Young & old...meek & bold...let's ALL come together & listen to this fella named Dino!
Hey...what a cool cool thin' to do, mi amici!
He's our kinda' guy & he ALWAYS has somethin' good to say!
Man o it really the last day of June already?!
Well, pals...I guess it's time to drop the Summer down to low gear...& just cruise.
Gotta stretch this HOT & STICKY season out as much as we can!
I know, I know...Some days gots youse meltin'...feelin' like a snowball on the 4th of July!
But, pallies o's truly worth it!
Not many thins' I dig more than these HOT HOT days of COOL COOL outdoor Dino-tunes!
Whether I'm chillin' with a friend...or floatin' 'round a pool...I ALWAYS gots Dean providin' the days soundtrack.
Dino & Summer go together like bread & butter, pals.
Let's soak it all in!
After's these HOT Dino-diggin' memories that is gonna keep us warm all year long, my friends!
Now...let's get to this week's Serenade!
I've really been thinkin'...this whole month...'bout how TRULY awesome it is...that after ALL these years...ALL this time...the name Dean Martin...STILL carries SO SO much happiness, fun & respect!
Man, mi amici...that's impressive to me!
We STILL hear his songs on TV commercials...4 this holiday season alone!
STILL see his movies regularly!
And even in today's high tech world of the internet...are flooded with new stories, tributes, & birthday wishes!
Not to mention his very own festival...numerous impersonators...& countless new & old performers givin' thanks & showin' gratitude.
That ALL says a lot, my friends.
Well, the curtain falls on 'nother GREAT GREAT month long tribute to "The Day That Coolness Came To Earth"... let's ponder if Mr. & Mrs. Gaetano Crocetti could ever have imagined, that on that GREAT GREAT & BLESSED day...June 7th, 1917...their bouncin' & swingin' baby boy...would STILL be praised..."A Hundred Years From Today"!
Hey pallies, likes Danny-o will be gettin' the last words in on our month long celebration of our most beloved Dino's 102nd anniversary of his descent to earth on June 7, 1917 in his wonderful weekly potent posts tagged Danny G's Sunday Serenade With Dino. Likes our Dino-holic Danny is always always makin' the scene here at our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave each and every Dino-week of each and every Dino-year with not only a coolest of cool croon from our most beloved Dino, but always perfectly powerful patter a la Dino. Kudos to youse Danny-o for showin' such completely constant deepest of deep devotion to our Dino for Dino-philes everywhere!
Today on this 29th day of Dino-birthin' month, we are proudly pleased to bring all youse Dino-philes yet 'nother Dino-gram accentin' Deanager crooner Mr. Daire O'Hagan's thank you very much to our humble little ilovedinomartin for our recent Dino-gram sharin' Daire deepest of deep devotion to his "HERO," our one and only Dino that awesomely accented that duo-paintin' of our Dino and Daire powerfully painted by Daire's friend Miss Anne Bradley.
Words of Dino-appreciato canna goes back 'n forth between we and Daire into Dino-forever, but we are always so so perfectly pleased when this youthful Dino-diggin' pallie returns thanks for our small part in supportin' his eager efforts to keeps the Dino-light glowin' 'n growin' through his musical giftin's! We are totally totally thankful for all of Deanager Daire's deep devotion to our Dino and his neat nod of thanks for our solemn support.
Featured on the Dean Martin Blog today again along with my friend Anne Bradley and her fantastic painting 🤭🤭🤭
Thank you for the continued support!! I promise that I will have more music and videos for you all very soon! I got word of a really exciting gig next year today! So all in all it’s been a great Friday !!☺️☺️🎤🎤🎤🎉🎉
Hey pallies, likes welcome back to Day 28 for more delightful Dino-devotion as the Dino-centric festivities are our humble little ilovedinomartin conclave continue to accent the 102nd anniversary of our most beloved Dino's descent to planet earth on June 7, 1917, the Dino-day that we loves to tag the Day That Coolness Came To Earth. Likes today we are pleasantly pleased to share some swank sharin' of Dino-amore from the Facebook pad of one Mr. Greg Parker (pictured on the left). Greg is the co-anchor the morning news at ABC-7 in Southwest Florida, and obviously a deep deep devotee of our King of Cool.
