Hey pallies, likes when I last checked in with you on this whole is Dino annoyin' business, with your Dino-efforts we had gotten our Dino down to 9.35%. When I checked this mornin' our great man's percentage was back up in the 11 percentile. With some strong Dino-efforts recently, our beloved Dino is back down to 9.75%.
Obviously there is some evil anti-Dino force opperatin' here pallies, the more we get the Dino-truth message up, the more some pallie or pallies is tryin' to diss our Dino-message. Would you give a few minutes to keep votin' Dino not annoyin'? Remember it is the second circle in the ballot that you hit. And, likes remember you can vote often...only five votes per visit to the site, but you can visit over and over and over and shows more and more true Dino-devotion.
We needs to gets the Dino-truth out and every Dino-vote counts in this Dino-effort. To gets to the Dino-votin' site, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dino-gram. Dino-determinedly, DMP
I have voted.
Hey pallie, likes thanks so much for showin' your Dino-love for our beloved Dino....and keeps those Dino-votes pourin' in....our Dino is so worthy of our best Dino-efforts...nice to hear from you Miss AOW
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