Hey pallies, likes welcome to the month of Red, White, and Blue here at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave. Likes there are tons 'n tons of swankly special days in Dino-history in July...includin' the dates when our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis began their decade long professional association and when they parted ways as well.
But, let's start this magical month out with powerfully patriotic monumental music featurin' our most most beloved Dino 'long with Miss Kate Smith, Miss Barbara Eden, Mr. Mickey Rooney, Mr. Norm Crosby and a wonderfully energetic ensemble of singers tagged the Times Square Two Singers.
Below is an amazin' assembled quintet of powerfully patriotic tunes from the Dino-show that includes, "I'm A Yankee Doodle Dandy," "My O Kentucky Home," "Back Home Again In Indiana," "You're A Grand Old Flag, and "God Bless America." Hearin' Miss Smith sweetly sing her signature song with our Dino and everybody else joinin' in makes for a superb salute our beloved America...land of the brave and home of the free!
Likes pallies in doin' a wee bit of Dino-searchin' we discovered that this vid clip was taken from Episode #4.25 that aired on March 20, 1969. Happy Birthday America....Dino-style!
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin & Kate Smith - America Medley & Show Ending
Also featured are Barbara Eden, Mickey Rooney & comedian Norm Crosby.
Extra special feature: Kate Smith leading the singing of "God Bless America."
Powerful performance, pals! God bless America...& Dino of course! Hahaha!!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, a remarkably rousin' patriotic performance with our most beloved Dino and company! Keeps lovin' our one, our only DINO!
Our Dino, like most from the Midwest of that era and particularly like those who were second-generation Americans, was a staunch patriot. On more than one occasion, he voiced his gratitude to be an American.
Happy 4th of July Weekend!
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