Hey pallies, likes youse just never ever know what Dino-gold is just ready for minin' over on youtube. Recently while doin' some surfin' we happened upon a clip filmed in 1966 featurin' some "behind the scenes footage" of our most beloved Dino bein' roasted by the Friars Club.
None of the actual "roast" is on the clip, but we gets a peek at some of the "big comedy guns" who are set to have some fun with our great great man. And, likes we gets the opportunity to see our Dino bein' interviewed just a wee wee bit, and we find out that this particular roast is a "family night...if they are broad minded," meanin' that this roast was different in it included women and children as well.
Gotta fess up with loves seein' Jeanne whisperin' in our Dino's beloved boypallie, Dino Jr. ear, knownin' that they are part of the esteemed gatherin'. Likes wishes that more of the roast was available for viewin' but we are so so thrilled to have uncovered this delightful bit of Dino-history. Dino-delightedly, DMP
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Scotty's Sharin': Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra With There Daughters 1967

Hey pallies, likes somethin' just told us today to likes goes on over to our greatest of great Dino-diggin' pallie Scotty's coolest of cool pad, "BlueisKewl,"....coulda it have been our Dino?!?!?! Anywho, we followed the Dino-directive and were remarkably rewarded with 'nother beautiful bit of Dino-devotion in the form of a swank shot of our most beloved Dino with his pallie of pallies Mr. Frank Sinatra with Dino's girlpallie Deana and Frank's daughter Tina.
Accordin' to our dude Scotty the quartet are rehearsin' for a episode of the Dino-show circa 1967. Oh, how we always loves to see 'nother pix of our Dino that we can't ever remember viewin' before. And, likes we truly truly 'preciate all the efforts our man Scotty is makin' in searchin' and postin' more and more Dino for the edification of his blog readership....truly, truly helpin' 'em to grow deeper and stronger in their devotion to our most beloved Dino! To checks this out in it's original format at Scotty's site, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram. Dino-deepenin', DMP
Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra With There Daughters 1967

Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra rehearsing with their daughters Tina Sinatra and Deana Martin on The Dean Martin Show 1967.
Monday, April 28, 2014
Easter Parade 1948: screen stars Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are seen strolling along in top hats, cravats and striped blazers with canes to hand.
Hey pallies, likes today's Dino-devotion comes a tad late for this Easter, and way way early for next, so we have to share it with all you Dino-holics right right now....and hopefully we may remember it to re-run it when Easter rolls 'round in 2015! From the Brit blog Mail Online's gentler sex column "femail" comes a fabulous feature, "My Bonnet's Bigger Than Yours! From Dean Martin To Judy Garland, Vintage Photographs Reveal The Pomp And Circumstance Of New York's Easter Parade."
And, likes as the tag remarkably reveals, the post includes the most incredibly iconic image of our most most beloved Dino and his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis strollin' the streets of New York's Fifth Avenue durin' the 1948 Easter Parade. Don't our Dino and Mr. Lewis looks so so stunnin'ly and swankly stylish in their finest of fine formal attire....and likes the posed pose reminds us just how youthful our Dino and Jerry were of age at this time in their lives.
Likes dudes, likes you can see why we needed to share this poshes of posh pix with all you devoted Dino-philes, and likes it is a pix that we here at ilovedinomartin never ever remember seein' before. We express our thoughtful thanks to the pallies at "Mail Online - femail" for sharin' this delightful pose with the larger Dino-world. To checks this out in it's original format, and to view all the Easter Parade photos, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
My bonnet's bigger than yours! From Dean Martin to Judy Garland, vintage photographs reveal the pomp and circumstance of New York's Easter Parade
A new collection of vintage photographs reveal the pomp and circumstance of New York's Easter Parade decades ago, with hundreds and thousands of spectators - including the rich and famous - using it as occasion to model the latest fashions.
In one black-and-white image, dated 1948, screen stars Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are seen strolling along in top hats, cravats and striped blazers with canes to hand.

Swagger: Dean Martin (left) and Jerry Lewis attracted much attention in the Easter parade on Fifth Avenue when they appeared in 'new' Easter outfits that hark back to the old days in 1948.
And, likes as the tag remarkably reveals, the post includes the most incredibly iconic image of our most most beloved Dino and his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis strollin' the streets of New York's Fifth Avenue durin' the 1948 Easter Parade. Don't our Dino and Mr. Lewis looks so so stunnin'ly and swankly stylish in their finest of fine formal attire....and likes the posed pose reminds us just how youthful our Dino and Jerry were of age at this time in their lives.
Likes dudes, likes you can see why we needed to share this poshes of posh pix with all you devoted Dino-philes, and likes it is a pix that we here at ilovedinomartin never ever remember seein' before. We express our thoughtful thanks to the pallies at "Mail Online - femail" for sharin' this delightful pose with the larger Dino-world. To checks this out in it's original format, and to view all the Easter Parade photos, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
My bonnet's bigger than yours! From Dean Martin to Judy Garland, vintage photographs reveal the pomp and circumstance of New York's Easter Parade
A new collection of vintage photographs reveal the pomp and circumstance of New York's Easter Parade decades ago, with hundreds and thousands of spectators - including the rich and famous - using it as occasion to model the latest fashions.
In one black-and-white image, dated 1948, screen stars Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis are seen strolling along in top hats, cravats and striped blazers with canes to hand.
Swagger: Dean Martin (left) and Jerry Lewis attracted much attention in the Easter parade on Fifth Avenue when they appeared in 'new' Easter outfits that hark back to the old days in 1948.
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Danny G's Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Grazie, Prego, Scusi"
Hey hey hey pallies!!! What a day! I know, I know...it's a little rainy...it's a little chilly. No biggie! It's Spring! These days are BOUND to happen! Can't ALL be sunshine & blue skies pals!
Guess what though??? Dosen't even matter! We gots out Dino to keep thins' BRIGHT & CHEERY ALL the time!!!
One thin' I learned from my Dad, at a VERY early age, was Youse gots to take the good with the bad. Some blue skies...some gray. That's life pallies!
'Nother thin' I was taught, as a young Dino-holic, was to ALWAYS ALWAYS be nice to the Senorinas! Always be respectful & Always be polite! Man, my Pop & Dino had VERY simular teachins' when it came to Life & the Ladies! Haha!
Today's Serenade is ALL 'bout TEACHIN'. Dean is sharin' with us some of his basic lessons on manners...as well as some basic Italiano 101!
Let's pay attention now pallies...this is IMPORTANT stuff!
