Saturday, February 28, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth concludes with "Since I Met You Baby"
Hey pallies, it just woulda be Dinoamore Dinomonth likes it we didn't conclude with what I consider to be one of the coolest of the cool Dinoamore Dinosongs and llikes our Dino's only music vid....."Since I Met You Baby"......created by our Dino's boypallie Ricci and shown on MTV circa 1982. Nows, I knows pallies that I had Dinoposted this Dinoclip many a Dinotime...but likes one can never ever gets 'nough of our Dino and of this amazin' stellar and so totally totally Dinounique Dinoclip. So ilovedinomartin closes out Dinoamore Dinomonth sharin' "Since I Met You Baby"....and likes as I have said many a Dinotime....since I met out Dino, I am likes a totally different dude....for Dinosure..... Dinoaddictedly, DMP
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "L.O.V.E."
Hey pallies, likes today is the last Dinoday of Dinoamore Dinomonth and our Dinocelebration wouldna be Dinocomplete without postin' this Dinoclip of our Dino singin' and spellin' L.O.V.E.
I loves this clip from our Dino's stellar show where our Dino proclaims that "love is all that I can give to you"....but likes who needs anythin' else if they have our Dino's love...and likes all our Dino asks in return is that we love him.
Enjoys our Dino enjoyin' singin' 'bout amore! and hopes all my Dinoholic pallies have had lots of Dinoamore Dinofun this Dinoamore Dinomonth as we have honored our great man by sharin' his amazin' amore Dinoablities with all his Dinoamore Dinotunes.... Dinodiggin', DMP
Friday, February 27, 2009
Third Week Out, Our Dino's "AMORE" Moves To 7TH PLACE

Hey pallies, the Dinonews is in and gotta 'fess up that I am a bit disappointed....on it's third week out, our Dino's newest Dinodisc "AMORE" has shifted from 1st to 7th place in Billboard's Chart Of Pop Albums. But, certainly that is still very very respectable. This news is reported by the Brits at Reuters and you can checks it out for yourself by clickin' on the tagg of this Dinopost. We'll keep followin' the Dinoaction on this Dinoalbum...wishin' our Dino our best for a return to numero uno...and likes of course for all true Dinoholics our Dino has, is, and will always be #1 in our hearts... Dino-only, DMP
A Rat Pack of Bubblegum
Hey pallies, thoughts you would enjoy this post on our Dino's boypallie Dino Jr.'s swingin' Dinocombo.... Dino, Desi, and Billy. This is from a cool blog tagged Katz Komments. Did not realize that Dino Jr. was only the tender age of 11 when uncle frankie discovered his little musical combo and signed 'em to Reprise Records. Enjoys this very creative and informative bit of Dinohistory. If you wanna read this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram (there are more cool pixs with this post). So, so sad that our Dino's youngen' Dino Jr. crashed...truly believe he woulda eventually followed in his daddy-os footsteps.
And, likes as a added bonus pallies, likes checks out the clip of Dino, Desi, and Billy's tune "Not The Lovin' Kind" at the end of this post. Dinodelightedly, DMP
A Rat Pack of Bubblegum

The greatest joy of having a college radio show was that you were allowed, nay, encouraged, to play whatever you want. At least that was the case at WHRW, SUNY-Binghamton, in the early '80's. Proudly I re-introduced Annette Funicello to my listening audience, "Secret Surfin' Spot" being the track of choice.
Another album I was drawn to was Dino, Desi and Billy's I'm a Fool. I'm going on the assumption that most readers would guess there are higher show biz forces at work. Yes, Dino was Dean Martin's son. Sure, Desi was the spawn of Lucy and Desi Arnaz. The real one, not Little Ricky. Billy? Son of joey Bishop perhaps. Nephew of Buddy Hackett maybe? No and no. Billy was Billy Hinche. Who, you are no doubt asking, was this Hinche boy? He was the son of a real estate hawker whose top shelf clients included Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra.
The story goes that the boys, fellow classmates at Beverly Hills Catholic School, were rehearsing up in young Martin's room when Uncle Frank came by. As Billy's dad would say, "location, location, location." Suitably impressed, or terribly drunk, Frank thought the trio should be recording for his Reprise label and pronto. Off they went, to the studio where they would be produced by Lee Hazlewood, arranged by Hazlewood and Jack Nitzsche and accompanied by guitar god James Burton and future Derek and The Dominoes drummer and committer of matricide, Jim Gordon.
The album, I'm a Fool, is to my ears, good clean fun and, if you approach it the right way, pretty darn good. Interestingly, the boys taste is Dylan and The Byrds, not British Invasion. Covers of both artists abound. The originals are not. "I'm a Fool" is "Hang On Sloopy" set to different words. "The Rebel Kind" could be an outtake from the Stones Out of Our Head. These folk-rock manques do a passable Byrds imitation. They could have been playing at a local bar. It's only at the end of the last cut, "Seventh Son," that their youth is fully on display. Some immature gibberish about which of the fortunate sons is "the one" as per the song's lyrics, reveals how young they are. Dino and Desi were only 11, Billy 13. Pretty ballsy to take on "Like a Rolling Stone" and "Chimes of Freedom."
What I enjoyed listening to the album today was the innocence of the era, when the sons of the powerful sought to become pop stars, not president.
Posted by Katz Komments at 8:48 AM
And, likes as a added bonus pallies, likes checks out the clip of Dino, Desi, and Billy's tune "Not The Lovin' Kind" at the end of this post. Dinodelightedly, DMP
A Rat Pack of Bubblegum

