Thursday, January 31, 2013
Dino-amore Month Starts Soon...And We'd Love To Have You A Part Of The Dino-celebration!
Hey pallies, likes just a bit of a head's up dudes that tomorrow begins our annual celebration of Dino-amore-month here at ilovedinomartin. While each and every single day of each and every single month of each and every single year, we does our best to spread Dino-love far and wide at this humble little Dino-pad, durin' the month of February we tries to double our efforts to share even even more love and devotion to our most beloved Dino.
And, likes we woulda loves to include youse in this year's 28 days of extra special amore to our Dino. Everyday hundreds of Dino-holics makes pilgrimage to our humble little Dino-home to grow in their passion for our King of Cool, and ilovedinomartin woulda likes to invites all youse Dino-philes to share your deep, pure, and true love for our Dino with the rest of our readership.
Likes perhaps you woulda likes to share a fav Dino-pix, a fav Dino-vid, a fav Dino-remembrance....whatever...the Dino-possibilities are unlimited. But, likes how cool woulda it be to hear from a ton of you Dino-philes lettin' other pallies know truly how much you love our main man. To gets in the action, simply send an email to lettin' us know of your desire and ilovedinomartin will gets back to you.
So so lookin' forward to spreadin' huge quantities of Dino-amore 'round this ol' blog durin' our special month of lovin' on our Dino! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin and Joey Heatherton on tricycles
Hey pallies, likes I have been holdin' on to this stunnin' Dino-pix for quites the long time....and today's the day to share it with all you dudes. It comes from our great great Dino-lovin' car aficionado Jesse at his blog pad, "Just A Car Guy." Jesse has shared a number of Dino-related posts before includin' pixs of some of our Dino's rides...and has personally shared with me some other amazin' Dino-poses, but likes I thinks this is the coolest of the cool Dino-images that Jesse has shared.
I'm guessin' this pose musta been shot on the fabulous Dino-show and likes don't our most beloved Dino and Miss Joey looks so so cute on the trikes as they shares some patter together...and certainly does wonder what particular Dino-croon woulda went 'long with this sketch. Likes I knows there must be Dino-holics out there in our readership that can elaborate on the Dino-details.
Hats off to our great pallie Jesse, a true Dino-phile if there ever was one, for puttin' his readership on to this groovy Dino-pix. Man, likes thanks Jesse for your patience in gettin' this posted here at ilovedinomartin. To checks this out at Jesse's pad, per usual, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin and Joey Heatherton on tricycles great website
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
I promise, it is impossible to be downcast or depressed while watching Dean Martin videos.
Hey pallies, likes got a question-o for all you Dino-holicss this day. Likes what does a mug of skald and our most beloved Dino have in common? Don't know, well then read on o'pallies of mine. From the lovely blog, "The Lovely Prelude" comes a post by Miss Haley Shelton tagged "How To Cheer Up" where Miss Shelton gives her reflections on how she helps herself to "the path to cheerfulness!"
First Haley brews herself up a cup of very strong tea known as "skald" in Ireland where she studied...and then, most importantly goes on over to youtube to do some Dino-viewin', 'cause as Shelton proudly proclaims, "I promise, it is impossible to be downcast or depressed while watching Dean Martin videos." And the Dino-clip that Miss Shelton recommends to start with?........that fabulously famous airline pilot gig between our most beloved Dino and Mr. Foster Brooks...which is included below.
ilovedinomartin says our happiest of happiest thanks to Miss Haley Shelton for liftin' up the name of our Dino in this way and guidin' her readership in deep, pure, and true Dino-happiness! Indeed, likes how coulda any of us Dino-philes ever stay sad and depressed with our Dino 'round. To view this in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
How to Cheer Up
Disclaimer: This is how I cheer up. Maybe you have a completely different way of cheering up, but perhaps this could help you on the path to cheerfulness! All I know is, when I am in a funk, this always does the trick!