"Grazie, Prego, Scusi" (Thank you, Your welcome, Excuse me) is such a FUN FUN tune to be schooled with & there ain't NO cooler teach' than Mr. Martin! Remember...take notes pals! Schools in session! Hahaha!
Well ol' friends o mine...the bell just rung...so, with my two MOSTEST fav of fav teachers in mind, my Dad & Dino...let class begin!!! Enjoy!
Prego, oh when you kiss her goodnight
Scusi, when you turn out the light
Then whisper softly in her ear, right there
Grazie, grazie, scusi, prego
Brings her near
Scusi, when you hold her and then
Grazie, as you kiss her again
Remember every time you squeeze, say please
Prego, grazie, scusi, prego
It's a breeze
Prego,then she'll kiss you once more.
Scusi,as she latches the door
And all that's all you understand, it's grand
Grazie, grazie, scusi, prego
What a land
Prego, 'til the moonlight is gone
Grazie, as you kiss of the dawn
Three simple words that sound just right
All night
Grazie, grazie, scusi, prego
Be polite
(Scusi) When you hold her and then
(Grazie) As you kiss her again
Remember every time you squeeze, say please
Prego, grazie, scusi, prego
It's a breeze, it's a breeze
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Dean Martin as Matt Helm"The Silencers" - (1966)
Hey pallies, likes today as we here at ilovedinomartin were doin' our usual search of 20 pages of google blog entries for our most beloved Dino, we struck glorious Dino-gold when we were directed to the new-to-ilovediomartin 'net site, "Redux Flix Film Society." The society is a pad that has pallies who upload vids for other's viewin' pleasure.
Well, likes a dude tagged "London" has shared Helmer numero uno, "The Silencers" in it's entirety for the viewin' delight of Dino-holics everywhere. Likes alls you gotta go is clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report to goes directly to "Redux Flix Film Society" to catch the Dino-action.
We here at ilovedinomartin are always psyched to find 'nother pallie who is sharin' the Dino-wealth with the larger Dino-world. Thanks to dudes like "London" the message of Dino-cool just keeps spreadin' farther and farther and farther all 'round the Dino-universe! So, likes thanks you very much "London" for helpin' many more gets deeper and deeper into the Dino-groove! Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Dean Martin as Matt Helm"The Silencers" - (1966)
Friday, April 25, 2014
On This Day In Dino-history: April 25, 1973
Permit us to share a couple of details 'bout the wedding. The flowers alone cost a cool 85 thou, and our ever generous Dino gave his best man, Mr. Frank Sinatra, the gift of a solid gold cigarette lighter inscribed with his appreciato, "Fuck you very much."
Below is a pix of our Dino on his weddin' night with three of his daughters, Deana, Claudia, and Gina. Don't our Dino looks so so dashin' with his girlpallies by his side?!?!?!?!
And, likes below the pix are some more details of the weddin'. Dino-rememberin', DMP
Entertainer Dean Martin married his girlfriend of two years, Cathy Hawn, 25, in a small ceremony at his Hollywood home,Wednesday evening. Frank Sinatra was his best man. It was the third marriage for Martin, 55. It was Miss Hawn's second marriage, and her 6-year old daughter, Sasha, was the flower girl. The bride word a peach champaign French chiffon satin bias-cut gown with a high draped neck and a long train for the ceremony at Martin's home in the Bel Air area.

Thursday, April 24, 2014
A completely unknown to me but focused exclusively on the figure of DEAN MARTIN, life and miracles blog.
Hey pallies, likes man-o-man dudes, likes yesterday we felt the Dino-urge to do somethin' that we ain't accustomed to do often, seemin'ly nudged by our most beloved Dino, we went to google blog search and typed in the home of our little Dino-pad, ilovedinomartin, to see if perchance somebody somewhere might have mentioned us and we hadn't heard 'bout it. Well, likes low and behold pallies we were totally totally blown away to find a powerfully poetic post laudin' the work of ilovedinomartin!
From the blog, "My Dual Turntable," Spaniard Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo has scribed his prose, "I LOVE DINO MARTIN," and you guessed it dudes, Bernardo shares his amazin' appreciato for our humble Dino-homagin' blog ilovedinomartin. Likes just 'bout a week ago we were totally totally delighted to feature Herreo's superbly scribed post, "DEAN MARTIN RAT TEX FAR WEST," and at the time Bernardo commented in the kindest of kind ways 'bout our drawin' attention to his magnificant manifesto on our most beloved Dino, sayin' "More MORE Thanks fot your words. Excuse me my english . muchisimas gracias por todo . Thanks Thanks from Spain."
Well if that gratitude was likes not 'nough, Bernardo recently most most graciously crafted worderfully wise words of appreciato in the post below that he shared with his blog readership. We are certainly proud as punch to have a pallie of the stature of Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo show us such deep, pure, and true adulation for our humble work here at ilovedinomartin. It is dudes likes Herreo who makes all our efforts so so worthwhile.
Likes the only problemo with Herreo's reflections is that he had started to create 'nother post on our Dino's most beloved boypallie Dino Jr.'s band, "Dino, Desi, and Billy," and likes now he sez....."The bad thing is that it was working on something on DINO DESI AND BILLY but after seeing the huge information contained in the blog, do not know if I'll be able to do something worthy." Likes we wanna whole-heartedly assure Bernardo that we have total total confidence in his abilty to do 'nother absolutely awesome Dino-effort, and we will be so so lookin' forward to readin' it and sharin' with with all the pallies gathered 'round ilovedinomartin.
we here at ilovedinomartin express our deepest of deep appreciato to our Dino-devoted pallie Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo for simply simply makin' our day and helpin' to do his part to spread the mission of ilovedinomartin farther and farther! Bernardo, we likes thinks you are simply the best man! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-devotion. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Globalization sometimes produces satisfaction. When one does not expect much to launch their experiences and / or ideas out suddenly as if by magic the unexpected arises.
A few weeks ago I published a post celebrating the career of Dean Martin in his cowboy side, ie centered dabbled with country music
Suddenly after missing the post by the inexorable passage of time from the ashes thanks an American blog, I imagine, centered on the figure of Mr Martin.
A completely unknown to me but focused exclusively on the figure of DEAN MARTIN, life and miracles blog.
ILOVEDINOMARTIN is his name. And now a place of pilgrimage for a server and why have not kindly TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH my post about Dino, but why is magnificent from start to finish.
I will not hide that I was glad to see my work translated into the language of Shakespeare and the kind words of a scholar on the artist DINO MARTIN PETERS is.
