Such is the case for this Dinopost. A dude tagged Alan Palvik has posted a post tagged "The Day of the Pious Scolds" at his blog "Just Above Sunset." As part of the post he lifts up the name of our Dino and celebrates his Dinolegacy and I am postin' that part of post below.
Actually our Dino runs all through the post and if you wanna read everythin' that Mr. Palvik has to say 'bout our great man, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to go to the original blogg post. Loves seein' our Dino honored in this way. And, Mr. Pavlik ends his epistle with this very Dinotruthful Dinonote...."Where’s Dean Martin when you need him?"
Indeed, we need our Dino more then ever, and that is why it is so so stellar to see more and more of today's youth turnin' to our Dino to find the answers to life's most important questions. Thanks Alan Pavlik for liftin' up the name of our Dino! Dinodelightedly, DMP

"Dean Martin (Dino Paul Crocetti) ended up out here – splitting his time between Hollywood and Las Vegas, hanging with the Rat Pack – Sinatra, Sammy Davis and the others – and making his mark as a very cool singer, a rather good actor, finally, as an amiable guy who was always slightly buzzed. He cultivated a curious persona – smart, self-confident and, above all else, relaxed and tolerant. He was laid to rest not far from Marilyn Monroe, at that odd memorial park on Wilshire, and he was also a certain American type – loose and happy, and not one bust anyone’s chops. If anyone had a cause or a mission in life – and was full of zeal and self-righteousness – he’d smile at the audience and take another sip of scotch. You’d get the joke. The sanctimonious were amusing, but they weren’t cool. He might cut a check to their charity on the sly, but he’d not tell anyone. You don’t go around doing that holier-than-thou crap. The claim is always absurd."
So true : )
Btw, haven't been able to wright much on your blog because of two broken arms : (
By the way, i was looking at some vids on youtube and found this one here, and it's just soo cute :D
Hey pallie Maria, glads you loves this piece of Dinoprose as much as I does....this Alan guy speaks such Dinotruth!
Hey pallie Maria, so so sorry to hear 'bout your physical problems...hope healing is comin' along well....thanks for the link to the cool Dinovid from the DVD from the "Dean Martin: Forever Cool" you have this Dinotreasure? Thanks for droppin' some Dinopatter....
Hey pallie DMP. We definitely need Dino more now than ever before. Cheers!
No i don't have it.. but I'm trying to buy it ; ) But at least i have complete Best of Dean Martin, a lot of movies with him and more stuff ^^ Aaand hole Colgate Comedy Hour ; )
Yeah, it's healing but it sucks :P
Hey pallie Keith, that is certainly the Dinotruth...with the craziness all 'round us...our Dino is our only true hope...gotta stays cool likes our Dino in such troublin' times....
Hey pallie Maria, wishin' you Dinowell in your Dinopursuit of more and more envious of you that you haves the Dinodiscs from the will you injuries raise havoc with your plans to study in the USA this summer?
I hope no! But it's hard to tell right now, because it's been just 2 weeks since i broke them.. But i am hoping for the best : )
Hey pallie Maria, hopin' for the best for you as well...and likes be sure to take in huge quanities of our Dino...sure to make the healin' goes faster and give you more and more Dinopure Dinopleasure....
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