Wells it was spake by the Miss January chick to our Dino as Matt Helm in his spy caper numero duo, "Murders' Row." After our Dino had taken Miss J's pix for a calendar layout, she sneaks under our Dino's sheets 'cause "January is such a cold month" and she wants to stay warm. When he finds her there he sez, "I'd never thought I would ever say this, but I'm tired, all I want to do is lie down and get some rest. Now, be a good girl and go on home." Well by the Dino-shot below you can see who won the first 'round of that tangle, as our Dino sez, "Well, I'm glad you talked some sense into me."
Likes Miss J, I wanna wish all our ilovedinomartin Dino-philes a Happy New Year. I raise a toast to our Dino and all his pallies in lookin' forward to 'nother year of liftin' of the name of our Dino and spreadin' the happiness that he brings to all who know, love, and honors him. So, happy new year pallies and keeps lovin' our Dino in 2010!
Below is a cool Dinotrib that I recently found at youtube that cleverly honors our great man with tons of Dino-stills and Dino-posters from the Matt Helm quartet. Loves it pallies and knows you will too. May all our days be Dino-days! Dino-diggin', DMP
Have a happy New Dino-Year too. I wish all your dreams come true.
Hey pallie, thanks so much Mr. Dana....one of my Dino-dreams is to shares as much Dino as possible to help dudes like you to comes to make Dino your numero uno....
Hi DMP! I hope you had a great x-mas and a great start of new year : ) Great post!
Hey pallie, same to you Dino-girl....so how was your vacatiato? Any Dino-stories to tell?
It was great, i posted some pictures from the trip : )
Yeah, we found this little bar, and when we went inside it was all Rat Pack dedicated! Only playing Rat Pack music, "favorite" Rat Pack drinks etc! And i bought a couple of cd´s and movies : )
Hey pallie, saw the pixs, sounds likes the Dino-force was with ya...so tells us Dino-girl what new Dino-treasures were you able to obtain?
Yeah : )
I posted a little about that on the blog, more update will come later this weekend.
Hey pallie, just left ya some Dino-patter...so how in the world did you ever find the Dino-winter-show?
Well i wasn't really looking... I just came into this old store and looked thru some old stuff.. And there i found x-mas show and hollywood palace show! I screamed out loud, scared the h*ll out of the man who worked there and broke a vase, that cost me 2€ because i turn around and run to buy those dvd´s : p
I get a little clumsy when it comes to Dean and Dino stuff!
Hey pallie, knows what's you mean...so tells me pallie...what is the difference between "Dean and Dino stuff"?
Dean - it´s personal, it´s the man him self and his music
Dino stuff - it´s cool, but it will never be as important as the man him self. That´s more vids with or about him, books etc.
Hey pallie, very Dino-intriquin'....I woulda thoughts just the very Dino-opposite....to me there is nothin' no more personal then DINO!
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