The bad thing is that it was working on something on DINO DESI AND BILLY but after seeing the huge information contained in the blog, do not know if I'll be able to do something worthy.
I highly recommend visiting the blog CLICKING HERE
La globalización en ocasiones produce satisfacciones. Cuando uno no espera mucho al lanzar sus experiencia y/o sus ideas al aire de improviso como por arte de magía surge lo imprevisto.
Hace unas semanas publiqué un post recordando la carrera de Dean Martin en su vertiente de vaquero, es decir centrada en sus escarceos con la música country
De pronto tras haberse perdido el post por el paso inexorable del tiempo renace de sus cenizas gracias un blog américano, imagino, centrado en la figura del Sr Martin.
Un blog completamente desconocido para mí pero centrado exclusivamente en la figura de DEAN MARTIN , vida y milagros.
ILOVEDINOMARTIN es su nombre. Y desde ahora lugar de peregrinación para un servidor y no porqué hayan tenido la amabilidad de TRADUCIR AL INGLÉS mi post sobre Dino, sino porqué es magnifico de principio a fin.
No lo voy a ocultar que me ha alegrado de ver mi trabajo traducido al idioma de Shakespeare y las amables palabras de un erudito sobre el artista que es DINO MARTIN PETERS.
Lo malo es que estaba trabajando en algo sobre DINO DESI AND BILLY pero después de ver la ingente información que contiene el blog , no se si sere capaz de hacer algo digno.
Encarecidamente les recomiendo visitar el blog PINCHANDO AQUI
From the blog, "My Dual Turntable," Spaniard Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo has scribed his prose, "I LOVE DINO MARTIN," and you guessed it dudes, Bernardo shares his amazin' appreciato for our humble Dino-homagin' blog ilovedinomartin. Likes just 'bout a week ago we were totally totally delighted to feature Herreo's superbly scribed post, "DEAN MARTIN RAT TEX FAR WEST," and at the time Bernardo commented in the kindest of kind ways 'bout our drawin' attention to his magnificant manifesto on our most beloved Dino, sayin' "More MORE Thanks fot your words. Excuse me my english . muchisimas gracias por todo . Thanks Thanks from Spain."
Well if that gratitude was likes not 'nough, Bernardo recently most most graciously crafted worderfully wise words of appreciato in the post below that he shared with his blog readership. We are certainly proud as punch to have a pallie of the stature of Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo show us such deep, pure, and true adulation for our humble work here at ilovedinomartin. It is dudes likes Herreo who makes all our efforts so so worthwhile.
Likes the only problemo with Herreo's reflections is that he had started to create 'nother post on our Dino's most beloved boypallie Dino Jr.'s band, "Dino, Desi, and Billy," and likes now he sez....."The bad thing is that it was working on something on DINO DESI AND BILLY but after seeing the huge information contained in the blog, do not know if I'll be able to do something worthy." Likes we wanna whole-heartedly assure Bernardo that we have total total confidence in his abilty to do 'nother absolutely awesome Dino-effort, and we will be so so lookin' forward to readin' it and sharin' with with all the pallies gathered 'round ilovedinomartin.
we here at ilovedinomartin express our deepest of deep appreciato to our Dino-devoted pallie Mr. Bernardo de Andres Herreo for simply simply makin' our day and helpin' to do his part to spread the mission of ilovedinomartin farther and farther! Bernardo, we likes thinks you are simply the best man! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-devotion. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Globalization sometimes produces satisfaction. When one does not expect much to launch their experiences and / or ideas out suddenly as if by magic the unexpected arises.
A few weeks ago I published a post celebrating the career of Dean Martin in his cowboy side, ie centered dabbled with country music
Suddenly after missing the post by the inexorable passage of time from the ashes thanks an American blog, I imagine, centered on the figure of Mr Martin.
A completely unknown to me but focused exclusively on the figure of DEAN MARTIN, life and miracles blog.
ILOVEDINOMARTIN is his name. And now a place of pilgrimage for a server and why have not kindly TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH my post about Dino, but why is magnificent from start to finish.
I will not hide that I was glad to see my work translated into the language of Shakespeare and the kind words of a scholar on the artist DINO MARTIN PETERS is.
The bad thing is that it was working on something on DINO DESI AND BILLY but after seeing the huge information contained in the blog, do not know if I'll be able to do something worthy.
I highly recommend visiting the blog CLICKING HERE
La globalización en ocasiones produce satisfacciones. Cuando uno no espera mucho al lanzar sus experiencia y/o sus ideas al aire de improviso como por arte de magía surge lo imprevisto.
Hace unas semanas publiqué un post recordando la carrera de Dean Martin en su vertiente de vaquero, es decir centrada en sus escarceos con la música country
De pronto tras haberse perdido el post por el paso inexorable del tiempo renace de sus cenizas gracias un blog américano, imagino, centrado en la figura del Sr Martin.
Un blog completamente desconocido para mí pero centrado exclusivamente en la figura de DEAN MARTIN , vida y milagros.
ILOVEDINOMARTIN es su nombre. Y desde ahora lugar de peregrinación para un servidor y no porqué hayan tenido la amabilidad de TRADUCIR AL INGLÉS mi post sobre Dino, sino porqué es magnifico de principio a fin.
No lo voy a ocultar que me ha alegrado de ver mi trabajo traducido al idioma de Shakespeare y las amables palabras de un erudito sobre el artista que es DINO MARTIN PETERS.
Lo malo es que estaba trabajando en algo sobre DINO DESI AND BILLY pero después de ver la ingente información que contiene el blog , no se si sere capaz de hacer algo digno.
Encarecidamente les recomiendo visitar el blog PINCHANDO AQUI
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
From the UK: Sports Saturday with special guest Ricci Martin
Hey pallies, likes yester-Dino-day while doin' our usual 20 pages of google blog searchin' a la Dino, we were thrilled to likes come upon a telephone interview that our most beloved Dino's beloved boypallie Ricci did with Brit radio station Phoenix98fm, the local radio station for Brentwood and Billericay. The interview was conducted by Mr. Eric Hall for his Saturday, April 19th edition of "Sports Saturday."
Likes the reason for the interview was that Ricci is promotin' his upcomin' "FIRST EVER UK PERFORMANCES" of his homage to his daddy-o, "DINO," "an evening of his father's music and more.
Gotta tells you pallies that the interview is well well worth a listenin'. Mr. Hall truly truly asks Dino's prodigy some wonderfully wise questions, and of course Ricci gives the most remarkable responses.
