Hey pallies, likes our days of celebratin' Dino-winter-month are drawin' to a close, and likes we find ourselves at Dino-eve....out with the old year and in with the new!!
Below are two delightful pixs of our Dino and Jerry as Father Time and the babe in arms. It seems hard to believe that this pixs were shot to celebrate the comin' of 1952....61-count-em-61 years ago!
How fun to see our most beloved Dino decked out as Father Time...lookin' so wonderfully wise with his long flowin' robe and sickle...and Jerry dressed us as a new born ready to toot his horn....indeed the boys are certainly type cast!
ilovedinomartin wishes all you pallies a swingin' and safe New Year's Eve and the bestest of best New Years! Keeps checkin' in at ilovedinomartin for more great Dino-action in the comin' year....and likes most of all...KEEPS LOVIN' OUR DINO! Dino-celebratin', DMP

Happy New Year to DMP, Danny G., Miss AOW and Dino-holics all over the world! All the BEST for 2013!
Hey pallie, likes and to you Mr. Matty...and our 2013 can't be anythin' but stellar when we keeps the focus always and only on our most beloved Dino! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
1952! A very good year!
My birth year. ;^)
It's a personal New Year's present to me from Dean and Jerry. **smile**
Hey pallie, likes Miss AOW, how cool is that ma'am..and indeed very timely of you to read it as a gift from our most beloved Dino and his great partner Jerry. btw, I have begun watchin' all the Martin and Lewis flicks in order...so far just finished numero 5..."Sailors Beware." The only one I don't have is "3 Ring Circus" was has yet to be released.
I figure this is a great way to start 'nother year of deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion. Keeps lovin' our Dino!
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