When I studied in Ireland, our friends used to make us cups of tea when us poor Americans were too cold and rained-upon to stand the weather any longer. Very strong tea with milk and copious amounts of sugar. They called it a mug of skald, which is slang for "tea". We would drink it while eating biscuits (cookies), and watching "Home and Away", an Australian soap opera that everyone was crazy about, especially the boys.
Ok, reminiscing time is over! Sorry for the trip down memory lane! So, when I need to cheer up now, I make a mug of skald.
I brew some very very strong tea (usually Irish Breakfast by Twinings). Really really squeeze the tea bag before removing it from the tea, so you get that strong flavor.
Add about 1.5 tablespoons of sugar, or more! This is not one of the healthiest things that I make, but it's definitely one of the tastiest!
Add enough milk to cool the tea down to a reasonable drinking temperature, and stir it all up!
Once you have your mug of skald made, get on, and search for Dean Martin videos, particularly from the Dean Martin Show. I recommend starting with Foster Brooks as a drunk airline pilot. I promise, it is impossible to be downcast or depressed while watching Dean Martin videos. Try it.
How do you cheer up??
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
"He sings like an angel sings, he smiles like an angel smiles and his charm man what a guy. What a cool guy,he's my kind of guy".
Hey pallies, likes once 'gain we gets likes treated to our Dino-diggin' pallie Mr. Tyler Michael's next fav moment from "THE BEST OF THE DEAN MARTIN VARIETY SHOW:SPECIAL EDITION" dvd. This time 'round Ty has chosen his fifth fav moment...and it is clear that this Dino-phile has chosen this very special Dino-moment simply and purely 'cause Ty digs it to likes the mostest!
Likes all us Dino-holics knows that nobody croons a tune likes our most beloved Dino and Dino-holic Ty is simply hooked on our great man's singin' the great song of amore, "My Kind Of Girl." ilovedinomartin 'gain thanks our great pallie Ty and his blog, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL," for his considerable Dino-effort to over and over 'gain shows his deep, pure, and true devotion to our Dino to his readership.
To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Stay tuned for Ty's last quartet of amazin' Dino-picks. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino! Dino-awed, DMP
This is just Dean singing his opening number to start the show and this song is one of my all time favorite songs he sings, it's called "My Kind Of Girl". We first see Dean hop down a small flight of stairs and then he starts singing. How do I put his singing, "He sings like an angel sings, he smiles like an angel smiles and his charm man what a guy. What a cool guy,he's my kind of guy". This is a song I love to sing when watching this DVD when I was a kid and I still sing it. Oh and by the way, look for the boom mic and listen for when Dean nearly burps while singing the song.
Posted by TylerMovieFan at 6:38 AM
Monday, January 28, 2013
I adored Dean Martin and I imagined there was a world out there that Dean Martin occupied that must be pretty cool.
Hey pallies, likes it is always always so refreshin' to find 'nother of today's brillant entertainers who have been smitten early in their journey by the brilliance of our most beloved Dino . Today's Dino-sharin' is a case in point. From the blog, "In the Wings -All things theatrical," comes news of famed actor Mr. Peter Gallagher ("Covert Affairs," "The O.C.) humble start as a "theater kid at Armonk’s Byram Hills High School."
The prose below is a wonderfully heart-warmin' nod to Mr. Callagher long ago theatre director, Mr. Gene P. Bissell, and how Gallagher has returned to his alma mater to share the stage with other alumni to raise funds for the school's spring musicale.
And, this prose is also a wonderfully heart-warmin' nod to our most beloved Dino, as you will read below. In speakin' 'bout his prior high school entertainin' passion, Mr. Gallagher boldly proclaims...
"Up until that point, all I did was Dean Martin impressions, because I adored Dean Martin and I imagined there was a world out there that Dean Martin occupied that must be pretty cool."
Likes how totally totally awesome is that dudes?!?!?!?! Likes to know that famed actor Mr. Peter Gallagher, in his days of youth, simply adored our Dino is likes the coolest ever!!!! Likes it is simply thrillin' to know that there is simply no end to the rich and the famous who began their passion for entertainin' at the feet of our most beloved Dino!
ilovedinomartin expresses our deepest of deep Dino-appreciato to Mr. Peter Kramer who scribed the thoughts below which let's us in on Mr. Gallagher long-standin' love of our Dino. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-awed, DMP
Peter Gallagher leads alums back to Byram Hills
(Peter Gallagher as Arthur Campbell in “Covert Affairs.” Photo by Steve Wilkie/USA Network.)
