Hey pallies, likes we are so so entirely enthralled by our bestest of best Dino-bro's Danny-o's deep deep demonstration of the swankest of swank showin' of true delightful Dino-palliedom in his last Sunday Serenade With Dino, awesomely accentin' our moddest of mod man croonin' an ubber upbeat of the old old standard, "I Wanna Go Where You Go, Do What You Do (Then I'll Be Happy)," that we were solidly sold out 'n completely committed to see what all we couldn't find on that marvelous moment in the life and times of our Dino.
So, likes we went on over to youtube to see what Dino-details we coulda uncover. We found that the dino-devoted uploader of the Dino-vid that our Danny-o shared, "Deano Martin," had also swankly shared the ENTIRE EPISODE where our Dino crooned this happy happy song. Turns out that the original airrin' of that stunnin' show as on November 23, 1972. Likes we are proudly pleased to be able to share that entire episode with all youse Dino-holics below, sayin' our thankful thanks to "Deano Martin" for their faithfulness in sharin' so so many Dino-delights with all us Dino-philes.
And, likes in awesome addition to the video below, we also located an incredible image of our Dino and the Dingalings taken from the openin' croon, ""I Wanna Go Where You Go, Do What You Do (Then I'll Be Happy)" that shows our most beloved Dino makin' the scene with his four beautiful backup singers. Indeed this is our 70's Dino livin' his personal life in coolly complete congruency with his public persona!
And, likes Danny-o, this one's for you dude!
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Published on Apr 16, 2017
I have this full show on a disc coming from a VHS tape, but in bad shape. ‘The Best of The Dean Martin Variety Show’ from Time Life contains parts of this show. I substituted the corresponding parts so that the full show largely has a better quality, though there are still parts in bad condition because they aren’t released officially on DVD (yet).
Hope you enjoy the show!
- Dean Martin & The Dingaling Sisters: "Then I'll Be Happy"
- Dean Martin & Lynn Anderson: Flowers Medley: "April Showers" / "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" / "Sweet Violets" / "Sweet And Lovely" / "Rose Garden"
- Dean Martin & Kitty (Joy Hawkins): "Wouldn't It Be Loverly"
- Dean & Kitty at The Piano
- Dean Martin: "Non Dimenticar"
- The Dingaling Sisters: "The Laziest Gal In Town"
- Dean Martin & The Dingaling Sisters: Medley: "Love Is Just Around The Corner" / "My Ideal"
- Dean Martin and Jack Benny hold a sing-off, each with their own set of Dingaling Sisters, performing: "Mr. Wonderful", "Why Don't We Do This More Often", "Anything You Can Do" and "You"
- Dean Martin & Cast: "At The Movies" Finale pays tribute to the MGM musical Word and Music (1948)
- Kay Medford Sketch - Dean, Jack Benny, Kay Medford & Lou Jacobi
- Barbershop Sketch - Dean, Jack Benny, Dom DeLuise & Nipsey Russell
- Dean's Tiger - Dean, Joy Hawkins & Jack Benny
- Centerfold Sketch - Dean & Nipsey Russell
- Club Dingaling - Dean & Rodney Dangerfield
Source: http://www.tv.com/shows/the-dean-mart...
Hope you enjoy the show!
- Dean Martin & The Dingaling Sisters: "Then I'll Be Happy"
- Dean Martin & Lynn Anderson: Flowers Medley: "April Showers" / "Tiptoe Through The Tulips" / "Sweet Violets" / "Sweet And Lovely" / "Rose Garden"
- Dean Martin & Kitty (Joy Hawkins): "Wouldn't It Be Loverly"
- Dean & Kitty at The Piano
- Dean Martin: "Non Dimenticar"
- The Dingaling Sisters: "The Laziest Gal In Town"
- Dean Martin & The Dingaling Sisters: Medley: "Love Is Just Around The Corner" / "My Ideal"
- Dean Martin and Jack Benny hold a sing-off, each with their own set of Dingaling Sisters, performing: "Mr. Wonderful", "Why Don't We Do This More Often", "Anything You Can Do" and "You"
- Dean Martin & Cast: "At The Movies" Finale pays tribute to the MGM musical Word and Music (1948)
- Kay Medford Sketch - Dean, Jack Benny, Kay Medford & Lou Jacobi
- Barbershop Sketch - Dean, Jack Benny, Dom DeLuise & Nipsey Russell
- Dean's Tiger - Dean, Joy Hawkins & Jack Benny
- Centerfold Sketch - Dean & Nipsey Russell
- Club Dingaling - Dean & Rodney Dangerfield
Source: http://www.tv.com/shows/the-dean-mart...
Oh what times he had! Thanks for sharin' the full episode, pallie! Makes me long for 1972...even though I was only 3! Haha!!
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, you are most welcome our Dino-bro....likes no matter the age, our most beloved Dino turns us on! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our one, our only Dino!
What an awesome Dino-find! Great work!
Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, was so so easy one our Dino-bro Danny-o did his swank serenade work...this was simply a natural follow up! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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