Likes how cool is it dudes to have Miss Daisy who obviously is head-over-heels devoted to her doll collection share this Dino-devotion at her blog. As you will read the Dino-treasure belongs to her sis. Likes for such a long long Dino-time I have been desirin' my very very own Dino-singin' Dino-doll.
Hats off to Miss Daisy for sharin' this very delightful Dino-creation with all her readers. To view this in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tag of this Dino-report. In our Dino, DMP
Singing Dean Martin Doll

The doll has a repertoire of only two songs, “Everybody Loves Somebody,” (1963), that knocked the Beatles out of the popular chart’s number one position, and “That’s Amor” (1953).
He is from my sister's collection, and he is standing in her dust ;-)
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