Hey pallies, likes while searchin' for just the right pix to goes with yesterday's Dino-gram accentin' that most wonderful of wonderful '67 seasonal episode of the Dean Martin Variety Show, we happened 'pon the powerful pose above of our most beloved Dino and Jeanne with all seven of their boy and girl pallies. And, likes on this 11th day of Dino-winter-month we are pleased as punch to shares it with all you Dino-diggin' dudes.
It woulda appear that it was the youngest Martin prodigy Gina's celebration of her first birthday with the birthday cake with one candle in the center of this stunnin' shot. Doin' a wee bit of Dino-searchin' we discovered that Gina Caroline Martin was born on December 20, 1956, so this pix was snapped in December of 1957.
It's truly a touchin' and tender pose with fam Martin gathered under the Christmas tree as Gina bein' held by her mother Jeanne tries to blow out her one candle. We loves the lovin' look on our Dino's face and he gazes at his youngest with such happiness. How sweet it is to uncover more and more powerful poses of our Dino at home with his family. Dino-lovin', DMP
Great pic! Never seen before! Looks likes Gina & I share same birthday, Dec. 20. Cooly!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, we ain't seen it before either....a early Happy Birthday to youse..and be sure to include lots and lots of Dino in the celebration! Keeps lovin', keeps sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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