Likes below is the Dino-gram that Parker shared warmly wishin' our Dino a Happy Birthday and sharin' an incredibly intriguin' observation that we chose to tag today's Dino-messsage to all youse Dino-philes. Greg sez, "It was his lack of gracefulness that probably made him one of the most graceful entertainers of all time." We deeply digs how small screen newsman Mr. Greg Parker has fantastically framed our wonderful way of entertainin' the marvelous masses and welcomin' 'em into his wonderful world. And, likes we greatly greatly grooves on the Dino-image that Greg has chosen to of the coolest of the cool Dino-poses ever!
We share our energetic excitement for Mr. Greg Parker's lovin'ly liftin' up the life 'n legacy of our most beloved Dino in this wonderful way and helpin' grow Dino-delight in Greg's facebook family....likes every beautiful bit of Dino-appreciato helps to keeps others growin' and glowin' in our main man. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
Happy Birthday, Dean Martin!
It was his lack of gracefulness that probably made him one of the most graceful entertainers of all time.
He hated rehearsals, he made up lyrics in the middle of songs, and he fell over everything.
He perfected the art of organized chaos and was always the coolest and most confident, and certainly, the most beloved, entertainer in the room.
Dean Martin, the King of Cool, born 102 years ago today.
Hey pallies, likes today on the 27th day of our marvelous month long celebration of the 102nd anniversary of our Dino's birth we are greatly glad to share more Dino-centric celebratory prose of the birthday style from a new-to-ilovedinomartin blog tagged "Lebeau's Le Blog - Home of the What the Hell Happened Series." Likes a scriber tagged jestak2 has honored our most beloved Dino on his day of descent to our planet, June 7, 1917, what we here at our humble little Dino-waterin' hole tag the Day That Coolness Came To Earth.
"jestak2" Dino-tribute is simply tagged " June 7: Happy Birthday Dean Martin," and includes a perfect pose, some potent prose and a virile vid of our Dino and his partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis, as a
couple of swells in "Living It Up" singin' "Every Street Is A Boulevard In Old New York," and as wonderfully well, a vid of our Dino's singin' sensation, "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime."
We stand in awesome awe of the marvelous many and virtual varied ways that pallies from all over the known Dino-world keeps hugely honorin' our one and only Dino each and every Dino-year on the anniversary of his birth in Stu-ville, Ohio. Thanks a beautiful bunch to "jestak2" and all the pallies at "LeBeau's Le Blog" for sharin' in lovin' on our Dino and helpin' their readership to grow in knowin', lovin' and honorin' our mighy marvelous majestic DINO! To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report.
Dean Martin (1917-1995, born Dino Paul Crocetti) dropped out of his Ohio high school at sixteen. He worked as a boxer, a bootlegger, and a blackjack dealer, before discovering he had some talent as a singer. In 1945, Martin met a young comic named Jerry Lewis, and the two developed a highly successful music and comedy act.
Martin and Lewis soon moved beyond nightclubs, to radio and early television, and in 1949 to film–they made their debut in supporting roles in My Friend Irma. In the next seven years, the duo starred together in over a dozen films, including At War with the Army, Sailor Beware, Living it Up, and Artists and Models.
Martin ended his partnership with Lewis in 1956. He went on to a lot of success as an actor. He starred in Some Came Runningwith Frank Sinatra (their first film together), and was John Wayne’s drunken deputy in Rio Bravo. In 1960, he starred with Judy Holliday in Bells Are Ringing, and was a Golden Globe nominee for Who Was That Lady.
In the early sixties, Martin re-teamed with Sinatra for Rat Pack movies like Ocean’s 11 and Sergeants 3. Later in the sixties, he starred as secret agent Matt Helm in several spy movie spoofs, and made Westerns like The Sons of Katie Elder (with Wayne again) and Bandolero! In 1970, he was part of the huge cast of the box office smash Airport.
In 1965, Martin began starring on The Dean Martin Show on NBC. After a decade on the air, during which he won a Golden Globe for Best Male TV Star, Martin converted the series into The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast, which continued to air periodically through 1984.