Before Peter Gallagher made a name for himself on TV’s “Covert Affairs” and “The O.C,” and on Broadway, he was a theater kid at Armonk’s Byram Hills High School.
“It just opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed,” he says of his first forays into theater, under high-school director Gene P. Bissell.
“Mr. Bissell was so passionate about it, and he had such strong ideas about how to do things, that you couldn’t help but learn a lot,” says the 57-year-old actor. “I still enter the stage, 99 percent of the time, on my upstage foot and I have no idea why, other than the fact that Mr. Bissell told me to 40 years ago. And I’m still calling him Mr. Bissell.”
Stories like that — the impact of theater on Byram Hills kids from 1968 to 2012 — will be in great supply on Monday night, when Stage alumni return to the school for a concert to raise money for this spring’s production of “Guys and Dolls,” a musical Gallagher knows something about, as he appeared with Nathan Lane and Faith Prince in the 1992 revival of the show.
“I thought it was the least I could do for a place that had done so much for me,” Gallagher says. “This is a fund-raiser for Stage 2013 and the first production I ever did was Stage ‘71, ‘The Fantasticks.’”
Gallagher will sing something from “Guys and Dolls” and from “The Fantasticks,” accompanied by fellow Byram Hills alumnus Grant Sturiale, the musical director at Radio City Music Hall. It’s the first-ever Stage fund-raising reunion.
“What Mr. Bissell did was put on wonderful shows and he introduced us to that magic that can happen when a show works, a story is working and the audience is liking it. We experienced the privilege of that and the power of it and it was like nothing I had ever known. Up until that point, all I did was Dean Martin impressions, because I adored Dean Martin and I imagined there was a world out there that Dean Martin occupied that must be pretty cool. I hadn’t been exposed to theater at all.”
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Just In Time"

Anyways...I grabbed this week's Serenade off Dean's "Forever Cool" CD from way way back in 2007! HaHa! How time flies when thins' get swingin'! Now it just so happens that our cool cool pal has managed to take top spot once again!
This time it was a REAL pleasant surprise for me! Bout' month or so ago...I was finally gettin' to see the debut of "Liz & Dick"...the Lifetime flick bout' the hot & juicy, crazy cool relationship of Liz Taylor & Richard Burton. Man, as if this wasn't excitin' nuff'...guess how the flick opens???!!! That's right pals...Dino croonin' "Just In Time"!!! That was it...I was hooked! I've watched this sexy & swingin' film 3 times already & STILL haven't got my fill!!! Soon as those first few notes flow through my T.V....I get so so pumped that I'm completely enthralled for the next 2 hours!
Whoever decided on Dean openin' this great flik...REALLY knows how to get the ball rollin'! Well pals o mine... I DEF I NATE LY recommend this movie & I DEF I NATE LY recommend listenin' to as much Dino as humanly possible!!! Enjoy!
Just in time, I found you just in time
Before you came my time was running low
I was lost, the losing dice were tossed
My bridges all were crossed, no where to go
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Before you came my time was running low
I was lost, the losing dice were tossed
My bridges all were crossed, no where to go
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Now you're here, now I know just where I'm going
No more doubt or fears I've found my way
For love came just in time
You found me just in time
And changed my lonely life that lucky day
Saturday, January 26, 2013
"...the fun and joy that the guests had with Dean."
Hey pallies, likes 'gain we simply must return to our Dino-devoted pallie Mr. Tyler Michael for his next installment of Dino-delight at his blog-o, "HOLLYWOOD MOVIES AND TV REVIEWS BY TYLER MICHAEL. Faithful ilovedinomartin readers know that Ty has been postin' his 12 absolute fav moments from "THE BEST OF THE DEAN MARTIN VARIETY SHOW:SPECIAL EDITION" dvd, and likes today we gets to learn of Ty's 6th fav Dino-moment which is like a montage of fab moments with our most beloved Dino and singin' sensations the Andrew Sisters, Ella Fitzgerald and Gordon McCrae, Louis Armstrong, and Lena Horne.
