will continue my exploration of the work of Jean Echenoz over the coming years, because I do believe that he is one of the true giants of the literary world today whose works should not be missed.
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