Last but not least, Martin had a very successful singing career. While he was not as big a name in traditional pop as, say, Sinatra or Bing Crosby, he had a string of hits that stretches over three decades. His biggest hits included “That’s Amore,” “Memories Are Made of This,” “Return to Me,” and the song that became his signature tune.
Hey pallies, likes today on this 26th day of our marvelous month long celebration of the Day That Coolness Came To Earth we share 'nother mucho more awesome adulation of our most most beloved Dino from the marvelous musical cyber pad "ALBUMISM," where their "team" has powerfully pulled together perfect prose and vivid vids in their delightful Dino-anniversarial offerin', "Remembering Dean Martin Today, Born 102 Years Ago on June 7, 1917." Likes what wonderfully wise words of incredible insights into the life, times and teachin's of our Dino they have sweetly shared, appropriatin' majestic material courtesy of the pallies at "AllMusic."
Likes the opulent openin' paragraph packs a potent punch delightfully detailin' many many of the ubber unique ways our Dino has enthralled his fabulous fans over his long lovin' life. Some of the coolest comments swankly shared include....
"Dean Martin was less an entertainer than an icon, the eternal essence of cool."
"...he lived and died the high life of booze, broads and bright lights, always projecting a sense of utter detachment and serenity;"
"Martin -- highball and cigarette always firmly in hand -- embodied the glorious excess of a world long gone, a world without rules or consequences."
"...he remained just outside the radar of understanding, the most distant star in the firmament; as his biographer Nick Tosches once noted, Martin was what the Italians called a menefreghista -- 'one who simply does not give a f***.'"
Likes the vivid vital vid clips share some of our Dino's hugest of huge supreme successes as entertainer extraordinaire, coolly croonin' some of his charmin' classic tunes. As a beautiful bonus the "ALBUMISM" pallies have assembled brief clips of 10---count 'em---10 of our King of Cool's top tracks, with full songs available to listen to on Spotify.
As we continue our monumental month long celebration of our Dino's entrance onto our planet on June 7, 1917 we shouts out our abundant appreciation to our pallies at "ALBUMISM" for this poweful post richly filled with abundant adulation of our one, our only Dino. To checks this out in it's original source, likes simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram.
We Remain,
Yours In Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Remembering Dean Martin Today, Born 102 Years Ago on June 7, 1917
June 7, 2019 Albumism Staff
Please join the Albumism team in celebrating Dean Martin’s musical legacy and share your personal memories of him with us in the comments below!
Born: June 7, 1917
Died: December 25, 1995
Biography (via AllMusic): Enjoying great success in music, film, television, and the stage, Dean Martin was less an entertainer than an icon, the eternal essence of cool. A member of the legendary Rat Pack, he lived and died the high life of booze, broads and bright lights, always projecting a sense of utter detachment and serenity; along with Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr. and the other chosen few who breathed the same rarefied air, Martin -- highball and cigarette always firmly in hand -- embodied the glorious excess of a world long gone, a world without rules or consequences. Throughout it all, he remained just outside the radar of understanding, the most distant star in the firmament; as his biographer Nick Tosches once noted, Martin was what the Italians called a menefreghista -- "one who simply does not give a f***."
Dino Paul Crocetti was born on June 7, 1917 in Steubenville, Ohio; the son of an immigrant barber, he spoke only Italian until the age of five, and at school was the target of much ridicule for his broken English. He ultimately quit school at the age of 16, going to work in the steel mills; as a boxer named Kid Crochet, he also fought a handful of amateur bouts, and later delivered bootleg liquor. After landing a job as a croupier in a local speakeasy, he made his first connections with the underworld, bringing him into contact with club owners all over the Midwest; initially rechristening himself Dean Martini, he had a nose job and set out to become a crooner, modeling himself after his acknowledged idol, Bing Crosby. Hired by bandleader Sammy Watkins, he dropped the second "i" from his stage name and eventually enjoyed minor success on the New York club circuit, winning over audiences with his loose, mellow vocal style.
