Hey pallies, likes this is likes just so cool...came 'cross this Facebook site where a couple of Dino-holics tagged George and John Hlinko are doin' there Dino-best to promote the honorin' of our Dino with his very own Dino-stamp!
The frankie got a stamp in his honor last year, and all us Dino-devoted pallies knows that our Dino is so so much more worthy of this honor then frankie...so likes I woulda encourage all of you pallies to head on over to the Dino-stamp site at Facebook and make your Dino-desires known by joinin' the Hlinko bros in this very important Dino-effort.
To locate the Dino-stamp Facebook pad, just click on the tagg of this Dino-post. As of this Dino-postin' 8,778 pallies have made their Dino-wishes known...won't you be next? My deep Dino-thanks to pallies George and John for takin' up this Dino-cause and wants 'em to know that ilovedinomartin will do everythin' in our power to be of Dino-assistance to this great Dino-cause. Dino-promotin', DMP
Honoring Dean Martin with a postage stamp

Dean Martin was a great entertainer and an American original -- and it's high time that he be honored by being featured on a U.S. postage stamp.
Become a "fan" today, help spread the word, and help us make this happen!
Do it for "Dino!"
Hey pallie, I know that pic! I think I'm gonna become a Dino-fan right now. It really worth it :-)
Take care and nice weekend, my friend ;-)
Hey pallie, gotta 'fess up man that every time I see that Dino-pix I always thinks of you dude...likes how cool is that...great to hear that you are goin' to join the Dino-brigade to gets our Dino a stamp in his great honor...so cool to hear from my Dino-bro...thanks for droppin' some Dino-patter....
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