Danny G., as regular readers of this here Dino-blog know, is one sold out Dino-phile who likes can never ever gets 'nough of our Dino and has been featured here with his own Dino-column, "At The Home Of Danny G." Remember Danny-o's outstandin' Dino-winter-time post that featured his little girlpallie Stella's Dino-gingerbread art?
Well, ilovedinomartin is ever so Dino-delighted to share with you that followin' some fun in the sun for the Danny G. fam, Danny has promised to returned refreshed and renewed to share several pieces of Dino-devotion emanatin' from his Dino-sanctuary tagged mantown in the lower level of his home pad.
In the mean time pallies, likes enjoys some Dino-reflections by our pallie Danny G. on the amazin' Dino-truth sung by our beloved Dino in "I'm Not The Marrying Kind."
Dino-amorin', DMP

Let me start by sayin' "Happy Dino-Amore Day" to all my pallies at ilovedinomartin! I thought I'd put a little Dino-spin on the usual Valentine's Day this year. Instead of pickin' a slam-dunk love song from our great man, i.e. "That's Amore", "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime", "Love Me, Love Me", etc. etc.., I took a different approach. I poured myself a scotch on the rocks, put on my ipod (Dean Martin only...of course) and really listened to what Dino was sayin'. I think he should have stayed single! Why did he settle down? Obviously he loved his wife/wives, but c'mon pallies...Dean Martin....Marriage???!!! They just don't sound right together! I think he had so much amore to share that it was absolutely impossible for him to be tied down to one person. Now don't get me wrong, Dino's love songs are truly the most beautiful and romantic tunes that this Dino-holic has ever heard, but the "playboy" type songs are definately my fav's! Which leads me to my song choice for this "Sunday Serenade"..."I'm Not the Marrying Kind". To me, no other song represents the TRUE Dino as much as this cool cool number. He dosen't love one...he loves ALL! This tune really brings out the bachelor in me! Ha Ha...don't tell my wife. (wink wink)! Have a wonderful Dino-Amore Day everyone! Keep the vino and the Dino flowin'!!!
Danny G.
I go my way alone free and easy like a rolling stone
I am strictly on my own not the marrying kind
I'm happy being free no girl gonna put a rain on me
It's always gotta be I'm not the marrying kind
I've been known to run a mile when they try to lead me down the aisle
So if you want me to stay a while don't start changing my style
It's always been my plan to stay single any way I can
I'm just a happy man I'm not the marrying kind
I'm not the marrying kind
It's always been my plan...
Not the marrying kind I'm not the marrying kind
(Not the marrying not the marrying not the marrying kind)
And, to my knowledge, Dino didn't wear a wedding ring, either.
I'm racking my brain but can't recall which album this song is from. Do you happen to know, DMP?
Hey, did you happen to notice the spoof of gays during the bridge on the video? Couldn't get away with that today, in this era of political correctness. **sigh**
Hey pallie, likes I believe that you are correct Miss AOW...I did a little bit of Dino-research and found that the song appears on that outstandin' Reprise Al-b-um "Happiness Is Dean Martin." Truly it is only our Dino that likes can makes us happy all the time! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Thanks for that info.
I didn't have time to dig out my albums, but I do have all of Dino's original-release albums. Talk about a collection!
Hi Danny :)
This is wonderful and I agree with you, Dean should have stayed single.
Women all over the world loved him and still do.
Marriage was never a good idea for Dean.
How could his ex wives expect to hold onto him when he was adored by women everywhere ?
Happiness Is has so many great songs and this is one of the best.
Hugs and Kisses
from Kylie xxxoooxxx
Hey pallie, no problemo Miss AOW...always simply delighted to be of Dino-service...just showin' likes some true Dinopalliedom...bestest of best Dino-amore-day to you...and, of course, likes keeps lovin' our Dino....
Hey pallie, thanks for sharin' some Dino-patter with our great pallie Danny G....and indeed, likes I totally totally agree with Danny and your right-on Dino-thoughts...our Dino was born to roam...keeps lovin' our Dino...
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