Buona Pasqua Pals! Happy Easter! What an AB SO LUTE LY WON DER FUL time of year it is!!! This is it o pals o mine! A chance to begin again! A time of resolution! Yet 'nother opportunity to let even MORE Dino into out lives pals!!! Hahaha!!!
With every Spring & every Easter...I tries my HARDEST to absorb the MOSTEST amounts of our pal Dean as humanly possible! He DEF I NATE LY makes my day & DEF I NATE LY puts a cool cool accent on such an AWESOME holiday!!!
Youse can't help but feel so so happy on a day like this pallies!
Today's X-TRA special Serenade, "Good Morning Life", has an X-TRA special message for EVERYONE..."Wake up EVERYDAY & count your blessings!" Today is a new start. Don't drag yesterday's problems with youse & NEVER worry 'bout tomorrow!
Well pals...Time to gets the Dino & the vino flowin'! Hahaha!!! Happiest of Easters to ALL my pallies at ilovedinomartin.com! Enjoy!
Good morning life
Good morning sun how are your skies above
Gee it's great to be alive and in love
Good morning sun how are your skies above
Gee it's great to be alive and in love
Good morning life
Good morning birds sing out your happy tunes
Feels so good because I'll be seeing her soon
Good morning birds sing out your happy tunes
Feels so good because I'll be seeing her soon
Last night she said she loved me
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
Good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
It's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
It's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Good morning life
Good morning life
Good morning life
Last night she said she loved me
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
Good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
Ah it's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
Ah it's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Great selection for this Easter Sunday!
Thanks, Danny.
Glad you liked Ms.AOW! Pleasure is ALL mine.
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