From the blog, "My Dual Turntable," Spaniard Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo has scribed his prose, "I LOVE DINO MARTIN," and you guessed it dudes, Bernardo shares his amazin' appreciato for our humble Dino-homagin' blog ilovedinomartin. Likes just 'bout a week ago we were totally totally delighted to feature Herreo's superbly scribed post, "DEAN MARTIN RAT TEX FAR WEST," and at the time Bernardo commented in the kindest of kind ways 'bout our drawin' attention to his magnificant manifesto on our most beloved Dino, sayin' "More MORE Thanks fot your words. Excuse me my english . muchisimas gracias por todo . Thanks Thanks from Spain."
Well if that gratitude was likes not 'nough, Bernardo recently most most graciously crafted worderfully wise words of appreciato in the post below that he shared with his blog readership. We are certainly proud as punch to have a pallie of the stature of Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo show us such deep, pure, and true adulation for our humble work here at ilovedinomartin. It is dudes likes Herreo who makes all our efforts so so worthwhile.
Likes the only problemo with Herreo's reflections is that he had started to create 'nother post on our Dino's most beloved boypallie Dino Jr.'s band, "Dino, Desi, and Billy," and likes now he sez....."The bad thing is that it was working on something on DINO DESI AND BILLY but after seeing the huge information contained in the blog, do not know if I'll be able to do something worthy." Likes we wanna whole-heartedly assure Bernardo that we have total total confidence in his abilty to do 'nother absolutely awesome Dino-effort, and we will be so so lookin' forward to readin' it and sharin' with with all the pallies gathered 'round ilovedinomartin.
we here at ilovedinomartin express our deepest of deep appreciato to our Dino-devoted pallie Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo for simply simply makin' our day and helpin' to do his part to spread the mission of ilovedinomartin farther and farther! Bernardo, we likes thinks you are simply the best man! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-devotion. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Globalization sometimes produces satisfaction. When one does not expect much to launch their experiences and / or ideas out suddenly as if by magic the unexpected arises.
A few weeks ago I published a post celebrating the career of Dean Martin in his cowboy side, ie centered dabbled with country music
Suddenly after missing the post by the inexorable passage of time from the ashes thanks an American blog, I imagine, centered on the figure of Mr Martin.
A completely unknown to me but focused exclusively on the figure of DEAN MARTIN, life and miracles blog.
ILOVEDINOMARTIN is his name. And now a place of pilgrimage for a server and why have not kindly TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH my post about Dino, but why is magnificent from start to finish.
I will not hide that I was glad to see my work translated into the language of Shakespeare and the kind words of a scholar on the artist DINO MARTIN PETERS is.
The bad thing is that it was working on something on DINO DESI AND BILLY but after seeing the huge information contained in the blog, do not know if I'll be able to do something worthy.
I highly recommend visiting the blog CLICKING HERE
La globalización en ocasiones produce satisfacciones. Cuando uno no espera mucho al lanzar sus experiencia y/o sus ideas al aire de improviso como por arte de magía surge lo imprevisto.
Hace unas semanas publiqué un post recordando la carrera de Dean Martin en su vertiente de vaquero, es decir centrada en sus escarceos con la música country
De pronto tras haberse perdido el post por el paso inexorable del tiempo renace de sus cenizas gracias un blog américano, imagino, centrado en la figura del Sr Martin.
Un blog completamente desconocido para mí pero centrado exclusivamente en la figura de DEAN MARTIN , vida y milagros.
ILOVEDINOMARTIN es su nombre. Y desde ahora lugar de peregrinación para un servidor y no porqué hayan tenido la amabilidad de TRADUCIR AL INGLÉS mi post sobre Dino, sino porqué es magnifico de principio a fin.
No lo voy a ocultar que me ha alegrado de ver mi trabajo traducido al idioma de Shakespeare y las amables palabras de un erudito sobre el artista que es DINO MARTIN PETERS.
Lo malo es que estaba trabajando en algo sobre DINO DESI AND BILLY pero después de ver la ingente información que contiene el blog , no se si sere capaz de hacer algo digno.
Encarecidamente les recomiendo visitar el blog PINCHANDO AQUI
Hahaha! Awesome pal! Our little blog is world famous!!! Hahaha!!!
Hey pallie, likes indeed Danny-o, it is wonderful to receive international appreciato in homage of our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
Amen to that!
Hey pallie, likes Ed, as always, thanks for your support of the Dino-cause! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
nardo shares his amazin' appreciato for our humble Dino-homagin' blog ilovedinomartin.
Well-deserved praise for this blog that honors our Dino. Congrats!
Hey pallie, likes thanks for your kindest of kind words Miss AOW...but of course all the honor and glory goes to our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' da man!
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