Today's historical homagin' of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner, Mr. Jerry Lewis was shared on WGN's airwaves on Labor Day of this Dino-year by Mr. Dave Plier and Mr. Dave Schwan under the tag, "This is History: Celebrating Jerry Lewis and the MDA Labor Day Telethon."
The 10:46 swank segment reminds us all that our Dino and Mr. Lewis made there first appeal for MDA in 1951 and, of course, the huges highlight is the retellin' of the remarkable reunitin' of our Dino and Mr. Lewis durin' the 1976 telethon.
We loves how these WGN commentators refer to the Martin and Lewis reunion as "one of the most momentous moments in history"....and, likes, of course, to us Dino-holics, the most purely powerful moment in all of small screen history. And, we also deeply digs when they speak of how "Dean Martin strolled on stage with a cigarette, the audience explored and Jerry Lewis was stunned"....a moment likes none other in the history of television. The Daves also include some audio of the lovin' exchange made between our Dino and Mr. Lewis.
Likes, we swankly salute Mr. Dave Plier and Mr. Dave Schwan, and all the pallies at WGN, for reverently rememberin' this magnificent moment in the life and times of our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner. We encourage you to clicks on the tag of this Dino-gram to goes over to WGN's 'net place to listen to this special segment, as we are not able to copy the programme here.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
This is History: Celebrating Jerry Lewis and the MDA Labor Day Telethon
Dave Plier and Dave Schwan celebrate the legacy of comedian Jerry Lewis and what was an annual tradition on Labor Day weekend, the MDA telethon.
Dean Martin, left, and Jerry Lewis, whose comedy team broke up 20 years earlier, appear together for the first time since the breakup on Lewis annual telethon for Muscular Dystrophy, Sept. 7, 1976, Las Vegas, Nev. Frank Sinatra, one of many stars who appeared, brought Martin along as a surprise. (AP Photo)
1 comment:
There is no question what a historic moment this was when Dean and Jerry came together again after such a long separation. This moment proves that there is no such things as too late. Even with so much water under the bridge and I am sure hard feeling between the two they put those things aside and resumed there friendship. A wonder moment that was brought together by there fellow friend Frank Sinatra.
A wonderful posting DMP, thank you.
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