Despite his good looks and easygoing charm, Martin's early years as an entertainer were largely unsuccessful. In 1946 -- the year he issued his first single, "Which Way Did My Heart Go?" -- he first met another struggling performer, a comic named Jerry Lewis; later that year, while Lewis was playing Atlantic City's 500 Club, another act abruptly quit the show, and the comedian suggested Martin to fill the void. Initially, the two performed separately, but one night they threw out their routines and teamed on-stage, a Mutt-and-Jeff combo whose wildly improvisational comedy quickly made them a star attraction along the Boardwalk. Within months, Martin and Lewis' salaries rocketed from $350 to $5000 a week, and by the end of the 1940s they were the most popular comedy duo in the nation. In 1949, they made their film debut in My Friend Irma, and their supporting work proved so popular with audiences that their roles were significantly expanded for the sequel, the following year's My Friend Irma Goes West.
With 1951's At War with the Army, Martin and Lewis earned their first star billing. The picture established the basic formula of all of their subsequent movie work, with Martin the suave straight man forced to suffer the bizarre antics of the manic fool Lewis. Critics often loathed the duo, but audiences couldn't get enough -- in all, they headlined 13 comedies for Paramount, among them 1952's Jumping Jacks, 1953's Scared Stiff and 1955's Artists and Models, a superior effort directed by Frank Tashlin. For 1956's Hollywood or Bust, Tashlin was again in the director's seat, but the movie was the team's last; after Martin and Lewis' relationship soured to the point where they were no longer even speaking to one another, they announced their breakup following the conclusion of their July 25, 1956 performance at the Copacabana, which celebrated to the day the tenth anniversary of their first show.
While most onlookers predicted continued superstardom for Lewis, the general consensus was that Martin would falter as a solo act; after all, outside of the 1953 smash "That's Amore," his solo singing career had never quite hit its stride, and in light of the continued ascendancy of rock & roll, his future looked dim. After suffering a failure with Ten Thousand Bedrooms, Martin's next move was to appear in the 1958 drama The Young Lions, starring alongside Montgomery Clift and Marlon Brando; that same year he also hosted The Dean Martin Show, the first of his color specials for NBC television. Both projects were successful, as were his live appearances at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas; in particular, The Young Lions proved him a highly capable dramatic actor. Combined with another hit single, "Volare," Martin was everywhere that year, and with the continued success of his many TV specials, he effectively conquered movies, music, television and the stage all at the same time -- a claim no other entertainer, not even Sinatra, could make.
Even at the peak of his fame, however, Martin remained strangely contemptuous of stardom; for a man whose presence in the public eye was almost constant, he was utterly elusive, beyond the realm of mortal understanding. As his celebrity and power grew, he slipped even further away: in early 1959, his movie with Sinatra, Some Came Running, hit theaters, and with it came the dawning of the Rat Pack. Together, Sinatra and Martin -- in tandem with their acolytes Sammy Davis, Jr., Peter Lawford, Joey Bishop and Shirley MacLaine -- set new standards of celebrity hipsterdom, becoming avatars of the good life; flexing their muscle not only in show business but also in politics -- their ties to John F. Kennedy, Lawford's brother-in-law and an honorary Rat Packer code-named "Chicky Baby," are now legend -- they were the new American gods, and Las Vegas was their Mount Olympus.
Martin -- who continued to impress critics in films like the 1959 Howard Hawks classic Rio Bravo -- was Sinatra's right-hand man, the drunkest and most enigmatic member of the Rat Pack (so named in homage to the Holmby Hills Rat Pack, a bygone drinking circle that had once gathered around Humphrey Bogart); his allegiance to Sinatra was total, and Martin even left his longtime label Capitol to record for and financially back Sinatra's own Reprise imprint. In 1960, the Rat Pack starred in Ocean's Eleven, filming in Las Vegas during the day and then taking over the Sands each night; two years later, they reconvened for Sergeants 3. However, in late 1963 -- while filming the third Rat Pack opus, Robin and the Seven Hoods -- the news came that Kennedy had been assassinated; in effect, as America struggled to pick up the pieces, the Rat Pack's reign was over. With Vietnam and the civil rights movement looming on the horizon, there was no longer room for the boozy, happy-go-lucky lifestyle of before -- the fun was truly over.