In this interview you will learn 'bout Ricci's fav Dino-croon that he sings in the show, our Dino's fav song as well, and many many other delightful Dino-details. You will note all the details for the 5---count 'em-5 great cities that Ricci is playin' between May 15th and 19th on the poster below.
Personally we deeply dug hearin' Ricci speak 'bout how he and his bro, Dino Martin Jr. got to hang out on the sets when our Dino went before the cameras as swingin' spyster Matt Helm. Likes how spectacularly swank it musta been for Dino's sons to seek their daddy-o havin' such such fun doin' the Helmers!
Throughout the interview Mr. Hall professes his long time deep devotion to our King of Cool, so it is fantasticly fabulous to have someone truly in the Dino-know bein' conductin' this in depth Dino-report. Mixed in before and after the interview are quite a number of the coolest of the cool croons from our great great man. Likes our personal fav is "Sam's Song," that dynamite duet between our Dino and his pallie Sammy Davis Jr.........pure pure Dino-magic for sure dudes!
The interview begins just shy of the 2 hour mark on the show. We are thrilled the pallies at Phoenix98fm has made it possible that we can copy and share the link to the programme so that we can post it right here at our humble little Dino-pad. To checks it out at it's original site, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
ilovedinomartin salutes both the pallies at Phoenix98fm, 'specially Mr. Eric Hall and his assistants, and, of course, our Dino's boypallie Ricci for graciously makin' this interview possible. Gotta likes 'fess up pallies that likes we thinks this is the bestest of the best interview that we have ever heard Ricci do, and likes of course we always always always growin' in our Dino-devotion through more Dino-knowledge! Dino-awed, DMP
Sports Saturday with special guest Ricci Martin
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
...... you just want to hang out with Dean Martin.
Hey pallies, likes recently we was doin' somethin' that we totally totally digs to do, but likes don't seem to have much time to do on a regular basis....simply surfin' the ol' web puttin' a couple of descriptive words together with Dean Martin and seein' what turns up. Gotta 'fess up now that we are puttin' words to paper, we can't remember what the key words were that we typed in, but with the magic of Dino, we ended up at the self-tagged blog pad, "THE PLACE WHERE JACK PENDARVIS HAS A "BLOG."
Likes we have visited here before and have shared some cool Dino-devotion by Mr. Pendarvis in the past....actually quite the past as we noted that our original posts we shared over 2 years ago on January 19 and 20, 2012. From those efforts we got a clue that Jack was big into our Dino, but not until we discovered the Dino-prose that we share below from Jack's July 31, 2013 post, "Singing and Dancing on an Airplane," did we discover just how huge a homager of our most beloved Dino, he truly truly is.
And, likes discoverin' Pendarvis' deep devotion to our great great man ain't the only fantastic fact that we learned 'bout him. 'Gain, doin' a little googlin' we discovered that Mr. Jack Pendarvis is not only a professional scriber, but he is also on the faculty of Ole Miss (University of Mississippi) teachin' fiction, and contemporary lit. Likes, likes when we discovered all this, we were likes completely captivated to find 'nother poweful professional pallie who likes is absolutely awestruck by our King of Cool.
As you will note below, while the topic of Pendarvis' prose originally focuses on his viewin' of a portion of the Dino-sex-farce, "Ten Thousand Bedrooms" and reportin' on it, his powerfully perfect prose is much more an amore of our most beloved Dino and also his passion for Nick Tosches's beau-ti-ful biography of our beau-ti-ful man, "DINO: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams."
We are simply thrilled by Jack's delight of Tosches' brilliant bio sayin', "Wow, I love that book (which I first encountered when Phil Oppenheim loaned me his chunky, tattered mass market paperback)!" And to our delight we discovered that Professor Pendarvis actually taught the book to his Ole Miss students..."I remember teaching it in a grad class and this one dude was like, "This book is terrible. Why are we reading about Dean Martin? He's just a jerk." I paraphrase. But anyway, it was as if I had been stabbed in the heart, and if I am recalling correctly, I never recovered and we couldn't really talk about Dean Martin anymore for the rest of the semester due to my trauma."
ilovedinomartin feels truly blessed to have come 'cross this powerful passionate prose in homage of our most beloved Dino. We salute Professor Jack Pendarvis for his wisely wonderful writin's and know that we will delve deeper into your blog for more Dino-edification to share here. To checks this out in it's original source, likes please clicks on the tag of this Dino-message. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Singing and Dancing on an Airplane
Last night I switched over to TCM after the movie TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS had been on for a while. I seemed to recall that this movie was reviled as one of the crummiest movies ever committed to film, so I watched a little of it. When I came in, Dean Martin and Anna Maria Alberghetti were drinking wine and lounging around on a long couch on Dean Martin's lavishly appointed private jet while another Dean - Dean Jones, to be specific (see also) - was doing some kind of strange peeping tom action from the cockpit. And I was like, "What's wrong with this? Nothing!" I was like, "Why, this movie has everything!" I was like my friend Leslie watching CONTINENTAL DIVIDE: "I don't understand why this movie is 'bad.'" Then Dean Martin got up and put on the radio (or a record player? on an airplane!) and started singing to Anna Maria Alberghetti and then they started dancing and singing to one another and I was going with it. So I decided to look up TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS in my copy of the book DINO: LIVING HIGH IN THE DIRTY BUSINESS OF DREAMS by Nick Tosches to check my vague memory of how much TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS was (and is) hated. "The picture almost killed Dean's acting career in one fell swoop," writes Tosches. And, "The picture was a stiff." I will say this: it could not hold my attention, the picture couldn't. I ignored it as I kept reading more passages from DINO: LIVING HIGH IN THE DIRTY BUSINESS OF DREAMS - much more captivating. Wow, I love that book (which I first encountered when Phil Oppenheim loaned me his chunky, tattered mass market paperback)! I remember teaching it in a gradclass and this one dude was like, "This book is terrible. Why are we reading about Dean Martin? He's just a jerk." I paraphrase. But anyway, it was as if I had been stabbed in the heart, and if I am recalling correctly, I never recovered and we couldn't really talk about Dean Martin anymore for the rest of the semester due to my trauma. I lost the ability to speak and reason! Say, will the abbreviated remainder of my life be spent nursing festering grudges against students who briefly rubbed me the wrong way?Apparently! So (back to last night) over an hour later I put aside DINO: LIVING HIGH IN THE DIRTY BUSINESS OF DREAMS and glanced at the screen, on which I was startled to discover a slowly revolving platform (seen above) with all these women in pink ball gowns (I guess) playing mandolins (last night I couldn't think of the word "mandolin" and kept mentally calling them "lutes" - like, "Why are all those ladies playing lutes?" A sign of incipient dementia!) and as you can plainly see there were some accordions involved as well. Next thing you know Dean Martin is singing a duet with his butler, all about how hard it is to be a millionaire. His butler sings skeptically in reply. Or replies skeptically in song. Which made me question something Dean Martin said about TEN THOUSAND BEDROOMS, as quoted in DINO: LIVING HIGH IN THE DIRTY BUSINESS OF DREAMS: "I may sing one or two songs in it, but it's definitely not a musical." Here's the thing. Okay, if you sing on an airplane along to prerecorded music, that is arguably diegetic sound (as the film scholars say)... but if you start a conversation with your butler that suddenly turns into a duet, you are in a musical, no doubt about it, sorry, Dean Martin. And the butler song was pretty terrible. Yes, things were sagging. Anyway, I have been listening to Dean Martin records all morning, and I listened to him sing a lyric that goes "I'm just a face without a name, walking in the rain," and he sounds jolly about it, like, "Wheee!" Like, "Ha ha, I'm a face without a name, just kidding." And I couldn't help but think of how Frank Sinatra would sing that lyric ("click" here and extrapolate). But sometimes you can't take all those Sinatra mental breakdowns and you just want to hang out with Dean Martin.