The greatest joy of having a college radio show was that you were allowed, nay, encouraged, to play whatever you want. At least that was the case at WHRW, SUNY-Binghamton, in the early '80's. Proudly I re-introduced Annette Funicello to my listening audience, "Secret Surfin' Spot" being the track of choice.
Another album I was drawn to was Dino, Desi and Billy's I'm a Fool. I'm going on the assumption that most readers would guess there are higher show biz forces at work. Yes, Dino was Dean Martin's son. Sure, Desi was the spawn of Lucy and Desi Arnaz. The real one, not Little Ricky. Billy? Son of joey Bishop perhaps. Nephew of Buddy Hackett maybe? No and no. Billy was Billy Hinche. Who, you are no doubt asking, was this Hinche boy? He was the son of a real estate hawker whose top shelf clients included Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra.
The story goes that the boys, fellow classmates at Beverly Hills Catholic School, were rehearsing up in young Martin's room when Uncle Frank came by. As Billy's dad would say, "location, location, location." Suitably impressed, or terribly drunk, Frank thought the trio should be recording for his Reprise label and pronto. Off they went, to the studio where they would be produced by Lee Hazlewood, arranged by Hazlewood and Jack Nitzsche and accompanied by guitar god James Burton and future Derek and The Dominoes drummer and committer of matricide, Jim Gordon.
The album, I'm a Fool, is to my ears, good clean fun and, if you approach it the right way, pretty darn good. Interestingly, the boys taste is Dylan and The Byrds, not British Invasion. Covers of both artists abound. The originals are not. "I'm a Fool" is "Hang On Sloopy" set to different words. "The Rebel Kind" could be an outtake from the Stones Out of Our Head. These folk-rock manques do a passable Byrds imitation. They could have been playing at a local bar. It's only at the end of the last cut, "Seventh Son," that their youth is fully on display. Some immature gibberish about which of the fortunate sons is "the one" as per the song's lyrics, reveals how young they are. Dino and Desi were only 11, Billy 13. Pretty ballsy to take on "Like a Rolling Stone" and "Chimes of Freedom."
What I enjoyed listening to the album today was the innocence of the era, when the sons of the powerful sought to become pop stars, not president.
Posted by Katz Komments at 8:48 AM
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents our Dino and Miss Pet Clark horsin' 'round with each other
Hey pallies, as we closes out our Dinoamore Dinomonth Dinotrib to our Dino's amorin' Miss Pet Clark, we conclude this little Dinoamorefest with a rare black and white Dinoclip of our Dino and Miss Pet literally horsin' 'round with each other.
As this lovin' duo sings "Hey Good Lookin'" gotta 'fess up that our Dino looks so good lookin' even in Black and that's why he is so so cool in a tux.... As our great man and Miss Brit sings "how 'bout cookin' somethin' up with me"....y'knows that they musta haves somethin' amore cookin' up for after the show. Hopes all my Dinoholic pallies have enjoyed this little Dinotrib to our Dino and Miss Pet and the stellar amore between 'em.... Dinolovin', DMP
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents our Dino and Miss Pet Clark Lets The Good Times In
Hey pallies, in this third clip from the Dinoshow, our Dino and Miss Pet has such a playful time with each other as they "open up the door and let the good times in." Our Dino sings "don't let nothin' stand in your way" and indeed nothin' and I mean nothin' stands in the way of our Dino and Miss Clark havin' a lark amorin' each other as they sings this medley.
This Dinoclip is part of the stellar Dinodisc "That's Amore," and likes as you listen to Greg Garrison introin' this Dinoclip he speaks 'bout our Dino and Miss Pet havin' a little love affair. Loves how Miss Pet gets our Dino to fruggin' durin' one of the tunes....indeed our great man and this Brit delight makes such a swingin' couple. Enjoys more amore Dinostyle with Miss Petula Clark...and stops by tomorrow for one more Dinoamore Dinomonth Dinclip with our Dino and Miss Pet. Dinoswingin', DMP
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents our Dino and Miss Pet Clark Showin' "True Love"
Hey pallies, ready for some more Dinolovin'? In today's Dinoclip our Dino and Miss Pet dos a medley of amore songs includin' "If This Isn't Love" that Miss Pet sang in the musical flick "Finian's Rainbow." Gotta state that if the if the thin' between our Dino and Miss Pet ain't amore, likes don't know what loves is.
When our Dino and Miss Pet sings "True Love" ya knows that it is more then just a bunch of lyrics that they are singin' to each other. Just watchin' our great man and this Brit songstress on screen together you knows they can't wait to do some real amorin' together.
So, sits back and enjoys our Dino and Miss Pet singin' of their amoric passion for each other. Dinoaddictedly, DMP
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents our Dino and Miss Pet Dreamin' Away
Hey pallies, am gonna devote the next few Dinodays of Dinoamore Dinomonth to postin' some Dinoclips from the Dinoshow of our Dino and Miss Pet Clark singin' some medleys of AMORE. Our Dino's girlpallie Deana revealed in her Dinobio, "Memories Are Made Of This," that her daddy-o...,our Dino, and Miss Pet were amores...
So likes what could be more Dinoappro then postin' some stellar Dinoclips of our Dino and Miss Pet makin' it with each other on the set of the Dinoshow. Our great man and this English sensation certainly heat up the screen when they sings and swings together. This particular medley puts the focus on dreamy loves songs includin' "All I Do Is Dream Of You." Betcha that all Miss Pet could do is dream of our Dino and our Dino seems to reciprocate in this Dinodepartment as well with Miss Pet. Knows all I cans do every Dinoday is keeps dreamin' of our Dino. Enjoys this Dinoclip and dos some Dinoamoredreamin' your Dinoselves.... Dinodreamin', DMP
Monday, February 23, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "It Had To Be You"
Hey pallies, likes here is 'nother likes totally stellar Dinoamoresong from our Dino's amazin' Dinoshow. No one knows how to sells amore likes our Dino and he does it magnificantly in this Dinoclip...just watch how, as Greg Garrison said, our Dino "can look into the cold lenses of the camera" and likes turns on his audience likes Dinototally. For all true Dinoholics, it certainly has to be DINO!!! Dinodiggin', DMP
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "I'm In The Mood For Love"
Hey pallies, this in Dinodefinitely one of my fav Dinoamoretunes...'specially as our Dino sang it on his stellar Dinoshow. Was surprised not to find that clip at youtube, but likes did find this Dinosong Dinoclip from the Dino and the kid flick "That's My Boy." Had forgotten that our great man sang this tune in that Dinoflick. Checks it out pallies, doesn't our Dino look so youthful and cool as he sings this song to his chick while the jer drives.
Gotta 'fess up pallies that I am always in the mood for our Dino and our Dino is always in the mood for amore!!!! Dinodelightedly, DMP
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want To Do It)"
Hey pallies, likes here is the last Dinotune from "Dean Martin Love Songs." "Nother Dinoclassic for Dinosure...."You Made Me Love You (I Didn't Want To Do It)" Nows in the case of our Dino......he certainly has made us loves him...but what true Dinoholic woulda ever not wanna loves the loviest man of all time?
Here's 'nother stellar Dinoclip from our great man's great show...and this particular Dinoclip is part of the great Dinomusicdvd..."That's Amore." Knows you will all loves watchin' and listenin' to our Dino as much as this Dinoaddict does....
Dinoenchanted, DMP
Friday, February 20, 2009
Our Dino's boypallie Ricci applies for 'best job in the world"
Hey pallies, likes checks out what our Dino's boypallie Ricci is up to...applyin' for the best job in the world.....the highly paid job of looking after a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef. Won't it be the coolest if our Dino's boy gets the position. So, lets send groovy Dinothoughts to our Ricci with our best wishes for Dinosuccess in this endeavor. To reads all 'bout this in it's original format, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost. Dinowishin', DMP

