Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Our worldly wise Dino and the babe

Hey pallies, likes I loves these Dinoeve Dinopixs of our great man and the kid....and likes what Dinowisdom is shown in these Dinopixs....likes of course our Dino has to be the Father Time character and obviously the kid has to be the babe. Father Time is so wise and so so savvy....likes our one wiser in the ways of the world then our great man....and well, no one more unknowin' of the world then the babe. No wonder the jer looked up to our Dino....'cause our Dino introduced the kid to all thin's worldly. Wishin' all my Dinoholic pallies the greatest of great Dinoeves and the bestest of best in the year of our Dino 2009. Dinowisely, DMP


Keith said...

Hey pallie DMP. Cool pics. Never seen those before. That is so true. Our Dino is the coolest of them all. He's also the wisest of them all. We would do well to learn more him. We could all have a much better year if we followed his ways. Happy New Year! Cheers!

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Keith, yeah pallie...our Dino is truly the one to blessed was the jer to be able to constantly be in our Dino's presense takin' in all that Dino had to teach....

Glenn Bishop "Bish The Magish" said...

Great pictures Pallie Dino Martin Peters.

Hope you have a Happy New Year.

Glenn Bishop

dino martin peters said...

Hey pallie Glenn, yeah dude...and likes I does think that our Dino and the jer are playin' their parts wonder what kind of promotion there Dinopixs were taken from....

Alpha Stone said...

Great blog - puts me in a Dino state of mind... I think it's time to clean the dust off an old Dean Martin record and listen to "An Evening in Roma" one more time.

Happy New Year!

Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, I enjoyed these great pics of Dino and the kid! Happy New Year to all Dinoholics out there!

Dino Hugs,


PS. My Dino Christmas CD's sure got a good workout over the holidays! Ahhhh....