Hey pallies, likes web pads all over the 'net are recognizin' the transformin' power of our Dino. On this ninth day of Dino-amore month, ilovedinomartin takes you to the amore site "Save Relationships Reviews" where our Dino is bein' honored for his outstandin' big screen efforts in modelin' the savin' of relationships in the Dino-classics "Who Was That Lady" and "How To Save A Marriage And Ruin Your Life."
These words from the review likes sez it all dudes.......
"Dino uses his inimitable style to demonstrate what made the ‘60s swing with these wacky comedies of marital mix-ups."
So, so cool to have this site dedicated to savin' relationships puttin' the accent on our beloved Dino's swingin' contributions to keepin' amorin' couples together.
So very happy to see others givin' the nod to our Dino's masterful teachin's on savin' relationships!
ilovedinomartin sez our thanks to the pallies at "Save Relationships Reviews" for puttin' the accent on our Dino in this way. To likes view this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-post. Dino-relatin', DMP
Feb 02
The Dean Martin Double Feature – Who Was That Lady / How To Save A Marriage
By Save Relationships

Throughout his long career, with a cocktail in one hand and a cigarette in the other, Dean Martin was the iconic epitome of the carefree, smooth operator. The Dean Martin Double Feature includes Who Was That Lady?, co-starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh and How to Save a Marriage (and Ruin Your Life), co-starring Stella Stevens. Dino uses his inimitable style to demonstrate what made the ‘60s swing with these wacky comedies of marital mix-ups. In Who Was That Lady?, Martin stars opposite real-life husband and wife Tony Curtis (Some Like it Hot, Don’t Make Waves) and Janet Leigh (Touch of Evil, Psycho). Curtis enlists the help of his friend Martin when his wife (Leigh) demands a divorce after catching him kissing one of his students. The guys cook up a cover story that Curtis is working undercover for the FBI, and that the kiss was part of a sting to catch a spy. The gullible Leigh buys the wild fabrication and later, unwittingly touches off a melee that is filmed by TV news.
Truly are two classic Dino movies. Very funny and very cool!
Danny G.
Hey pallie, indeed Danny G., and likes besides all that...so so Dino-educational when likes it comes to savin' relationships! Keeps lovin' our Dino.......
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