Rush to apply for 'best job in world' as deadline looms
Almost 23,000 people have applied for 'the best job in the world', including 1,500 Britons, which offers the successful candidate six months in a luxury villa on Hamilton Island, on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and a salary of £69,000.
By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney
Last Updated: 1:27PM GMT 20 Feb 2009
More than 20,000 people have applied for the highly paid job of looking after a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef Photo: EPA
Once they have settled into their new surroundings, they will be free to explore the surrounding Great Barrier Reef or simply laze on the beach with little to distract them except the responsibility of writing the odd blog about life in paradise.
Interest in the job has been so intense as Sunday's deadline approaches, that Tourism Queensland had to increase its IT support for the website to prevent it crashing.
It was estimated, at its peak, 4,000 people applied for the role each day.
Among the hopefuls were a US soldier in Iraq, a New Zealand travel presenter, and Dean Martin's son, Ricci.
Applications have come from more than 200 countries worldwide, or as Tourism Queensland likes to put it "from everywhere from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe".
Some went to great lengths to showcase their suitability for the job, others simply sat on their sofas and pleaded.
More than 1,500 Britons have applied for the role, the third largest nationality after Americans (7,500) and Canadians (1,800).
Nicole McNaughton, Tourism Queensland spokeswoman, said the office had been overwhelmed by the efforts some hopefuls had gone to.
"Potential applicants have sent out press releases, sourced their own media coverage and established websites dedicated to their applications," she said.
The campaign is part of an attempt by the state to lure visitors back to its tourist hotspots. Queensland's economy is suffering from falling visitor numbers, and is desperate for a shot in the arm.
Applications close at 11.59pm on Sunday. Once the deadline has passed, a team of 15 Tourism Queensland employees will wade through the 60-second video clips to create a 50-strong shortlist. The group will then be subjected to online psychometric testing and whittled down to 10, with the public invited to vote for their favourite, who will make up a wildcard entry into the final 11.
The finalists will then be flown to Queensland for intensive interviews and the winner will be announced on May 6.
But unsuccessful applicants should not despair Ron Clarke, mayor of the Gold Coast near Brisbane, has offered applicants a consolation prize - the job of caretaker at a resort on South Stradbroke Island.
While admitting the salary would be a fraction of the Hamilton Island job, Mr Clarke said the position would be just as invigorating.

Rush to apply for 'best job in world' as deadline looms
Almost 23,000 people have applied for 'the best job in the world', including 1,500 Britons, which offers the successful candidate six months in a luxury villa on Hamilton Island, on Australia's Great Barrier Reef, and a salary of £69,000.
By Bonnie Malkin in Sydney
Last Updated: 1:27PM GMT 20 Feb 2009
More than 20,000 people have applied for the highly paid job of looking after a tropical island on the Great Barrier Reef Photo: EPA
Once they have settled into their new surroundings, they will be free to explore the surrounding Great Barrier Reef or simply laze on the beach with little to distract them except the responsibility of writing the odd blog about life in paradise.
Interest in the job has been so intense as Sunday's deadline approaches, that Tourism Queensland had to increase its IT support for the website to prevent it crashing.
It was estimated, at its peak, 4,000 people applied for the role each day.
Among the hopefuls were a US soldier in Iraq, a New Zealand travel presenter, and Dean Martin's son, Ricci.
Applications have come from more than 200 countries worldwide, or as Tourism Queensland likes to put it "from everywhere from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe".
Some went to great lengths to showcase their suitability for the job, others simply sat on their sofas and pleaded.
More than 1,500 Britons have applied for the role, the third largest nationality after Americans (7,500) and Canadians (1,800).
Nicole McNaughton, Tourism Queensland spokeswoman, said the office had been overwhelmed by the efforts some hopefuls had gone to.
"Potential applicants have sent out press releases, sourced their own media coverage and established websites dedicated to their applications," she said.
The campaign is part of an attempt by the state to lure visitors back to its tourist hotspots. Queensland's economy is suffering from falling visitor numbers, and is desperate for a shot in the arm.
Applications close at 11.59pm on Sunday. Once the deadline has passed, a team of 15 Tourism Queensland employees will wade through the 60-second video clips to create a 50-strong shortlist. The group will then be subjected to online psychometric testing and whittled down to 10, with the public invited to vote for their favourite, who will make up a wildcard entry into the final 11.
The finalists will then be flown to Queensland for intensive interviews and the winner will be announced on May 6.
But unsuccessful applicants should not despair Ron Clarke, mayor of the Gold Coast near Brisbane, has offered applicants a consolation prize - the job of caretaker at a resort on South Stradbroke Island.
While admitting the salary would be a fraction of the Hamilton Island job, Mr Clarke said the position would be just as invigorating.
Our Dino's AMORE tops the Billboard Pop Chart for second straight week
Hey pallies likes what a steller Dinoamore Dinomonth it has shaped up to Dinobe at ilovedinomartin. Dudes, likes the Dinolatest Dinogreat Dinonews is that our Dino's newest Dinodisc AMORE has topped the Billboard Pop Chart for the second Dinoweek in a Dinorow. To reads this amazin' Dinonews, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. How cool to know that Dinolove just keeps glowin' and growin' all over the Dinoworld. Dinoawed, DMP

Top Pop Catalog
Dean Martin
Chart Listing For The Week Of Feb 28 2009:
This Week Last Week Two Weeks Ago Weeks on Chart Peak Position
1 1 - 2 1
Please click here to view the full chart listing.
Imprint: EMI Special Markets
Catalog No: 793 EX
Distributing Label: Hear

