Hey pallies, likes we are perfectly powerfully pumped to be beginin' a series of 10---count 'em---10 parts awesomely accentin' primo poster art from many of our most beloved Dino's big screen efforts.
This exremely excitin' series of Dino-devotion comes to us from the 'net pad tagged "ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY - ART THAT POPS" which is celebratin' Rat Pack poster month in April, and that, of course, means mucho material from our one and only Dino.
These wisest of wise pallies have chosen to begin their Dino-festivities with a swank selection of original flick poster art from our Dino as swingin' spyster Matt Helm. Likes of course, our Dino-hearts were wildly warmed when the unknown scriber states, "Yet my favorite movies of his remain the 4 films he produced and acted in between 1966 and 1968 as Super Agent Matt Helm, fantastic spoofs on The James Bond." Likes, of course, se couldn't 'gree more!!!!!
Below is a cool collection of original Matt Helm art that remarkably represents the universal appeal of our Dino as Matt Helm. Not only are there posters used to promote the films here in the ol' USA, but also ones commissioned in Danish, French, and Japanese as well!!!!! Likes we are totally totally thrilled to share 'em with you 'cause they are bountifully beautiful examples of awesome artistic efforts demonstratin' the ubber universal of our one and only Dino.
This is only Part 1 of the 10 part series that we will be continuin' to bring your way over the next several days. We sez our thank you very much to the pallies at "ILLUSTRACTION GALLERY - ART THAT POPS" for this swankly special awesome accent on our great great man in this great great way! To checks this out in it's original source, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-report.
Deeply, deeply Dino-delighted, DMP

As we explore the rat Pack members all this month, this is the time to turn the spotlight on
DEAN MARTIN who is the only one who had three distinct stars on the Hollywood Walk Of fame for his tirple successful career: Actor, Singer and TV Host). However it is his filmography which we are briefly surveying on this 10 part Blog. An impressive list which can be divided into 5 categories: His 16 movies with
Jerry Lewis (part 2), his Westerns (Part 2, 5, 7 and 10), Romantic comedies (Part 4, 6 and 9) and Drama (Part 8).
Yet my favorite movies of his remain the 4 films he produced and acted in between 1966 and 1968 as Super Agent Matt Helm, fantastic spoofs on The James Bond. Directed by
Henry Levin and
Phil Karlson, they mix great action, humor, ultra cool designs and the nets list of female stars ever:
Senta Berger,
Cyd Charisse,
Nancy Kwan,
Daliah Lavi,
Elke Sommer,
Stella Stevens and
Sharon Tate. The death of the latter in 1968 was so hard on Martin that he cancelled the planned 5th episode titled
The Ravagers.
Above are the rare US half sheet combo poster for Murderers’ Row and The Silencers (painted by
Robert McGinnis) with on second row the US one sheets for the Silencers and The Ambushers as well as the Danish poster for Murderers’ Row (the last two also designed by
Robert McGinnis) followed by 3 French Grande movie posters and 3 Japanese posters.