Enjoys how our Dino welcomed Miss AOW to his wise and wonderful world. Truly truly ilovedinomartin sez our devoted Dino-thanks to our pallie in Dino, Miss Always On Watch for sharin' her Dino-testimony with us this very Dino-day. Likes if you clicks on her byline you will be transported to AOW's outstandin' blog. Dino-devotedly, DMP
"Immortal Devotion"
I fell in love with our Dino's velvet baritone voice without knowing anything else about the man. Imagine my joy when I discovered that the voice belonged to the King of Cool, the most talented man ever to grace our planet!
It was the summer of 1965, and I was visiting relatives in Tennessee. My cousin Beverly had a few jacketless LP's, one of which was Dean Martin's The Door Is Still Open to My Heart.
Beverly was enamored of the second song on the album: "We'll Sing in the Sunshine." But I, barely into my teens and not the least bit interested in the the kind of music performed by the Beatles, fell in love with the album's title song:
Once home that fateful summer, I went to our local drug store (In those days, drug stores sold LP's and 45's) and bought my first Dean Martin record album:

That same summer, the film The Sons of Katie Elder hit the movie theaters.
I can't remember now how many times I went to see that film. I know only that I went many times because my father's best friend owned the local movie theater. As a result, I had free admission to that theater and watched our Dino on the big screen over and over again in a film now considered a classic Western.
My timing in falling in love with our Dino forty-six years ago was perfect. The Dean Martin Show debuted on September 6, 1965. And, of course, our Dino went on from there to have one of the most successful careers in music, television, and film.
We shall not see another as versatile, as talented, and as cool as Dean Martin. But we can relive those joyous days through the miracle of technology. Somehow, I'm sure that our Dino would approve of that kind of immortality, immortality that brings joy to others.
Yes, indeed, I have every album pictured in the above video! **smile**
I have to say that I really enjoyed writing this for the best Dino-devoted site on the web.
And thank you for your gracious words, DMP.
Hey pallie, so glads to hear that Miss AOW, and likes thank you so much for your gracious words as well! Keeps lovin' our Dino!
Great great job AOW!!! Loved your intro to our great man & loved those choice vids/songs! You are so right that we'll never see nother' like Dino, but his legacy will live and thrive from generation to generation. Again...great job!
Danny G
Thanks. I appreciate your compliments.
really nice, AOW! That is a super song, isn't it. I loved reading your memories..
My buddy was the golf pro at a local country club here in L.A. and knew Dino for years; said he was one of the nicest men he'd ever met. He knew Mike owned the Pro Shop and could use more business so he would come in, like a new model golf shirt or sweater, and buy it in every color! Mike told me he got quieter and more withdrawn after the loss of his son in the plane crash, but never stopped being kind and patient and charming......
And what a voice.
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