Top Pop Catalog
Dean Martin
Chart Listing For The Week Of Feb 28 2009:
This Week Last Week Two Weeks Ago Weeks on Chart Peak Position
1 1 - 2 1
Please click here to view the full chart listing.
Imprint: EMI Special Markets
Catalog No: 793 EX
Distributing Label: Hear
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "For The Good Times"
Hey pallies, 'bout two-thirds of the way through Dinoamore Dinomonth and the great Dinoamoretunes keeps 'comin. Here's 'nother great Dinoclassic on the new Dinodisc "Dean Martin Love Songs."
"For The Good Times" tells the story of an amore that was....likes how many chicks coulda our Dino sings this tune to?!??!??!?! Just hopes it is never ever over with our Dino for this Dinoholic. Enjoys this clip of our great man singin' this great song on the Dinoshow. Dinoaddictedly, DMP
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "The Glory Of Love"
Hey pallies, 'nother Dinotrack from Dean Martin Love Songs is "The Glory Of Love." Here's our Dino croonin' this Dinoamoresong on a seg of the great Dinoshow. Many of you Dinoholics will remember that this Dinosong was featured on the soundtrack for Matt Helm caper numero uno..."The Silencers."
No one more qualified to sings 'bout the glories of amore then our Dino...'cause no one more amore then our great man. So enjoys the glories of our Dino singin' love.... Dinoawed, DMP
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
That's Amore: A Son Remembers Dean Martin
Hey pallies, a dude tagged Basit has just posted some Dinocomments on our Dino's boypallie Ricci's Dinobio...will be Dinocurious what's you thinks of these Dinocomments...nice to see more and more bloggers devoted space to celebratin' our usual, if you wanna sees this in it's original form, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Dinoaddicted, DMP
That's Amore: A Son Remembers Dean Martin

Read Biography: film That's Amore:
From Publishers Weekly A Son Remembers Dean Martin
Celebrity-watchers assert tabloids inwardly conglomerate hoping to entrap a glimpse of the "real" players of favorite big peak star. This scattershot memoir near Dean Martin's youngest son prove that sometimes the carbon copy resting on the screen be in remarkable amounts more colorful than the father who come environment and enjoy a smite of bread in olden times tea. Life at 601 Mountain Drive be pretty idyllic, with parents who didn't heed their kids shooting guns within the home and who be blas when elder son Dean Paul procure a container. (Feb. Martin's heat up, harmless and a soupcon plain publication of recollections will be a excess one and only in assistance of true Dino fan, afford them an intimate outward show evidence of at the comic here. The anecdotes enjoy an "I premonition you be in somebody`s debt to be there" flavor ("One of Dad's favorite joke, which he would jerk when we go out to dinner, was to be have a discourse and casually butter his outsized hand in deposit of if they were piece of bread") that should colour to those who wallow in the humor in Reader's Digest. )Forecast: Those look for a partner to Nick Tosches's definitive Dino: High Living in the Dirty Business of Dreams (1992) won't find by a long instrument fluid here.
--This schoolbook refers to an out of print or off limits edition of this name. The younger Martin's focus is strongly Dino-as-Dad, with totally few peeks into his father's sweat on screen or in the video recording studio.
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. More than 100 b&w photo. The latter amount of the book is spark to enthusiasm by a too-close-for-comfort comparison with Charles Manson and the tragic vicious jumbo be in contact severe of Dean Paul, which precipitate Dino's courage friction. television & music That's Amore:.
Product Description A Son Remembers Dean Martin
Ricci Martin take reader on a expedition through his childhood, from the star-studded entertainment to the exploration of three marriage, eight kids, one family element, to the treasured one-on-one event he common with his father Biography: general That's Amore:.
Certainly charge the business A Son Remembers Dean Martin.
This is absolutely a book for Dean Martin fans. This book was pretty much just very presently data. I have read memories be made of this by Deana and although this book is nowhere close by the characteristic or caliber as her book, I would recommend this book. He didn't delve into much emotion as Deana make but it make me option numerous of the other kids would plonk their accepted experience to scarf above and completed and done! Enjoy this angelic book! Music That's Amore: A Son Remembers Dean Martin.
SON ALSO RISES ...NOT. Performing Arts That's Amore:.
Read about and Biography: film Taylor Trade Publishing and television & music Taylor Trade Publishing and Biography: general Taylor Trade Publishing
Posted by Basit at 6:50 AM
That's Amore: A Son Remembers Dean Martin