Likes how great of our great pallie Ty to be sharin' all these stunnin'ly stellar Dino-moments with his readership certainly helpin' 'em to turn on to our ever lovin' Dino!!!! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-forever and ever and ever, DMP
This montage shows Dean singing with a couple of guests stars on the show. Even though the performances and songs are mostly cut in this montage, it still shows the fun and joy that the guests had with Dean. The first part of the montage, we see him and The Andrew Sisters walking around in a circle and if you watch Dean, he looks or his acting dizzy and out of breath. Next we see Dean with Ella Fitzgerald and Gordon Macrae singing in great harmony and by looking at their faces, they seem to be enjoying each others company. The next two are my favorite part in this montage. Next we see Dean singing with the great Louis Armstrong and what makes this number great, is we see Dean impersonate Louis Armstrong and as he's doing it, Louis laughs very hard and seems to be having a ball. Finally we see Dean sing with Lena Horne singing "Welcome To My World" and the two of them sing beautifully, we hear a beautiful chorus,Dean holds her hand while singing and this all makes it a beautiful number and moment. Oh and look for the boom mic in this number.This montage shows many great performances on the show and shows how much guests love being on the show and even though their cut short, it still is 6th Favorite Moment on the DVD and who knows maybe I'll see the full performances on the other DVDs.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Hey pallies, likes man-o-man dudes, today's Dino-post is likes a absolute massive motherload of amazin' Dino-pixs stirred in with absolutely fabulous quintisential quotations by our Dino and some pallies likes very very close to our great great man. From a feature at Live Journal tagged "picspammy," where a journaler takes a subject, in this case, our most beloved Dino and creates a huge huge homagin' post.
This first appeared on December 4, 2008 and since there are pixs here that I truly truly never ever remember seein' before, I don't believe this has ever been shared with the ilovedinomartin readership. The Dino-poses are separated into several categories: The Man, Friends, The Women, Famlies, The Movies, and The Performer. The quotes come from our great man himself, his second wife, Jeanne, and his partner Jerry Lewis. I am particularly struck by Mr. Lewis' wonderful words of devotion..""Dean Martin had more guts, more courage, more dignity than most men could ever dream of having."
What a wonderful piece of Dino-adulation is shown below....just goes to show that the ol' 'net is full of Dino-treasure simply waitin' to be uncovered. ilovedinomartin salutes the pallie who created this amazin' "picspammy" and is likes totally totally delighted to have discovered it and to be able to share it with Dino-holics everywhere. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin
Dean Martin
The Man
“When Jerry Lewis and I were big, we used to go to parties, and everybody thought I was big-headed and stuck up, and I wasn't. It was because I didn't know how to speak good English, so I used to keep my mouth shut.”
"Frank and I are brothers, right," Dean Martin said. "We cut the top of our thumbs and became blood brothers. He wanted to cut the wrist. I said, 'What are you, crazy? No here's good enough.'"
The Women
"We locked eyes, and I knew. I literally knew: This was it. It made no sense. He was certainly not anyone that I would have--I can't think of two people any more different. There's absolutely no reason in the world except that eye contact, be it kismet, or fate, or that it was supposed to be." - Jeanne Martin on meeting Dean.
Once again I refuse to acknowledge Dean's third wife Cathy Hawn exists. What's with men choosing horrible women the last time around?
“I've got seven kids. The three words you hear most around my house are 'hello,' 'goodbye,' and 'I'm pregnant'”
The Movies
"I can't stand an actor or actress who tells me acting is hard work. It's easy work. Anyone who says it isn't never had to stand on his feet all day dealing blackjack."
The Performer
"I'm not a great singer, but I can hold a tune."
"Dean Martin had more guts, more courage, more dignity than most men could ever dream of having" - Jerry Lewis
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