Monday, April 21, 2014
Everybody Loves Somebody: Legacy Acquires Dean Martin’s Reprise Catalogue, Launches Reissue Campaign
Hey pallies, likes on the heels of Saturday's Dino-post of the remarkable release by Legacy, the new home for our most beloved Dino's Reprise Recordin's, of a limited numbered edition of a high tech vinyl edition of our Dino's "Dream With Dean" al-b-um for Record Store Day 2014, we have decided to share with all youse Dino-philes 'nother reportin' of Legacy's acquisition of the Dino-catalog.
From the classy musical web pad, "The Second Disc," and the pen of the proser Mr. Joe Marchese, come a superbly scribed post liftin' up not only the news of coming Legacy reissues of our Dino's magnificent musical material, but heart-warmin' homage of our most beloved Dino's life, times, and teachings as well.
Mr. Marchese is definitely definitely a true knower of our King of Cool as he coolly coolly relates pertinent pieces of the Dino-story. It is always so wisely wondrous of remarkable reviewers like Marchese to give us
delightful details of our Dino to match the facts and figures of this partnership between the Dean Martin Family Trust and Sony's Legacy Recording, certainly helpin' those new to Dino to grow quickly in their Dino-knowledge, and for long-time Dino-philes to bask ever more in Dino-glory!
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Joe Marchese and all the pallies at "The Second Disc" for once 'gain liftin' up news of our main man in such a wise and wondrous way. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
From the classy musical web pad, "The Second Disc," and the pen of the proser Mr. Joe Marchese, come a superbly scribed post liftin' up not only the news of coming Legacy reissues of our Dino's magnificent musical material, but heart-warmin' homage of our most beloved Dino's life, times, and teachings as well.
Mr. Marchese is definitely definitely a true knower of our King of Cool as he coolly coolly relates pertinent pieces of the Dino-story. It is always so wisely wondrous of remarkable reviewers like Marchese to give us
delightful details of our Dino to match the facts and figures of this partnership between the Dean Martin Family Trust and Sony's Legacy Recording, certainly helpin' those new to Dino to grow quickly in their Dino-knowledge, and for long-time Dino-philes to bask ever more in Dino-glory!
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Joe Marchese and all the pallies at "The Second Disc" for once 'gain liftin' up news of our main man in such a wise and wondrous way. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
Expanded and Remastered Music News
Everybody Loves Somebody: Legacy Acquires Dean Martin’s Reprise Catalogue, Launches Reissue Campaign
Dean Martin - Reprise YearsHow lucky can one guy be…
Dean Martin is said to have once observed that the two smartest decisions he ever made were partnering with Jerry Lewis…and breaking up with Jerry Lewis. When the split occurred, Martin was 39 years old, but convinced that a successful solo career was still ahead of him. Was he ever right! The former Dino Paul Crocetti was among the lucky few to have a successful second act in showbiz, and his career as just Dean Martin even eclipsed the first act as one-half of the beloved Martin and Lewis team. Martin first took flight as a singer at Capitol Records beginning in 1948, eight years before dissolving his partnership with Lewis.
He remained at the Tower through 1961, making his final recordings there in December of that year. On February 13, 1962, he entered United Western Recorders on Hollywood’s Sunset Boulevard to begin his tenure alongside pal Frank Sinatra as one of the flagship artists for the Chairman’s Reprise Records label.
Over the years, Martin’s Reprise catalogue has changed hands numerous times, and last week, it was officially announced that its new home will be Sony’s Legacy Recordings.
In partnership with The Dean Martin Family Trust, Legacy has begun remastering titles from Martin’s Reprise (1962-1974) and Warner Bros. (1983) periods for an ongoing reissue campaign. The first title to emerge under the Legacy deal was the recent Playlist: The Very Best of Dean Martin, which was newly remastered by Vic Anesini. The Reprise period, of course, includes many of Martin’s most enduring hits.
He famously took on The Beatles – and triumphed! – in 1964 when Ernie Freeman’s contemporary arrangement of “Everybody Loves Somebody,” a 1947 song by Sam Coslow, Irving Taylor and Martin’s frequent collaborator Ken Lane, knocked the Fabs’ “A Hard Day’s Night” right off the No. 1 spot on the Billboard 200 at the height of Beatlemania! Despite Dino’s protestation that “I do not like rock singers, rock is out with me, I can’t stand rock,” Freeman’s heavy rock-influenced backbeat gave Martin the edge to introduce his laid-back croon to a new generation.
Dean Martin in the studio
More major hits followed including “I Will,” “The Door is Still Open to My Heart” and Lee Hazlewood’s “Houston,” and by the beginning of 1966, Martin had notched seven Top 40 pop hits and six Top 40 albums – in addition to juggling the demands of his popular variety show! Dino remained with Reprise for most of the rest of his recording career. Even considering the seismic shifts in musical styles as the sixties continued, Martin’s hits hardly waned, with “In the Chapel in the Moonlight” and “Little Ole Wine Drinker Me” both going Top 40 in 1967. When Reprise issued two greatest-hits collections in 1968, both achieved gold status. In 1971, he re-signed with the label for another three-year contract, and in 1974, he would record his final music for the House That Frank Built although legal wrangling would prevent the songs’ release until 1978. Martin gracefully bowed out of the recording business, smartly refusing to subject himself to disco and other styles that affected the music of so many of his contemporaries. Not that Martin completely avoided pop and rock in his years at Reprise; quite to the contrary. He recorded songs by Jimmy Webb, Burt Bacharach and Hal David, Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart, The Bee Gees, Kris Kristofferson, John Hartford, Tony Hatch and Jackie Trent, Carole King and Gerry Goffin, and even Smokey Robinson. Martin also built up a considerable catalogue of country music at Reprise.