Read Biography: film That's Amore:
From Publishers Weekly A Son Remembers Dean Martin
Celebrity-watchers assert tabloids inwardly conglomerate hoping to entrap a glimpse of the "real" players of favorite big peak star. This scattershot memoir near Dean Martin's youngest son prove that sometimes the carbon copy resting on the screen be in remarkable amounts more colorful than the father who come environment and enjoy a smite of bread in olden times tea. Life at 601 Mountain Drive be pretty idyllic, with parents who didn't heed their kids shooting guns within the home and who be blas when elder son Dean Paul procure a container. (Feb. Martin's heat up, harmless and a soupcon plain publication of recollections will be a excess one and only in assistance of true Dino fan, afford them an intimate outward show evidence of at the comic here. The anecdotes enjoy an "I premonition you be in somebody`s debt to be there" flavor ("One of Dad's favorite joke, which he would jerk when we go out to dinner, was to be have a discourse and casually butter his outsized hand in deposit of if they were piece of bread") that should colour to those who wallow in the humor in Reader's Digest. )Forecast: Those look for a partner to Nick Tosches's definitive Dino: High Living in the Dirty Business of Dreams (1992) won't find by a long instrument fluid here.
--This schoolbook refers to an out of print or off limits edition of this name. The younger Martin's focus is strongly Dino-as-Dad, with totally few peeks into his father's sweat on screen or in the video recording studio.
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc. More than 100 b&w photo. The latter amount of the book is spark to enthusiasm by a too-close-for-comfort comparison with Charles Manson and the tragic vicious jumbo be in contact severe of Dean Paul, which precipitate Dino's courage friction. television & music That's Amore:.
Product Description A Son Remembers Dean Martin
Ricci Martin take reader on a expedition through his childhood, from the star-studded entertainment to the exploration of three marriage, eight kids, one family element, to the treasured one-on-one event he common with his father Biography: general That's Amore:.
Certainly charge the business A Son Remembers Dean Martin.
This is absolutely a book for Dean Martin fans. This book was pretty much just very presently data. I have read memories be made of this by Deana and although this book is nowhere close by the characteristic or caliber as her book, I would recommend this book. He didn't delve into much emotion as Deana make but it make me option numerous of the other kids would plonk their accepted experience to scarf above and completed and done! Enjoy this angelic book! Music That's Amore: A Son Remembers Dean Martin.
SON ALSO RISES ...NOT. Performing Arts That's Amore:.
Read about and Biography: film Taylor Trade Publishing and television & music Taylor Trade Publishing and Biography: general Taylor Trade Publishing
Posted by Basit at 6:50 AM
On This Day In Dinohistory, "Memories" #1 for fourth Dinoweek
Hey pallies, our great pallie caithiseach over at the Great Vinyl Meltdown makes Dinoreport that backs on this Dinoday in 1956 our Dino's stellar Dinohit "Memories Are Made Of This" made #1 on the charts for the fourth Dinoweek in a row!!!!! To checks this Dinofact out at the original site, as usual, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost.
And, for your Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure, here is 'nother great Dinotrib set to "Memories." Gotta tells you pallies that the creator of this great Dinoclip is a young chick of 17 tagged Ilse from the Netherlands. I gets more and more excited to see more and more of today's youth from all over the globe comin' to know, love and truly follow our Dino... And, as I watched this Dinoclip I saw many, many Dinofam Dinopixs that I had never seen before...such a rare and wonderful Dinotreat from 'nother of today's hip and with it Deanagers!!!! Enjoys more Dinopleasure pallies 'o mine. Dinothrilled, DMP
February 18, 1956: Juke Box operators and patrons still love Dean Martin’s “Memories Are Made of This,” at #1 for the fourth week on that chart.
And, for your Dinoviewin' Dinopleasure, here is 'nother great Dinotrib set to "Memories." Gotta tells you pallies that the creator of this great Dinoclip is a young chick of 17 tagged Ilse from the Netherlands. I gets more and more excited to see more and more of today's youth from all over the globe comin' to know, love and truly follow our Dino... And, as I watched this Dinoclip I saw many, many Dinofam Dinopixs that I had never seen before...such a rare and wonderful Dinotreat from 'nother of today's hip and with it Deanagers!!!! Enjoys more Dinopleasure pallies 'o mine. Dinothrilled, DMP
February 18, 1956: Juke Box operators and patrons still love Dean Martin’s “Memories Are Made of This,” at #1 for the fourth week on that chart.
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "Release Me"
Hey pallies, next up on the Dean Martin Love Songs Dinoalbum is one of our Dino's very famous amore songs...."Release Me." Found this Dinotrib at youtube done by a Dinolover from Sao Paulo, cool is it pallies to find Dinoholics all over the world payin' homage to our great man?!??!?!?! If you clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost you will be able to go to the orginal page at youtube and then to the home page of the chick tagged Clarissa to learn more 'bout her Dinodevotion.
Gotta 'fess up, "Release Me" is the last thin' I wanna hear our Dino sez to me...never wanna be released from my Dinoaddiction..always wanna have more and more of our Dino...does gotta wonder if our Dino mighta sang this tune to Betty, mother Jeanne, or Cathy with the candified K...enjoys 'more Dinopleasure from our Dino... Dinodelightedly, DMP
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "You''ll Always Be The One I Love"
Hey pallies, as we continue to celebrate Dinoamore Dinomonth we moves to the next track on the "Dean Martin Love Songs" Dinodisc, "You'll Aways Be The One I Love." Can't remember hearin' this Dinotune before...but as you listens you can hears a bit of "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime" in the background...especially at the end.
In this Dinotune our Dino expresses how every Dinoholic feels 'bout our great man..."You'll Always Be The One I Love...Every Hour, Every Day, Every Year." Indeed, Dino I will always loves you...every hour of every day of every year...and my Dinoaddiction grows minute by are the greatest of the great.
So enjoys pallies, ands keeps lovin' our Dino. Dinodevotedly, DMP
Monday, February 16, 2009
Congrats, Dino, on your Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.
Hey pallies, likes I am likes totally Dinopsyched to find this cool Dinotrib by a Dinoholic tagged Jeff Ircink. Jeff just lefts me some cool Dinopatter and it turns out that my new pallie KNOWS RICCI MARTIN and has spent time with the Jeanne as well (checks it out in the most recent Dinopost). Loves that Jeff diggs our Dino so much that he often wears a pinkie ring in our Dino's honor. If you wanna checks out this dude's Dinothoughts in their original form, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Dinodiggin,DMP
Congrats, Dino, on your Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.
At the Grammy's last Sunday, after announcing that Dean Martin was the recipient of a Grammy for Lifetime Achievement, Queen Latifah attempted ('cause I know SHE didn't write this) to tie Martin's award in to the next act, by introducing M.I.A. (never heard of her) and Kanye West (wish I hadn't heard of him), T.I. (the famous silent film director, Thomas Ince?), Jay Z and Lil Wayne, who performed "Swagga Like Us." The performance was in black and white, and the men were dressed in tuxes as a tribute to the Rat Pack. In my opinion, a pathetic and awkward segue from Martin's award.

The legendary Martin received a gold record in 2004 for his fastest-selling album ever, which also hit the iTunes Top 10. For the week ending December 23, 2006, the Dean Martin and Martina McBride duet of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" reached #7 on the R&R AC chart. It also went to #36 on the R&R Country chart.
Martin, who passed away in 1995, was at one time the highest paid entertainer in the world. First famous as part of the Martin & Lewis comedy team (Jerry Lewis, who's receiving an honorary Oscar this year), Deano went on to become an esteemed member of the Rat Pack and his movies, recording career and television shows made him one of the most beloved entertainers of all time. In the day, you were extremely lucky to either get a ticket to see Martin & Lewis perform, to see the Rat Pack kibitz or to see Deano perform in Vegas as a solo act.
The pinkie ring I wear, at times, I wear in tribute to this man.
(Incidentally, The Rat Pack was largely responsible for the integration of Las Vegas. Sinatra and Martin steadfastly refused to appear anywhere that barred Sammy Davis, Jr., forcing the casinos to open their doors to African-American entertainers and patrons, and to drop restrictive covenants against Jews.)
Posted by Jeff Ircink at 1:43 PM
Congrats, Dino, on your Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award.
At the Grammy's last Sunday, after announcing that Dean Martin was the recipient of a Grammy for Lifetime Achievement, Queen Latifah attempted ('cause I know SHE didn't write this) to tie Martin's award in to the next act, by introducing M.I.A. (never heard of her) and Kanye West (wish I hadn't heard of him), T.I. (the famous silent film director, Thomas Ince?), Jay Z and Lil Wayne, who performed "Swagga Like Us." The performance was in black and white, and the men were dressed in tuxes as a tribute to the Rat Pack. In my opinion, a pathetic and awkward segue from Martin's award.

