Hey pallies, likes the web is full of the sad news that insult comic Mr. Don Rickles departed our planet at the age of 90 on April 6. We don't often share posts on the death of stars that worked with our Dino, but Mr. Rickles appeared often on both the original Dino-show as well as the Dino-roasts and it was always always awesomely apparent that our Dino and Mr. Rickles had not only a blast workin' together, but had the ubber up most respect for each other.
Likes, the ol' 'net has been filled the last couple of days with blog posts honorin' Mr. Rickles' passin' with a just a ton of 'em mentionin' his performances with our one and only Dino. We have had the hardest of hard times chosin' one to share, but likes when our pallies at google Dino-'lerts sent us the post below from the pallies at the online presence of "Rolling Stone" we knew it was the right one to share with all youse Dino-holics.
Scribed By Mr. Joseph Hudak, the powerful post accents that marvelous memorable moment from the Dino-show circa 1967 that has our beloved Dino makin' funny with both Mr. Rickles and Mr. Roy Rogers in a wild 'n wacky western skit. Hudak includes the youtube vid of the swank skit below 'long with potent patter describin' what transpires when you both these three terrifically talents actors together.
We reverently remember Mr. Don Rickles on his passin' from our presence and we sez our thank you very much to the pallies at "Rolling Stone," and in particular Mr. Joseph Hudak for this remembrance of Mr. Rickles and all the fun he had with our one and only Dino. To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
We remain,
Yours in Dino,
Dino Martin Peters
Flashback: See Don Rickles Take Down Roy Rogers in 'Western' Skit
Insult comic starred as an outspoken bartender in a 1969 sketch on 'The Dean Martin Show'
Don Rickles and Roy Rogers guest starred in a Western-themed sketch on 'The Dean Martin Show.'
By Joseph Hudak
Country-music cowboy Roy Rogers may have been fast on the draw, but he was no match for the quick wit of Don Rickles. The comedian, known for his epic insulting takedowns, died April 6th at 90.
The famously boozy Martin saunters in and uncharacteristically orders a milk, prompting Rickles to quip, "He should get an Academy Award for reading that line." But it's Rogers, a deer in the headlights in the sketch, who bears the brunt of Rickles comedic wrath.
"Good reading, Roy. You're going to get your water gun and your own pony," fires off Rickles, after a flat line reading by the "King of the Cowboys." "Once in awhile, Roy, read my lips so you know what's happening."
The studio audience comes unglued with laughter, reinforcing the live nature of Martin's series and spurring on Rickles to further improvise. "Isn't this fun, Roy, you're staying up with the grownups!" he spits, before baiting Rogers one more time.
"You got a lot of good lines coming up, Roy. I'll make you feel at home, ok?" Rickles says, going on to impersonate a horse snort.
The whole bit ends with Rickles crawling atop the bar and a misfire of a duel between Martin and Rogers, who train their guns on the pesky barkeep. Naturally, Rickles lets them know their aim isn't true: "You're shooting me in the leg, dummy!"
Rickles died at his home in Los Angeles from kidney failure. A tireless road comic, he performed shows as recently as last year. His lengthy film résumé includes roles in the Pixar hit Toy Story and Martin Scorsese's Casino, both released in 1995.
RIP Don.
I had the priviledge of seeing Rickles live about 20 yeas ago.
Very touching to hear him give credit to Dino for help him get his career started..
Hey pallie, likes Eddie-o, thanks for sharin' that reminder of our always generous Dino! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most most beloved Dino!
Hahaha!!! Man o man that was good! Such fun times, pal! Heaven must be throwing' a party! All these GREAT GREAT entertainers in one COOL COOL place! RIP Don. Youse will be missed.
Hey pallie, likes Danny-o, this is indeed the coolest of cool classic comedy sketch that was perfect to accent the fun that our Dino and Don had together makin' funny. Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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