Well, Hey there pallies o' mine!
Nice to see we all made it safely through 'nother firecrackin' celebration of our independence!
Actually, not much celebratin' this year, mi amici.
But...we STILL has to celebrate our independence! Independence to crank up MUCHO Dino-tunes, that is!
Now...I say it's 'bout time we REALLY kick off this Summer!
Time to break out those "o-so-mellow" Dino tracks! Youse know the one's I mean, pals.
The "sit back & melt into your seat" jams.
These hot & muggy days can be physically & mentally drainin', my friends.
We need Dino-replenishin'!
Don't worry, pallies...I gotcha.
It truly gives me such a COOL COOL vibe sharin' these COOL COOL tunes with my fellow Dino-holics. Week after week...month after month...& year after year!
TRULY inspires me to keep the Dino-flow flowin' & keep the Dino-movement growin'!
So, pals...if youse is ready...allow me to ease us into the vibe with one of Dean's super sultry Serenades.
These kinda jams just fit the season, pals.
Today's Serenade, "Where Can I Go Without You", was plucked from my own personal FAVE Summertime Dino vinyl..."The Lush Years".
Can't go wrong with ANY tune from this one, my friends!
It's just pure Dino-perfection!
Let's jump right into it!
Let Dean take youse on his eternal flight.
He's wunderin' & wonderin'...not sure what lies ahead...just floatin'.
Grab hold of his star, pals!
Shoot through the skies with Dino!
It's a never endin' journey.
"Senza Fine"...without end!
We'll do it together!
Us & Dino!
Stop for a drink on any random cloud...then we is off, 'gain!
Hold on tight, mi amici...here we's go!!!
The Lush Years is one of my favorite albums! Smooth as finely-aged bourbon.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, likes the answer to the quire in this Dino-croon, "Where Can I Go Without You?"...is no place, no deeply devoted Dino-holic ever wants to go anywhere without our most most most beloved DINO!
And, likes once 'gain we awesomely appreciate your deeply delightful Dino-reflections..
"We need Dino-replenishin'!"
"TRULY inspires me to keep the Dino-flow flowin' & keep the Dino-movement growin'!"
Dem wonderously wise words are Dino-music to our Dino-ears!
Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only DINO!
Another Fourth of July has come and gone, the summer is really starting to kick it in high gear. The hot and humid weather mixed in with lots of fireworks certainly made things very entertaining. Hopefully that type of entertainment is done till next year. Anyways what a wonderful song by Dean Martin, a sweet sounding tune that will leave you with a smile. A great selection for the holiday weekend Danny G.!
Have a nice week.
Ms AOW...couldn't have described it any better!
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