The legendary Martin received a gold record in 2004 for his fastest-selling album ever, which also hit the iTunes Top 10. For the week ending December 23, 2006, the Dean Martin and Martina McBride duet of "Baby, It's Cold Outside" reached #7 on the R&R AC chart. It also went to #36 on the R&R Country chart.
Martin, who passed away in 1995, was at one time the highest paid entertainer in the world. First famous as part of the Martin & Lewis comedy team (Jerry Lewis, who's receiving an honorary Oscar this year), Deano went on to become an esteemed member of the Rat Pack and his movies, recording career and television shows made him one of the most beloved entertainers of all time. In the day, you were extremely lucky to either get a ticket to see Martin & Lewis perform, to see the Rat Pack kibitz or to see Deano perform in Vegas as a solo act.
The pinkie ring I wear, at times, I wear in tribute to this man.
(Incidentally, The Rat Pack was largely responsible for the integration of Las Vegas. Sinatra and Martin steadfastly refused to appear anywhere that barred Sammy Davis, Jr., forcing the casinos to open their doors to African-American entertainers and patrons, and to drop restrictive covenants against Jews.)
Posted by Jeff Ircink at 1:43 PM
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "I'll Be Seeing You"
Hey pallies, likes here is 'nother Dinotune from the new Dinodisc, "Dean Martin Love Songs." Enjoys the lush sounds of our favorite lush...and likes the only ones I really wanna sees in our Dino...
And, one cool Dinonote pallies o'mine, the dude Alfresen who posted this Dinotune at youtube hails from Napoli, which of course our Dino immortalized in "That's Amore." If you wanna views the Dinoclip in it's original youtube form, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost and then you can learn more 'bout Alfresen as well... Dinosharin', DMP
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "Besame Mucho"
Hey pallies, what a stellar Dinoamoreday for ilovedinomartin....thanks to all who read and watched the Dinoposts and 'specially to those who took the time to shares some Dinopatter with me. In this second half of Dinoamore Dinomonth we turns to the second Dinoamorealbum recently released...."DEAN MARTIN LOVE SONGS."
Here is the Dinotune "Besame Mucho" a trib to some flick (any pallies have a clue 'bout this?). Couldn't find a clip of our Dino just singin' this Dinogem so hopes all my Dinoholic pallies wills enjoys this. Indeed our Dino always makes everythin' so so much Dinobetter. If you wanna knows 'bout the pallie who created this trib, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to go to where it is found at youtube. Dinodelightedly, DMP
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents the Dinoamoreday Dinosong "Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime"
Hey pallies, there are Dinoamore Dinosongs and then there are Dinoamore Dinosongs...but our Dino's greatest hit..."Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime"...the one that he knocked the Beatles off the charts with in '64 is the stellar Dinoamoretune of stellar Dinoamoretunes.
Here is our Dino singin' this Dinoclassic on the Dinoshow with a great montage of Dinopixs thrown in for good Dinomeasure...and likes what does our Dino say at the end..."Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime, and I love all of you....." And we loves our Dino all the Dinotime, that is for Dinosure. Enjoys more Dinopleasure as we celebrates Dinoamoreday in true Dinostyle. Dinodevotedly, DMP
Dinoamorin' Matt Helm Dinostyle

Hey pallies, on this Dinoamoreday I wanna just be a Dinopostin' Dinofool for our here's some more Dinoamoreaction for the Matt Helm capers where our Dino proves that he is one hot's our Dino in action promotin' Matt Helm caper numero duo, "Murder's Row" as a trailer at the end of "The Silencers." The pix and clip shows our great man on that fab round bed with all those stellar chicks just waitin' to make amore with our great man. Enjoys more Dinoamoreday Dinoaction all my likes totally Dinoaddicted Dinoholic pallies o'mine... Dinolovin', DMP
Dino Amorin' From "Murder's Row"

Hey pallies, our Dino is the hottest of the hot and his flicks all full of amore after amore. Buts, likes on this Dinoamoreday I wanna feature a bit of the Dinoflick where our Dino is burnin' up.....Matt Helm caper numero duo, "Murder's Row." The Dinopix above is from that Dinoflick and shows our Dino for the hottie he makin' it with Miss January. Couldn't post the Dinoclip from which this is taken 'cause embeddin' has been disabled, but likes it you clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram you will be transported to vid on youtube and can watch our Dino in action amore. What an amazin' man of amore our Dino is. Dinoviewin', DMP
ilovedinomartin celebrates Dinoamoreday

Hey pallies, likes welcome to Dinoamoreday at ilovedinomartin....I so loves our Dino and Dinoamoreday is the bestest of the best days to shows loves to our great man. I really diggs this Dinomontage from the Dinoshow 'cause our Dino walks, talks, and breathe AMORE. So sits backs and enjoys some Dinopleasures at ilovedinomartin's Dinoamoreday Dinocelebration.
ilovedinomartin gets shout out over at The Great Vinyl Meltdown

Hey pallies, likes what a great Dinoamoreday Dinogift. My new Dinolovin' pallie caithiseach, over at his stellar blog The Great Vinyl Meltdown, has just said these very Dinokind words 'bout this here ilovedinomartin Dinoblog....
"Speaking of Dean Martin, if you want the most up-to-date word on the man, you should scoot on over to this blog: ilovedinomartin, run by Dino Martin Peters. Apart from keeping track of new releases and events, the blog simply provides amazing entertainment."
I wanna thanks him for his gracious words of praise for ilovedinomartin and thanks him for all he is doin' in keepin' me up-to-date on all the important musical Dinodates in Dinohistory. Such support goes a long way to keep me on my Dinopath of spreadin' the Dinomessage as Dinofar and Dinowide as Dinopossible. To reads these Dinocomments in their original form, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.
Dinowild, DMP
Friday, February 13, 2009
Our Dino's "AMORE" Disc Hits Number 1 on Pop Charts
Hey pallies, there's stellar Dinonews at ilovedinomartin this very Dinoday!!!! Our Dino's newest Dinodisc, "AMORE" has hit number 1 on the billboard Pop Charts. To checks this Dinofact out for yourself...just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost to see this wonderful Dinonews in it's original form. How cool on this day before Dinoamoreday we can celebrate our great man and his continued amazin' success long after he has left our world....LONG LIVE OUR MASTER OF HIP, OUR KING OF COOL, OUR RULER OF RANDY...the one, the only DINO!!!! Dinoawed, DMP

Top Music Charts - Hot 100 - Billboard 200 - Music Genre Sales
Top Pop Catalog
Dean Martin
Chart Listing For The Week Of Feb 21 2009:
This Week Last Week Two Weeks Ago Weeks on Chart Peak Position
1 - - 1 1

