Hey pallies, likes we are purely potently pumped to be able to share fresh Dino-devotion for a fresh sweet source that we found on the ol' 'net via our pallies at Twingly Advanced Blog Search. Today we take youse to a new-to-ilovedinomartin blog tagged "Cobblestone Dreams" where bros Mr. Don and Mr. Rob Ortolano share stories of their "growing up in New York City. As the Ortolano brothers describe it, "It is a story of childhood, family, joy, heartbreak; of discovery, failure, setbacks, sorrow, hope, promise, striving (mostly to look cool), and love. But mostly it is the story of two brothers. It is our story."
Recently, on September 1, Brother Rob shared a post with remarkable reflections on the Labor Day Weekend in his post simply tagged "Labor Day." A huge huge part of his swank scribin's surround his family's yearly "watching the Jerry Lewis Muscular Distrophy Telethon on television. And, likes a huge part of his written words center on the remarkable reunion between our most beloved Dino and his most beloved partner that occured durin' the '76 telethon.
Likes below are Mr. Rob Ortonlano touchin' 'n tender thoughts on the reunitin' of Martin and Lewis, and, of course, it is particularly profound 'cause of Mr. Lewis' recentin' passin' from our presence.
We thanks Rob for his marvelous memories of these magical moments for all of small screen history.
To checks out all of Mr. Ortonlano's Labor Day memories simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram to read his post in total.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters

Labor Day
It was what one did on Labor Day weekend, like watching Sixty Minutes every Sunday night.
And I am sure many can remember that one year when somehow Frank had managed to get Dean Martin to come on the show and (supposedly) surprise Jerry Lewis, it being the first time they were in the same room in years. They hadn’t had the most genial of break-ups – to any one who doesn’t know, the comedy team of Martin and Lewis was huge for many years. They were very popular and did live appearances, movies, television, radio – you name it. They made a ton of money for the studios they worked for, and for themselves. I don’t even remember what went wrong but they broke up and didn’t speak to each other for a long time. Until that one Labor Day telethon, when Frank brought Dean out and stood by as the two old friends embraced. It made TV history.
Dean left us years ago, and by coincidence with this posting Jerry went to meet him again just last week. Now I will be honest; I never thought Jerry Lewis was a comedic genius and never understood the French thinking him on par with someone like Chaplin or Buster Keaton, but he did some great straight dramatic roles (check out Funny Bones and The King of Comedy) later in his career, and I learned to appreciate his talent.
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