So pallies, likes sits back and relish each and every one of our Dino-phile Ed's heartfelt revelatory Dino-reflections 'cause they are ladened with the deepest of the deep, the purest of the pure, and the truest of the true Dino-truths.
It's almost 20 long years since our most beloved Dino walked the earth, but his life and legacy continues to entrall and call all us pallies to know, love, and honor our great man more and more each and every Dino-day.
Thanks Ed for sharin' your Dino-thanks with us in such a cool Dino-way. We trust as you now have the joy of fatherin' your own little boypallie that you are bringin' him up to loves our Dino likes you do. We so look forward to the day when you will be able to share more of your Dino-hearted prose with all your pallies here at ilovedinomartin.
Thanks most of all to our Dino...truly we wanna know you, love you, and honor you more each and every Dino-day! Dino-gratefully, DMP

Time? When Dino roamed and owned the earth.
Dino: “You know why they call it Plymouth Rock? Those pilgrims backed up their Plymouth into that rock. That’s why they call it Plymouth Rock.”
True Story.
It was Dino that quickly pointed out that America was discovered by a fellow Italian, Amerigo Vespucci. In turn, it was America who discovered Martin, Sinatra, Como, Martino, Bennett, Vale, Laine, Darin, Damone, and Prima. All Italian-American singers who forever changed the American music landscape. Imagine a world without Dean Martin. Elvis has no direction. Sinatra hasn’t a Yin to Yang, and good luck with reviving the Humphrey Bogart-less Holmby Hills Rat Pack. Joey Levitch is still Joey Levitch. Who’s Joey Levitch you ask? Welcome to a Dino-less world. Joey Levitch became Jerry Lewis. The word “cool” would have been forever associated with the weather. The Beatles would still be remembered as being “untouchable”.
Let’s be selfish for a bit. Without Dino, we wouldn't have seen our fathers settling down in his favorite chair smoking his favorite pipe, spinning his favorite Dino LP. The man who makes my dad happy is the man that makes us happy. Pleasure hasn’t a salesman. Time passes and finds me sitting down in my favorite chair with my favorite beverage, listening to my favorite Dino iPod playlist. Coincidence? Think not my fellow Dino-phile. Dino transcends generations, countries, languages, races, sexes. He touches all! Cool has no color. Cool is ageless. You’re only as far from cool as the nearest Dino LP, CD, book, what have you. If you can’t find cool, pick up a Dino LP, look at it. It’s your cool compass, it always points to cool. Without it you’re never lost pally!
The things in life to be thankful for? Dino said it best..
Tender kisses, nights of bliss. Small moonbeams, sips of wine. Wedding bells, little kids, and dreams to savor. Blessings, man, wife, love and life. Memories are made of this.
Be thankful for those who brought them to you. Return the favor, help make others lives more memorable.
Happy Thanksgiving Pallies!
Wow! Couldn't have said it any better if I tried!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o...never have known, likes don't think we ever will find anyone better at Dino-prosin' this our Dino-devoted pallie Ed. Have a wonderful day of givin' thanks, and keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
Same to you & yours pallie!
Ohhh DMP & Danny G! Thanks for the kind words! Happy Thanksgiving to you both and all the readers!
This pallie over here is your biggest fan!
I routinely checks out THE MOST HAPPENIN DINO PAGE ON THE NET! I enjoy the ramblins and songs that are posted daily.
As you may know I am swamped daily with work, family and especially my little 2 year old.
I have been mentally putting together things to contribute to the ilovedinomartin blog page. When I have the time I would love to contribute to THE BEST DINO BLOG ON THE NET!
In the mean time I will continue to read and enjoy DMP & Danny G.!
Side note I'd like to add. The wife has bought me an early Christmas gift. I have the privilege of seeing Jerry Lewis in Lakeland Florida in January.
I will be taking it all in, and hopefully get the chance to ask a question or two about our main Pallie DINO.
If all goes well we can have a nice first hand account of the ilovedinomartin blog of the happenings!
Thanks for including me in todays HAPPY DINO THANKSGIVING!
You've definitely made my day!
Happy Thanksgiving to all here at I Love Dino Martin! I'm thankful for all you Dino fans!
Did I tell that the Dino CD set from Amazon has arrived? Going to crank up the CD player for Thanksgiving background music. Dino Thanksgiving music, that is.
Words of Wisdom.
Happy Thanksgiving Day.
Hey pallie, likes Ed dude, how totally totally stellar to have you drops some patter here at ilovedinomartin. We're thrilled to know that you are still hangin' out at our humble little waterin' hole in homage of our most beloved Dino.
Very cool of your mate to gets you such a wonderful present and indeed does hope that you will be able to find the time to put pen to paper to gives all us Dino-philes a first hand report.
Don't wanna push pallie Ed, put have been wonderin' if there is any chance that youse might be able to create a special homage of our Dino for our Dino-winterday rememembrance? Can't thin' of anyone else we woulda craves to have feed us some Dino-devotion on the day of our Dino's departure from our presence. Best to you and yours, and just know that you have already begun the process of gettin' your wee one welcomed into our Dino's world! Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
Hey pallie, likes how cool is that Miss AOW. Hope you have a very very Dino-centered day of givin' Dino-thanks. btw, just wonderin' if you might create a little Dino-patter for us here at ilovedinomartin 'bout your newest of new Dino-treasure...'cause it is gonna be one hot Dino-idear for giftin' Dino to others on Dino-winter-day. We will be featurin' a number of Dino-giftin' suggestions and havin' your Dino-contribution woulda be fab-u-lous!
Let's us know pallie...and, of course, keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
Hey pallie, likes Scotty man...very very true dude....the deepest of deep "words of wisdom" spoken from a Dino-holic with the deepest of deep passion for our most beloved Dino.
Hope your day of givin' Dino-thanks was as cool as our main man! And, keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
Amen DMP!
I would love to contribute some Dino-scribe for THEE Holidays!
I'll be in touch!
Amen DMP!
I would love to contribute some Dino-scribe for THEE Holidays!
I'll be in touch!
Hey pallie, likes Ed dude, likes we are so so psyched to know that we will be favorited with a brand spakin' new edition of Ed's Epistle for our Dino-winterday remembrance.....thanks ever so much our Dino-addicted pallie o'mine. Keeps lovin' our most beloved Dino!
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