Top Music Charts - Hot 100 - Billboard 200 - Music Genre Sales
Top Pop Catalog
Dean Martin
Chart Listing For The Week Of Feb 21 2009:
This Week Last Week Two Weeks Ago Weeks on Chart Peak Position
1 - - 1 1
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You"
Hey pallies, likes here is the last Dinoamore Dinotune from "AMORE": "You're Nobody 'Till Somebody Loves You." Does so loves how our Dino speaks such Dinotruths in the tunes he croons...but thens our Dino is such a wise sage, especially when it comes to all thin's amore. Indeed, we are truly nobody 'till we discover how much our Dino loves us. Enjoys this Dinoclip from the stellar Dinosong...and be sure to stay tuned after the song for more Dinowisdom....our Dino sez....."Of all the singers in the world, this kid is the beautifulest." Indeed nobody is more beautifulest then our Dino. Dinoaddictedly, DMP
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth Presents "I Have But One Heart" (O Marenariello)
Hey pallies, here's 'nother Dinoamore Dinotune from the new "AMORE" Dinodisc. This Dinoclip ain't much to look at, but it features this great Dinosong...but likes how cool to see that the dude who posted this at youtube is Persian...loves to see how Dinoamore has spread 'round the whole Dinoglobe!!!! Enjoys pallies and remembers we each have only one heart, but likes we can all give 'em to our Dino......
Dinoamorin', DMP
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New Dinoblog Devoted to Books on our Dino!!!
Hey pallies, likes I am so so Dinothrilled to announce that there is a new Dinoblog on the block...."Martin, Dean Books"....providin' reviews of the various Dinotomes. So far the dude tagg Herleif who runs this blog has shared thoughts on "Dino: Living High In The Dirty Business Of Dreams," "Dean and Me: A Love Story," "Back Stage At The Dean Martin Show," and "That's Amore." Please clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost to read all those cool Dinoreviews and to encourage this Dinoholic with some of your Dinopatter. So so refreshin' to find more and more pallies who are doin' their Dinopart to help others know, love, and follow our Dino. Dinopsyched, DMP

"Memories Are Made Of This" on this date in Dinohistory
Hey pallies, found this Dinomention at the cool blog "The Great Vinyl Meltdown" showin' when our Dino made "Memories" numero uno. When I was in school didn't like havin' to memorize historical facts and figures, but when it comes to our Dino, I am so so Dinoeager to does my Dinomemorization.... And, likes pallies this classic Dinoclip was filmed just a few days after our Dino recorded this great tune for Capitol. How cool is it that it was durin' Dinoamoremonth that this classic Dinoamoretune (which also appears on the new Dinodisc "AMORE") hit number one on the charts?!??!??! If you wanna read 'bout this Dinohistorical Dinoevent in it's original format, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Sharin' Dinomemories with all my Dinoholic pallies, DMP
February 11, 1956: Dean Martin’s monster “Memories Are Made of This” is still the unanimous #1.
February 11, 1956: Dean Martin’s monster “Memories Are Made of This” is still the unanimous #1.
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "My One And Only Love"
Hey pallies, got gotta 'fess up that I didn't expect to find a clip of the next Dinoamoretune, "My One And Only Love," but found a creative Dinotrib with this Dinosong as background that was just posted this very that showin' Dinoguidance or Dinowhat?!??!?! So, likes sit back and enjoys this next Dino song and enjoys the Dinocreativity of 'nother Dinolovin' pallie.... Dinodelightedly, DMP
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Children of Paradise: Gail Martin
Hey pallies, likes just stumbled 'cross this cool article, "Children Of Paradise" from the March 2009 issue of Vanity Fair. Written by "Fair's" national editor Todd S. Purdum, the article is packed with groovy info on many children of the stars as they grew up in the land of Hollywood. I have excerpted below the stories shared by our Dino's girl pallie Gail Martin....givin' us more clues what it was like to be part of family Martin and call Dino daddy-o. If you wanna read this great work of prose in total, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost. Oh, how I loves learnin' more and more 'bout our great man and the life he lived with his fam. Dinodiggin', DMP

But Gail Martin, Dean’s second-oldest daughter, and one of his seven biological children from two marriages, didn’t get a car at all—at least not at first—precisely because she was one of so many.
“I said, ‘Look, Dad, every single person in my class is getting a car when they turn 16, every one of them,”’ Martin—now Gail Martin Downey—recalls. “He says, ‘Well, then, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting a ride to school!’ He said, ‘I have seven! They only have, like, two each!’ So it was funny.” Still, there were other advantages. “Dad would say, ‘Look, if you get caught driving, I can do any ticket. Just don’t go west of Whittier, south of Wilshire, north of Mulholland, or east of Doheny Drive. Then I can fix your ticket. Otherwise, watch your driving!”’
Gail Martin Downey, 63, whose best friend was Liza Minnelli, told me, “Somebody asked me a long time ago, ‘So what’s it like to be Dean Martin’s daughter?’ You want to say, finally, ‘Compared to what?’ I always was, you know? And people would say to me, ‘So, you go out to dinner?’ And I said, ‘Oh, we went out to dinner.’ ‘How was the service?’ I said, ‘I don’t know. I was with Dad.’”
Most Saturday nights, Dean Martin and his second wife, Jeannie (who helped raise his children from his first marriage, and three more of theirs together), had a party in their big house on Mountain Drive just above Sunset—often the setting for an argument between Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. “Dad said, ‘Oh, swell! The Saturday-night fights,”’ recalls Gail Martin Downey, who abandoned her own singing career to raise a family and now lives quietly in Rancho Mirage, California, and who would babysit for little Jamie Lee Curtis.
Weeknights involved a stricter regimen. In exchange for letting Dean play golf more or less whenever he wanted, Jeannie insisted only that he be home for dinner with the kids each night by six sharp. One night, while filming a movie with Sinatra, he brought Frank home for dinner right on time, only to find his seven little Martins, the prodigious issue of his loins, each with a guest, filling all the chairs. “And,” recalls George Schlatter, a family friend (and the creator of Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In), “Dean said to Frank, ‘How about that? I fucked myself out of a seat at the dining-room table!’”

