Mr. Din included thoughts and vids on other greats like Mel Torme and Peggy Lee, but am simply sharin' the Dino-portion with all you pallies here. To view the entire post, likes just clicks on the tagg of this here Dino-message.\
Ain't it wonderful to know that pallies like our great Dino-devoted pallie Din Merican loves our Dino so so much to make a great effort to pilgrimage to Los Angeles to pay homage to our amazin' Dino at his final restin' place.
Thanks to Mr. Merican for sharin' the honorin news of their visit to our Dino's grave and selectin' some wonderful Dino-songs to help others to grow in their deep, pure, and true Dino-devotion. Dino-forever, DMP
.–Dr.Kamsiah and Din Merican
Remembering Dean Martin
Los Angeles, California
July 23, 2011
This Weekend’s Entertainment: Remembering Dean Martin

Dean Martin starts off with his famous ” Everybody loves Somebody Sometime”. As a singer, Martin copied the styles of Harry Mills, Bing Crosby and Perry Como until he developed his own and could hold his own in duets with Sinatra and Crosby. Like his good friend Frank Sinatra, he could not read music, but he recorded more than 100 albums and 600 songs. His signature tune, “Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime” reached the number-one spot in the United States in 1964.
–Dr.Kamsiah and Din Merican
Dean Martin
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