Hey pallies, just a bit of an update on this whole is Dino annoyin' situation. So far, with the help of all the true Dino-devotees who have cast their votes that our Dino is not, and never has been annoyin' our Dino is now in the 12.87 percentile of "annoyin'." Our beloved Dino's rankin' has gone to 69 outta 73!
Thanks to all the ilovedinomartin pallies who are showin' such true Dinopalliedom by supportin' this Dino-effort. Please keeps those votes comin' in pallies to gets our Dino to the bottom of the annoyin' category but castin' those votes. Clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-gram to goes to the votin' site.
The Dino-truth MUST and WILL prevail. Let it be known to the whole Dino-universe that our Dino is not annoyin'! Dino-psyched, DMP
Done and done, Mr. Peters! I saw on the website that Mr. Martin is on the "Least Annoying" list, so we must be making a dent.
Hey pallie, well thanks you so much Miss Gayle Carline for helpin' in this Dino-effort. Our beloved Dino is goin' lower and lower in this poll...which is better and better. btw, how is the sequel to "Freezer Burn" comin'? Missin' my pallie Bennie....any chance of doin' a Dino-feature for ilovedinomatin in numero duo?
Absolutely! Book Two is about halfway finished, and Benny is playing an interesting part. Due to some rather dangerous types threatening Miss Peri, he has become her driver and personal assistant. Let's just call it a challenging relationship. And, of course, you know he takes his very Dino-ness with him whereever he goes.
Hey pallies, wow, Miss Gayle Carline....how cool is that....and to think that you did not originally plan to have our Benny as part of numero duo....when you have a feature for ilovedinomartin (can't wait to print it!) send it to me at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com...and btw, woulda you consider sharin' a scene or two of our Benny at his most Dino-ish with the Dino-blog readers...if that is not possible I will certainly understand...and keeps votin' for our Dino!
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