Dino continued to appear on television and onstage during his retirement from the recording studio, and in 1980 purchased back his Reprise recordings from the label (which had itself purchased fourteen albums from Dean in 1971). Yet most of these albums remained incredibly difficult to find in the CD era until the release of Bear Family’s definitive complete Dean Martin series of box sets (four, in total, with two each dedicated to Capitol and Reprise) and Collectors’ Choice’s series of Reprise two-fers.
In 1983, Martin was coaxed by his longtime producer Jimmy Bowen, head of Reprise parent Warner Bros.’ Nashville division, to record one more album. My First Country Song became a respectable No. 49 entry on the Country Albums chart, and its title track – a duet with Conway Twitty – also became a Top 40 country hit. Though the album would turn out to be Martin’s last, he did record one last song, “L.A. is My Home,” which was released in 1985 on the MCA label. (It was also the closing theme song to the television show Half Nelson on which Dean appeared.) There’s no mention of whether “L.A.” is included in the current Legacy deal.
What can you expect from Legacy’s Dean Martin series? Hit the jump!
The digital-only initiative for Martin began with the reissue of 1966’s The Dean Martin Christmas Album and a “2-disc,” 40-song collection entitled The Reprise Years with one volume dedicated to “The Greatest Hits” and one to “The Best of the Rest.” In addition, ten remastered Reprise albums (out of 27, including two Greatest Hits LPs) are now available digitally from Legacy:
Dino Latino
French Style (1962) (Amazon U.S.)
Dino Latino (1962) (Amazon U.S.)
The Door Is Still Open To My Heart (1964) (Amazon U.S.)
Everybody Loves Somebody (1964) (Amazon U.S.)
Dream with Dean (1964) (Amazon U.S.)
Dean Martin Hits Again (1965) (Amazon U.S.)
Houston (1965) (Amazon U.S.)
(Remember Me) I’m The One That Loves You (1965) (Amazon U.S.)
The Dean Martin TV Show (1966) (Amazon U.S.)
Welcome To My World (1967) (Amazon U.S.)
Though no further information on future releases is available at this point, Legacy’s press release indicates that all Reprise recordings are being remastered “with an eye toward releasing the catalogue digitally and physically over the course of the next year.”
What would you like to see Legacy do with Dino’s catalogue? Sound off below! And rest assured, future updates on the King of Cool’s legendary Reprise output will be forthcoming, and you’ll be able to read about them right here at The Second Disc! Now ain’t that a kick in the head!
Dean Martin Reprise Album Discography (from DeanMartin.com)
French Style (1962)
Dino Latino (1962; #99)
Country Style (1963; #109)
Dean “Tex” Martin Rides Again (1963)
Dream With Dean (1964; #15*)
Everybody Loves Somebody (1964; #2*)
The Door Is Still Open To My Heart (1964)
Dean Martin Hits Again (1965; #13*)
(Remember Me) I’m The One Who Loves You (1965; #12*)
Houston (1965; #11*)
Somewhere There’s a Someone (1966; 40*)
Dean Martin Sings Songs From “The Silencers” (1966; #108)
The Hit Sound Of Dean Martin (1966; #50)
The Dean Martin Christmas Album (1966; #1 Xmas*)
The Dean Martin TV Show (1966; #34)
Happiness Is Dean Martin (1967; #46)
Welcome To My World (1967; #20*)
Dean Martin’s Greatest Hits! (1968; #26*)
Dean Martin’s Greatest Hits! Vol. 2 (1968; #83*)
Gentle On My Mind (1968; #14*)
I Take A Lot Of Pride In What I Am (1969; #90)
My Woman, My Woman, My Wife (1970; #97)
For The Good Times (1971; #113, #41 Country)
Dino (1972; #117)
Sittin’ On Top Of The World (1973)
You’re The Best Thing That Ever Happened To Me (1973)
Once In a While (1978)
The Nashville Sessions (Warner Bros. Records) (1983; #49 Country)
(*) denotes certified gold album (most of which sold over 1,000,000 units, though there was no platinum certification at the time)
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Danny G's Special Easter Sunday Serenade with Dino: "Good Morning Life"

Buona Pasqua Pals! Happy Easter! What an AB SO LUTE LY WON DER FUL time of year it is!!! This is it o pals o mine! A chance to begin again! A time of resolution! Yet 'nother opportunity to let even MORE Dino into out lives pals!!! Hahaha!!!
With every Spring & every Easter...I tries my HARDEST to absorb the MOSTEST amounts of our pal Dean as humanly possible! He DEF I NATE LY makes my day & DEF I NATE LY puts a cool cool accent on such an AWESOME holiday!!!
Youse can't help but feel so so happy on a day like this pallies!
Today's X-TRA special Serenade, "Good Morning Life", has an X-TRA special message for EVERYONE..."Wake up EVERYDAY & count your blessings!" Today is a new start. Don't drag yesterday's problems with youse & NEVER worry 'bout tomorrow!
Well pals...Time to gets the Dino & the vino flowin'! Hahaha!!! Happiest of Easters to ALL my pallies at ilovedinomartin.com! Enjoy!
Good morning life
Good morning sun how are your skies above
Gee it's great to be alive and in love
Good morning sun how are your skies above
Gee it's great to be alive and in love
Good morning life
Good morning birds sing out your happy tunes
Feels so good because I'll be seeing her soon
Good morning birds sing out your happy tunes
Feels so good because I'll be seeing her soon
Last night she said she loved me
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
Good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
It's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
It's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Good morning life
Good morning life
Good morning life
Last night she said she loved me
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
What a pity to part
I slept with both eyes open waiting for today to start
Good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
Ah it's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Good morning world how are you happiness
All at once I know what livin' can be
Ah it's life, it's free, it's someone waiting for me
Who'll someday be my wife, good morning life
Saturday, April 19, 2014
DEAN MARTIN - Individually Numbered LP pressed on 180-gram audiophile vinyl
Hey pallies, likes with all the cool Dino-news floatin' 'round the web, we almost missed sharin' this fabulous Dino-news happenin' this very very Dino-day. From the website, "Digital Journal," comes the totally totally thrillin' news from the pallies at Legacy, our Dino's new home for his Reprise Recordin's, that on this very day, April 19, tagged "Record Store Day," an "Individually Numbered LP pressed on 180-gram audiophile vinyl" of "Dream With Dean" is bein' released.
