And, then likes we see our Dino changin' from booze and a broad to a smoke and a pistol provin' that Matt Helm is very very versatile!!!! We here at ilovedinomartin simply can't get 'nough of our pallie Geronimo's hugest of huge creativity when it comes to the Dino and Ann-Margret figures. Likes every young Dino-addict oughta have their own set to get in the swing of the Dino-action!
"Gain, we find ourselves at a loss for the right words to express our thorough delight in Geronimo's amazin' ability to turn his passion for our Dino and his talent for creatin' these action figures into the hugest of huge homage of our King of Cool. Stay tuned for yet 'nother day of Dino-delight courtesy of Dino-holicly devoted Geronimo. To checks this out in it's orginal format, simply clicks on the tag of this here Dino-gram.
Dino-charged, DMP
Matt decides to follow this lead very intensely! He suggests that Ann slip into something more comfortable while he fixes a drink...
Seems like one thing leads to another, but this is a family picture...the next scene shows our boy smoking an "after dinner" cigarette and drawing his pistol...
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