Yet somehow Martin forged on; in 1964, at the peak of Beatlemania, he knocked the Fab Four out of the top spot on the charts with his single "Everybody Loves Somebody," and that same year starred in Billy Wilder's acrid Kiss Me, Stupid, a film which crystallized his persona as the lecherous but lovable lush. In 1965, after years of overtures from NBC, Martin finally agreed to host his own weekly variety series; The Dean Martin Show was an enormous hit, running for nine seasons before later spawning a number of hit Celebrity Roast specials during the 1970s.
In films, he also remained successful, starring in a series of spy spoofs as secret agent Matt Helm. However, by the late '70s, Martin's health began to fail, and his career was primarily confined to casino club stages; in 1987, his son Dean Paul died in an airplane crash, a blow from which he never recovered. After bailing out of a 1988 reunion tour with Sinatra and Davis, Martin spent his final years in solitude; he died on Christmas Day, 1995.
Hey pallies, likes once 'gain we are incredibly indebted to our pallies at google Dino-'lerts for this delightful Dino-devotion on this 25th day of June. Likes we were sent by a Dino-lert to the online presence of "stl TODAY - ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH, where we learned that each and every day of their powerful publication of this noteworthy newspaper they sweetly share "a curated collection of some of the best AP images that were taken from that date."
Likes this Dino-day, the folks at stl TODAY shared an incredibly intriguin' image of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner in comedy, Mr. Jerry Lewis, in a tangle with orchestra leader Mr. Dick Stabile on a movie lot on June 25, 1952. Likes we did a little internet searchin' and we discovered that this Dino 'n Jerry pose was captured on the set of Martin 'n Lewis fabulous flick "The Stooge."
We thinks it is such a cool idear to feature Dino-pixs on the Dino-day of the year that they were shot, so we will try and be on the Dino-lookout for more primo opps to does just that. We thanks the pallies at google Dino-'lerts and the pallies at stl TODAY for givin' this choice chance to share 'nother energetically engagin' incredible image of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis.
The Associated Press has won 31 Pulitzer prizes for photography, since the award was established in 1917. Each day we offer a curated collection of some of the best AP images that were taken from that date. Not all of these photos were prize winners, but each of them is certainly tells a story.
1952: Martin and Lewis
Hijinks in front of film and TV cameras is not enough for Dean Martin, left, and Jerry Lewis, right, as they clown with orchestra leader Dick Stabile on a Hollywood movie lot, June 25, 1952. (AP Photo/Gerald K. Smith)
Hey pallies, likes it's the 24th delightful day of our month long celebration of our most beloved Dino's 102nd anniversary of his awesome arrival on planet earth on June 7, 2017, the date ilovedinomartin-ians hugely homage as the Day That Coolness Came To Earth, and we are pleasantly pleased to offer a third heapin' helpin' of the deepest of the deep devotion to our one and only Dino from our incredible Irish laddie, Deanager Daire O'Hagan.
Likes while we awaits a promised new Dino-croon vid from Daire, we thought it would be greatly great to once 'gain share Daire's first vid of the Dino-classic from the fantastic flick, "Rio Bravo" that introduced Daire amazin' appreciato to his facebook pallies as well as the larger Dino-world, and the rest is, as they sez, is delightful Dino-history as Deanager Daire's croonin' career has beautifully blossomed in the terrific two years since that fateful Dino-day.
We gotta 'fess up that we ain't been able to capture Dino's original Dino-tune here, but if you clicks HERE, you'' be able to listen to this tremendously talented nouveau hipster singin' his heart out in the hugest of huge homage of our one, our only Dino. Below is Mr. O'Hagan's recent repostin' of his centennial celebration of his hero, our awesome almighty amazin' Dino! To checks this out in it's original source at Daire's personal pad at facebook, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. And, likes remember pallies that if you wanna checks out all Daire's Dino-action shared here at ilovedinomartin for the past couple of Dino-years, simply puts the tag Daire O'Hagan in the ol' ilovedinomartin search engine.