Likes as all you dudes know, "Dream With Dean" is one of our great great man's greatest al-b--ums originally released in vinyl. What a great homagin' of our Dino indeed pallies! Likes since, this is a special release only for Indie Record Stores to sell on this day, we here at ilovedinomartin have discovered that only if copies remain after the close of business today will they then be available on the ol' net tomorrow, and it would appear, only from Indie Record Store web sites!
Ain't it always so thrillin' to see more and more of our Dino's legacy bein' reissued for our Dino-pleasure. Hats off to the pallies at Legacy for creatin' this most special Dino-reissue in vinyl, and to the pallies at "Digital Journal" for spreadin' the Dino-news. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-delightedly, DMP

Likes as all you dudes know, "Dream With Dean" is one of our great great man's greatest al-b--ums originally released in vinyl. What a great homagin' of our Dino indeed pallies! Likes since, this is a special release only for Indie Record Stores to sell on this day, we here at ilovedinomartin have discovered that only if copies remain after the close of business today will they then be available on the ol' net tomorrow, and it would appear, only from Indie Record Store web sites!
Ain't it always so thrillin' to see more and more of our Dino's legacy bein' reissued for our Dino-pleasure. Hats off to the pallies at Legacy for creatin' this most special Dino-reissue in vinyl, and to the pallies at "Digital Journal" for spreadin' the Dino-news. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-delightedly, DMP
Legacy Recordings Announces Titles For Record Store Day 2014 (Saturday, April 19)
Legacy's RSD 2014 Collectibles Include Releases From 311, Aerosmith, the Allman Brothers Band, Eric Carmen, the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Henry Mancini, Dean Martin, MGMT, OutKast, Ray Parker, Jr., Ronnie Spector & The E Street Band and The The
PR Newswire
NEW YORK, March 20, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Legacy Recordings, the catalog division of Sony Music Entertainment, is proud to announce the label's all-star line-up of 7" and 12" vinyl titles for Record Store Day 2014, celebrated at independent record stores worldwide on Saturday, April 19, 2014.

DEAN MARTIN - Individually Numbered LP pressed on 180-gram audiophile vinyl
Dream with Dean - One of the crooner's best-charting albums, 1964's Dream with Dean (subtitled "the intimate Dean Martin") has been newly remastered from the original analog tapes for this RSD 180-gram vinyl release and features Dino's signature "Everybody Loves Somebody."
DEAN MARTIN - Individually Numbered LP pressed on 180-gram audiophile vinyl
Dream with Dean - One of the crooner's best-charting albums, 1964's Dream with Dean (subtitled "the intimate Dean Martin") has been newly remastered from the original analog tapes for this RSD 180-gram vinyl release and features Dino's signature "Everybody Loves Somebody."
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis iCONS Primitive Collectible Dolls

Hey pallies, likes we are always always so so delighted to share Dino-love no matter what form it takes. And likes today we are sharin' one of the most unusual forms we have ever uncovered on the ol 'net.
Today we visit at the blog, "The Simple Life," where we were simply simply blown away by the Dino-creativity of Mr. Aristotle Allen, who in addition to bein' a recordin' artist, uses his artistic ability to create what he tags "Primitive Collectible Dolls."
If you peruse Allen's pad you will find he has created a whole plethora of these hand-crafted dolls, but of course none are cooler then his rendition of our most most beloved Dino and his partner Mr. Jerry Lewis
from their roles in the Martin and Lewis classic big screen flick, Sailors Beware." Likes as you will note below these are extremely well-crafted and any true blue Dino-phile woulda loves to call 'em their own.
If you woulda likes more info on these Dino-treasures, you will note how to contact Mr. Allen for more information. ilovedinomartin wishes to salute Mr. Aristotle Allen for his Dino-creativity and wishes him well in this enterprise. It woulda be so so cool to see him feature other of our Dino's great great roles as dolls....-specially to our way of thinkin' our Dino as spyster Matt Helm. To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-diggin', DMP
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis iCONS Primitive Collectible Dolls
This is a new addition to my iCONS series entitled “Sailors”. This depicts comedy act Martin and Lewis. They stand around 5 and 1/2 inches tall and weigh 1 ounce each. They were machine sewn front and back. Then stuff with poly fill then the dolls were hand stitched closed on the bottom and signed by me on the lower side of the dolls. The dolls do not stand on their own and should never be machine washed but rather spot cleaned by hand. The dolls are not silk screened or a replicated from another source. These are original paintings on fabric cloth using acrylic paints.They fit well on beds, office desk and on display shelves. They're great conversational pieces and a great source for nostalgia. No two are alike do to the fact each one is hand painted and crafted. If your interested in ordering your very own iCONS Primitive Collectible Art Doll please feel free to email me at aristotletheskull@gmail.com or my wife Leya at allengrace5@gmail.com. Please put in subject heading “iCONS Doll Request”. We do reserve the rights to decline certain subject matters and individuals do to our personal beliefs and views. Thanks for stopping by :)
Thursday, April 17, 2014
As a kid....... I loved Dean Martin's "Celebrity Roasts."

As youse will note when you read his well scribed review, that Mr. Galbraith begins his Dino-reflections statin,' "As a kid, what with my atypical interest in old movie stars and comedians, I loved Dean Martin's "Celebrity Roasts." Likes well, we here at ilovedinomartin knew immediately that his commentary woulda be of the coolest kind! And, likes indeed Stuart has glowin' thin's to say 'bout this new collection of 17 of the original Dino-roasts.
ilovedinomartin salutes Mr. Stuart Galbraith IV and all the pallies at "DVDtalk" for puttin' their blog readership on to this newest of new Dino-treasure. To checks it out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts: Fully Roasted
Time Life // Unrated // March 4, 2014
Review by Stuart Galbraith IV | posted April 16, 2014
C O N T E N T | |||
V I D E O | |||
A U D I O | |||
E X T R A S | |||
R E P L A Y | |||
A D V I C E | |||
Highly Recommended | |||
As a kid, what with my atypical interest in old movie stars and comedians, I loved Dean Martin's "Celebrity Roasts." I hadn't seen any of them since they originally aired during the 1970s and early ‘80s and was concerned that, like most television specials and variety shows of similar ilk and vintage, they wouldn't hold up. At all. Would they date badly? Were they still funny? Or would the jokes now seem obvious and overly sweetened with laugh tracks? Would they perhaps play hamstrung family-friendly TV versions of the bawdy Friar's Club roasts that inspired them?
