Hey pallies, here's some more from our Deanager Maria. A few ago, you will remember that ilovedinomartin told you 'bout a song that our Dino composed and recorded for the jer for his Birthday in 1953...."You Skinny Hebrew."
Well, of course our Maria already had it in her Dino-collection and durin' some Dino-patter here 'bout the song, I suggested that our creative and committed Maria oughta consider creatin' a Dino-trib set to the song. When she wrote back, she said that she was already in the Dino-process of doin' so...great Dino-minds are always thinkin' 'long the same Dino-lines!
So, here is that Birthday Song gift that our Dino presented to his partner Jer in 1953. I loves the song so very Dino-much 'cause it is so so Dino-ish...and Maria has certainly out done herself with the clips that she has chosen of our Dino and the kid to accompany the song.
Many thanks Maria for this act of Dino-love and Dino-devotion to share this long forgotten piece of Dino-lore with the entire Dino-universe! Dino-thankin', DMP btw pallies, if you click on the link to this Dino-gram you will go directly to our Maria's blog where you will find unendin' Dinopleasures....
Thank you again DMP :)
Hey pallie, again you are most welcome Deanager Maria....I am likes so fallin' for this wonderful Dino-song that shows how much amore that our great man has for the kid....loves the song and loves your Dino-creativity in creatin' the Dino-trib...
This was my favorite Dino time. The clips are great; love the song. Thanks for sharing something wonderful.
Hey pallie, you are most welcome...the real thanks goes to Maria and her generous Dino-creativity....btw, thought I woulda hear from you on the two recent posts on our Dino's girlpallie Gail's take on livin' in family Martin....much more gracious then the Deana....
I totally like Gail. Because she is not selling anything. And she just loves her Dad. And you know how I feel about the other one! (I was refraining from saying mean things. Really I was!)
Hey pallie, and that's the Dino-truth....Miss Gail is simply tryin' to continue to lift up the name of Dino and keep the Dino-legacy alive for Dino-sake...not her own....
Might I ask a favor Miss Sannie...when you have a few, woulda you mind sharin' some Dino-patter at the two recent posts that include Miss Gail...for pallies who might just happen to read those posts it would be of such Dino-encouragement to read postive Dino-thoughts on at least one of Family Martin...
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