Likes today we takes you to the tuneful blog "DU - DUM- DUM" where Spanish blogger "Victor Hugo" holds forth. "Hugo" hails from Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain and his post "Una de esas joyitas: Dean Martin" (English translation: One of these gems: Dean Martin.) offers one of the bestest of best Dino-deals 'round.
"Victor" Dino-"gem" is none other then the 4 CD collection of Dino-croons tagged "DEAN MARTIN EIGHT CLASSIC ALBUMS. Likes you can read our original Dino-prose on this coolest of cool collection HERE when it was first released a couple of years 'go. 'though that know that "Hugo's primo prose is less powerful in translation then the original Spanish, none the less we digs his Dino-take on this massive massive collection of Dino-croons. He speaks of our most beloved Dino's "class, style, and elegance" and recommends "decorate this Christmas with music high tuft," of course speakin' of none other then our main man.
As we have spoken of before, this collection of 8----count -em----eight original al-b-ums is truly a bargain of bargain, usually found 'round these parts for less then what one might pay for a single al-b-um. And, "Hugo" does a commendable job of offerin; both" pros" and "cons" for this stellar set of recordin's.
We are deeply delighted to be able to offer Mr. "Victor Hugo's" sweet sweet suggestion" for a Dino-gift that won't break the bank, but give hours and hours of Dino-listenin' Dino-pleasure. We thanks "Hugo" for offerin' his readership this bestest of best Dino-giftin' idear. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-message. Dino-sharin', DMP
One of these gems: Dean Martin.

If you want to give your ears gustirrinín; learn a little that is left over that I go to class, style and elegance; get without leaving your home the intensive course 'Crooner: How to stop being a nerd' and decorate this Christmas with music high tuft, here's your chance: Dean Martin - Eight Classic Albums' is a case of the record company Real Gone Music which includes remastered and enhanced in the next eight classic Dean Martin published LPs for Capitol and Reprise between 57 and 62:
-'Pretty Baby '.
-'Sleep Warm '.
-'A Winter Romance '.
Time -'This I'm Swingin' '.
-'Dino: Italian Love Songs'.
-'French Style '.
-'Cha Cha Cha De Amor '.
-'Dino Latino '.
Pros of this issue: You pull a series of disks that are very difficult to purchase separately, the remastering and other technical aspects of the album are outstanding (energetic, deep and rich sound nuances) and affordable price (less than 15 euros depending on where you go to look for).
Cons: No features its two previous works 'Dean Martin Sings' (53) and 'Down Yonder Swingin'' (55) and with s English and EP's and also suffers from a booklet of credits to explain the details the intricacies of these discs and piece of this great artist.
My verdict: If you have curiosity for the work of Dean Martin I recommend one of the many collections that are on it because you will enjoy one montonazo but if you want to really dig deeper and find the gems that was leaving this teacher US entertainment over three decades I sincerely believe that you're taking to make these gems.
Una de esas joyitas: Dean Martin.
Si deseas darle gustirrinín a tus oídos; aprender un poco lo que es eso de ir sobrado de clase, estilo y elegancia; recibir sin salir de tu casa el curso intensivo 'Crooner: Cómo dejar de ser un pardillo' y adornar estas navidades con música de alto copete, he aquí tu oportunidad: 'Dean Martin - Eight Classic Albums' es un estuche de la compañía discográfica Real Gone Music que incluye en versión remasterizada y mejorada los siguientes ocho los LP´s clásicos de Dean Martin publicados para Capitol y Reprise entre el 57 y el 62:
-'Pretty Baby'.
-'Sleep Warm'.
-'A Winter Romance'.
-'This Time I´m Swingin´'.
-'Dino: Italian Love Songs'.
-'French Style'.
-'Cha Cha Cha De Amor'.
-'Dino Latino'.
Pros de esta edición: Tienes del tirón una serie de discos que son muy difíciles de adquirir por separado, la remasterización y los demás aspectos técnicos del disco son de sobresaliente (sonido pletórico, profundo y rico en matices) y precio realmente asequible (menos de 15 euros según dónde vayas a buscarlo).
Contras: No cuenta con sus dos trabajos previos 'Dean Martin Sings' (53) y 'Swingin´ Down Yonder' (55), así como con los singles y EP´s y además adolece de un libreto de créditos que explique al detalles los intringulis de estos pedazo de discos y de este pedazo de artista.
Mi veredicto: Si tienes simple curiosidad por la obra de Dean Martin te recomiendo uno de los múltiples recopilatorios que hay sobre él porque vas a disfrutar un montonazo pero si lo que te interesa de verdad es profundizar y descubrir las joyitas que fue dejando este maestro del entertainment estadounidense a lo largo de tres décadas creo, sinceramente, que ya estás tardando en hacerte con estas joyitas.
Thats DEF I NATE LY goin' on MY Christmas list! Are youse listenen', Santa?!
Hey pallie, likes Danny G......woulda puts it on ours, but we were able to snatch it up soon after it was released...a real Dino-deal for Dino-sure! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
Mr. dino martin peters : Thank you for sharing my posts . It is an honor. Thanks again, enjoy the music and life of Dean Martin and Happy Xmas.
Hey pallie, Likes Mr. Hugo, you are most welcome is a huge honor for use to share the many and varied ways that our most beloved Dino is hugely homaged all 'round the globe. We hopes to be able to share more of your Dino-offerin's in the future and we send you our best Dino-seasonal greetin's! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
A wonderful idea for Christmas if there ever was one. Thank you DMP for bringing this holiday treat our way, i will be checking out the link today and taking a listen.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty dude, per usual you are most warmly welcome in Dino. Such a pleasure to keeps sharin' the Dino-legacy knowin' there are devoted Dino-philes like you sharin' in all the Dino-action. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our great great man!
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