Likes today we are proudly pleased to reprise the vid tagged "Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Tribute | Who Knew" that was cleverly created by Miss Susan Moore (pictured on the left above. It's yet 'nother coolest of cool combo of marvelous moments that our Dino and Jerry shared on both the small and big screens.
It wonderfully warms our Dino-hearts to find so so many pallies usin' their time and talents to honor our one and only Dino in such vivacious vid tribs. Once 'gain we sez our thank you very much to Susan for all her Dino-passion and this hugely honorin' trib to our Dino and Jerry.
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Hey pallies, likes as we round out this momentous week in Dino-history when we reverently remember both the begginn's and the endin's of Martin and Lewis, we share one more touchin' and tender tribute to our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis. Today's youtube vid was coolly created by Miss Susan Moore who tags herself "whitef0x82."
This vid begins with our beloved Dino, durin' what we think is a skit from the Colgates, sayin' to his
beloved partner Mr. Jerry Lewis, "You know I don't want to be alone. I want you to be with me all the time. You know why? Because you and me belong together." If ever prophetic words were spoken on film it woulda be these wonderfully wise words from our Dino to Jerry. Likes indeed our Dino and Jerry beautifully belonged together and they created a delightful decade of memorable moments of togetherness with a swank samplin' of 'em shared here by Miss Moore.
We thanks Miss Susan Moore for her energetic efforts to lovin'ly laud the remarkable relationship that our Dino and Jerry shared with each other and with the whole wide world as well. We are totally totally thrilled to find so so many tremendous tributes a la youtube and we hope to soon return to share more of them with all youse Dino-holics gathered 'round ilovedinomartin.
We Remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis Tribute | Who Knew
My first tribute to the amazing comedy duo - Martin & Lewis - set to P!nk's "Who Knew".
I own nothing in this video. Just created this for fun and because adore them so much. :)
Hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!
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