To my considerable surprise, The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts: Fully Roasted turns out to be a highly amusing if patchwork collection of solid comedy. Most of the guests are very funny, and it's fascinating to watch so many performers not normally known for such things "out of uniform," TV and movie stars getting into the spirit of these somewhat pre-fabricated hours. Though scripted, a playful, mildly anarchic spirit rules the day, allowing for some ad-libbed material amidst the mostly scripted ones.
The set reportedly contains "17 complete Celebrity Roasts" though I'm not so sure that's literally true. Some are missing opening titles and a handful of guests on the daises never actually get the chance to speak, at least not these 48-minute episodes. Could some these originally have run as 90-minute specials? Or, like the earlier You Bet Your Life with Groucho Marx, did the show's writers and directors discreetly trim those celebrities who bombed? (Not necessarily, though. In one show I watched, Rex Reed's unfunny speech was left in while Eve Arden and Cathy Rigby never left their seats.)
This excellent set features loads of good extras including bonus comedy sketches (from Dean's variety series and elsewhere), featurettes, new interviews with such varied talent as Phyllis Diller, Angie Dickinson, and Abe Vigoda, and an excellent, informative and observant booklet.
The Roasts began as part of the last season of Dean's weekly variety series (the first celebrity roasted was then-California Governor Ronald Reagan), and then expanded as a steady stream of specials. When Dean's variety show was cancelled, the roasts briefly continued to be taped in Los Angeles but by the fall of 1974 they had moved to the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, more convenient for much of its Vegas-based talent and only a short flight away (and perhaps an incentive) for its Hollywood names. The shows were filmed before a live, clearly appreciative audience, though also sweetened with canned laughter.
These "Man of the Hour" (or, more rarely, "Woman of the Hour") specials soon fell into an established formula. Dean, appearing intoxicated, would be the Master of Ceremonies, one-by-one introducing a dozen or so guests. Some of these guests would be personal friends or colleagues of the guest of honor. In one roast honoring Dennis Weaver, for instance, they included his old Gunsmoke co-stars Amanda Blake and Milburn Stone, as well as his then-current co-star on McCloud, J.D. Cannon. (Gunsmoke star James Arness didn't show up, but his brother did, actor Peter Graves.) But cronies of Dean's like Joey Bishop or Don Rickles would also appear, and oftentimes celebrities with no obvious connection (Gene Kelly roasting Muhammad Ali, Jane Withers in a show honoring Ralph Nader) inexplicably appear.
Certain stars became Celebrity Roast regulars. Red Buttons began turning up around 1975, invariably doing his "Never Got a Dinner" routine, a sure-fire crowd-pleaser. Ruth Buzzi likewise appeared regularly as her dowdy spinster character, Gladys Ormphby. I was never much a fan of her or that character on Laugh-In, but watching these specials I really grew to admire Buzzi's ability to ad-lib, which she does more than most guests, and always right on the money. Charlie Callas, Rich Little, Nipsey Russell, LaWanda Page, Foster Brooks, and Zsa Zsa Gabor also turn up a lot.
Pretty clearly the key to making these shows work was the writing, the shows having been written mostly by Dean's unusually good variety show staff, people like Harry Crane, Larry Markes, Stan Burns, Stan Daniels, Rod Parker and others, many of whom were or became associated with some of TV's finest comedy shows. My guess is that in addition to writing Dean's material, they wrote all the speeches for the non-comedian speakers, and probably wrote template-type material for the more seasoned comics to their particular style, which they in turn could then fine-tune themselves, to their liking. Other funnymen like Jackie Mason and Mort Sahl may have written their own material entirely independently.
One frequent guest but non-comic who may have written all of his material was Orson Welles, the great director-actor unhappily taking work where he could find it, mainly to finance several half-finished or never-realized movies. You'd never know this from watching Welles's polished and lively monologues, which are witty and articulate instead of bawdy and jokey. Like Cheeta in the Tarzan movies, Welles seem to be the go-to guy whenever they needed a good cutaway; his uproarious laugh, like a drunk Santa Claus, was infectious.
The experienced comedians are, predictably, reliably funny if sometimes on autopilot, with a few like Rich Little are cringe-worthy then as now. Some give polished, obviously rehearsed performances while others like Dean are at times clearly winging it, at least based on their frequent glances in the direction of the cue cards. Because of the high quality of the writing though, even actors not known for their comedic skills tend to come off well.
And though dialed back considerably from far more explicit Friar's Club roasts, the Dean Martin Roasts maintain a surprisingly high quotient of double-entendres and sexual innuendo, and even a few mild curse words as when Ruth Buzzi, in character, calls Angie Dickinson a "bitch." (I wonder if that actually made it to air unbleeped, however.) As one might expect, there is endless guffawing about Dino's "drinking problem," sometimes compounded with Foster Brooks and his drunk act on the same bill, material that's still amusing but much more rarely a target for humor these days. (Similarly, it's interesting to note how many of those chain-smoking on the dais, a common sight on TV back then, died prematurely of smoking-related illnesses.) Conversely, it's interesting to such an abundance of prime black talent (as varied as Richard Roundtree and Slappy White), in some cases freely flirting with white guests of the opposite sex (Jimmie Walker lusting after Angie Dickinson, for instance), certainly unusual for the period.
And, finally, from an historical perspective it's just fascinating to see athletes like Ali, TV stars like Suzanne Somers and Gabe Kaplan, and political figures like Reagan, Barry Goldwater, and Ralph Nader, appearing on such programs at or near the height of their fame.
Video & Audio
Despite disclaimers about the condition of these "film" elements (everything was recorded on tape) these shows look quite good given the limitations of ‘70s-era videography. The mono audio is equally acceptable. Not alternate audio options, naturally, and no subtitles.
Extra Features
Plentiful supplements include bonus sketches from The Dean Martin Show featuring talent like William Holden and Vincent Price; three okay featurettes; and new (and sometimes quite extensive) interviews with the likes of Buzzi, Dickinson, comedian Fred Willard, etc. The booklet is a big plus, too.
Parting Thoughts
This set is a lot more fun than I was expected and for reasons described above comes Highly Recommended.
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