These new Dino-compilations are unendin'...and what grand Dino-news is that...our Dino is so hot with pallies of every age and stage that it is just so natural to find every record company in the know gettin' on the Dino-wagon to spread the Dino-message here, there, and every Dino-where.
This particular Dino-announcement comes from a pad that's puttin' the accent on the oldster Dino-crowd, "Mature Times." With all of today's youth comin' to our Dino...nice to see that our Dino's mature fans are gettin' in on the Dino-action as well.
I particularly am groovin' on the cover art of this new Dino-set....our great man under the street light....and if my eyes are correct with his ever-present cigarette in one hand and his liquid libation in the other.... likes verty very mod Dino-presentation indeed.
To view this in it's original format, just click on the tagg of this Dino-post, and likes if you do, you can fill out your name, rank, and serial numero to trys to wins yourself a copy of this amorin' Dino-release. Dino-only, DMP
Win a copy of 'That's Amore' by Dean Martin

Highly regarded as the epitome of cool, the velvet-voiced crooner Dean Martin was part of the legendary hell-raising Rat-Pack. With “That’s Amore” however, he shows his tender side - an album of beautiful, classic love songs.
“That’s Amore” is the ultimate 2-CD, 40-track collection of Dean Martin’s classic love songs. Featuring Raining In My Heart, to How Do You Like Your Eggs in the Morning, Blue Moon, Sway, For Once In My Life, Volare, Everybody Loves Somebody and the title track That’s Amore, this truly is all you need to know as an introduction to this renowned and well-loved artist.
The young Italian-American Dean Martin dreamed of greatness – a feat he reached in more than one way. Martin is rare in that on Hollywood’s Walk Of Fame, he has three stars; one each for movies, TV and of course music.
The “Laidback Lothario’s” smooth vocals and sharp suits made him the perfect ladies man as well as a man’s man for his lavish lifestyle and celebrity circle of friends. His vocal style is said to have inspired a young Elvis Presley whilst his fashion sense is still more than evident in our popstars today.
Dean Martin practically invented his own style of music, “nice ‘n’ easy”, the perfect swinging soundtrack to romance. His trademark lounge tune Everybody Loves Somebody was so popular it knocked A Hard Day’s Night by The Beatles off the top spot in the US.
Martin’s career took in movies, TV shows and of course the legendary live shows with Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis jnr. and Peter Lawford. Away from the heady world of showbiz, Martin was a loving husband and father to seven children until his death in 1995.
If you want to know what love is, there’s no better way than listening to “That’s Amore”.
“That’s Amore” is released through UMTV / Island Records on 1st March 2010.
I just bought this one : )
I think i'll have to make another list over all my Dino treasure soon : p
Did you like the video?
Hey pallie, there a little booklet with it...or other cool Dino-features...and can you verify that our Dino has his ever-present cigarette in one hand and his liquid libation in the other?
Viewed the clip...since I am not a Bond fan, don't think I can be of much help...the Dino-concept is cool for sure...
Hey pallie, likes you are so so Dino-welcome my friend...woulda loves to hear more of your Dino-devotion....
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