And, likes as the tag remarkably reveals, the post includes the most incredibly iconic image of our most most beloved Dino and his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis strollin' the streets of New York's Fifth Avenue durin' the 1948 Easter Parade. Don't our Dino and Mr. Lewis looks so so stunnin'ly and swankly stylish in their finest of fine formal attire....and likes the posed pose reminds us just how youthful our Dino and Jerry were of age at this time in their lives.
Likes dudes, likes you can see why we needed to share this poshes of posh pix with all you devoted Dino-philes, and likes it is a pix that we here at ilovedinomartin never ever remember seein' before. We express our thoughtful thanks to the pallies at "Mail Online - femail" for sharin' this delightful pose with the larger Dino-world. To checks this out in it's original format, and to view all the Easter Parade photos, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
My bonnet's bigger than yours! From Dean Martin to Judy Garland, vintage photographs reveal the pomp and circumstance of New York's Easter Parade
A new collection of vintage photographs reveal the pomp and circumstance of New York's Easter Parade decades ago, with hundreds and thousands of spectators - including the rich and famous - using it as occasion to model the latest fashions.
In one black-and-white image, dated 1948, screen stars Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are seen strolling along in top hats, cravats and striped blazers with canes to hand.
Swagger: Dean Martin (left) and Jerry Lewis attracted much attention in the Easter parade on Fifth Avenue when they appeared in 'new' Easter outfits that hark back to the old days in 1948.
Elegant gents! Our Dino is clearly the more elegant of the two.
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, how coulda we possibly ever disagree with your Dino-judgement...indeed no matter who our Dino is compared to, he is always always the more elegant. We do loves how youthful these two gents were in this playful pose! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino
What a great find and the duo does look very 'Elegant' as always!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, likes elegant is the word man! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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