But Gail Martin, Dean’s second-oldest daughter, and one of his seven biological children from two marriages, didn’t get a car at all—at least not at first—precisely because she was one of so many.
“I said, ‘Look, Dad, every single person in my class is getting a car when they turn 16, every one of them,”’ Martin—now Gail Martin Downey—recalls. “He says, ‘Well, then, you shouldn’t have any trouble getting a ride to school!’ He said, ‘I have seven! They only have, like, two each!’ So it was funny.” Still, there were other advantages. “Dad would say, ‘Look, if you get caught driving, I can do any ticket. Just don’t go west of Whittier, south of Wilshire, north of Mulholland, or east of Doheny Drive. Then I can fix your ticket. Otherwise, watch your driving!”’
Gail Martin Downey, 63, whose best friend was Liza Minnelli, told me, “Somebody asked me a long time ago, ‘So what’s it like to be Dean Martin’s daughter?’ You want to say, finally, ‘Compared to what?’ I always was, you know? And people would say to me, ‘So, you go out to dinner?’ And I said, ‘Oh, we went out to dinner.’ ‘How was the service?’ I said, ‘I don’t know. I was with Dad.’”
Most Saturday nights, Dean Martin and his second wife, Jeannie (who helped raise his children from his first marriage, and three more of theirs together), had a party in their big house on Mountain Drive just above Sunset—often the setting for an argument between Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh. “Dad said, ‘Oh, swell! The Saturday-night fights,”’ recalls Gail Martin Downey, who abandoned her own singing career to raise a family and now lives quietly in Rancho Mirage, California, and who would babysit for little Jamie Lee Curtis.
Weeknights involved a stricter regimen. In exchange for letting Dean play golf more or less whenever he wanted, Jeannie insisted only that he be home for dinner with the kids each night by six sharp. One night, while filming a movie with Sinatra, he brought Frank home for dinner right on time, only to find his seven little Martins, the prodigious issue of his loins, each with a guest, filling all the chairs. “And,” recalls George Schlatter, a family friend (and the creator of Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In), “Dean said to Frank, ‘How about that? I fucked myself out of a seat at the dining-room table!’”
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "It Looks Like Love" From "Hollywood Or Bust"
Hey pallies, back on track with more Dinomusic from the new "AMORE" Dinoalbum, we move on to "It Looks Like Love." Today's Dinoclip features our Dino croonin' this amore tune in "Hollywood Or Bust"....mentioned previously as our Dino and the kid's last big screen caper. Gotta 'fess up pallies that I don't think anyone looks more like Amore then our great man! So enjoys our Amore singin' more Amore!!!!! Dinolovin', DMP
Monday, February 09, 2009
ilovedinomartin Dinodialogue Group Celebrates Finishin' Year Numero 3

Hey pallies, likes yesterday is such an important day in Dinohistory not only for our Dino, but also for those Dinoenterprises tagged ilovedinomartin. It was on February 8, 2006 that the ilovedinomartin Dinodialogue group was formed over at yahoo. From that Dinodevotionsite, this here ilovedinomartin Dinoblog was eventually born.
True Dinoholics have been discussin' all thin's Dino for the past three years at the ilovedinomartin Dinopad. Never more then a dozen or so in members, ilovedinomartin has turned into the most active Dinosite in Dinohistory boastin' over 20,000 Dinograms of pure Dinodevotion shared in just three years. There are places with much much larger Dinomemberships, but no one yet as topped ilovedinomartin for the sheer amount of Dinopassion shared.
I would likes to thanks the follow pallies who over the past three years have made this Dinodevotion possible. Most of 'em are no longer active in the work of this Dinopad, but without 'em ilovedinomartin would have never succeeded in it's Dinomission of bein' "the coolest group of the coolest fans of the coolest dude to ever walk the face of the planet." Thanks to pallie Julian from France, pallie Nici from Germany, pallie Keith from North Carolina and pallie Terri from Texas.
Presently the ilovedinomartin Dinosite is experiencin' a lull in Dinoactivity with pallie Terri and I the only active postin' Dinomembers..and have to 'fess up that that brings me much Dinosadness.....but likes I am always Dinohopeful that more true Dinoholics will be attracted in the future to spreadin' the Dinomessage in this Dinoway.
I was so thrilled to learn that our Dino woulda be bein' honored with a Lifetime Grammy Achievement Award on the very calendar date when ilovedinomartin began...February 8.....'cause ilovedinomartin is all 'bout honorin' our Dino..and am thrilled that our Dino directed me likes three years ago to begin the Dinopad on the date that he would eventually receive his due from the music world...I takes that as a read Dinoaffirmation of the Dinowork bein' done by the ilovedinomartin Dinodialogue group.
And as we move into our Dinofuture, just wanna again say that all the honor and the praise goes to our Dino. To checks out the ilovedinomartin Dinodialogue group, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost. In our Dino, DMP
Our Dino Awarded A Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award
Hey pallies, last night our Dino finally got just a bit of the honor and respect that more then anyone else he so richly deserves. Last night at the annual Grammy awards our Dino received a Lifetime Achievement Award durin' the Grammys. Thanks to a pallie tagged shadybunnz over at youtube, here is the moment captured for immortality on vid with Queen Latifah doin' the honors. I am so so grateful for our Dino finally gettin' this honor, for as I sez, truly only Dino matters... To view this in it's original, just likes clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram.
On February 8, 2009, at the 51st Grammy Awards, Dean Martin was awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement award for his numerous contributions to the music industry. He was a truly talented and charming man who definitely deserved this award. Dean's daughter and grandson are in the audience...
The actual Grammy clip begins at around 15 seconds and it's kind of short but still worth seeing...oh and watch the surprise montage at the end!
On February 8, 2009, at the 51st Grammy Awards, Dean Martin was awarded a Grammy Lifetime Achievement award for his numerous contributions to the music industry. He was a truly talented and charming man who definitely deserved this award. Dean's daughter and grandson are in the audience...
The actual Grammy clip begins at around 15 seconds and it's kind of short but still worth seeing...oh and watch the surprise montage at the end!
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "That's Amore" from "The Caddy"
Hey pallies, movin' right Dinoalong, here is the next Dinoclassic Dinoamore Dinotune from "AMORE" of our Dino's greatest of the great...."That's Amore" that debuted in the Dino and the kid flick "The Caddy." The jer tells a wonderful Dinostory in his Dinobook, "Dean And Me," 'bout how he spent a lot of his own bread to have this song written especially for our Dino for this flick....without our Dino knowin' anythin' 'bout it.
So as we continue to honor our Dino's way with amore durin' Dinoamore Dinomonth, here is the Dinoclip from "The Caddy" where our Dino sings 'bout the moon hittin' your eye likes a big pizza pie!.........and as the song sez...."That's Amore." Dinoamorin', DMP
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "Dream A Little Dream Of Me"
Hey pallies, the next cut on the new Dino "AMORE" CD (numero seveno) is "Dream A Little Dream Of Me." No could find a Dinoclip showin' our Dino performin' this love song from the Dinoshow or a Dinoflick, but did find this vid that uses the Dinotune for background to sound youngen's school project....really digg seein' more and more of today's youth sharin' their Dinopassion in so so many cool Dinoways. So enjoys 'nother great Dinoamoresong knowin' the only thin' true Dinoholics wanna dream of is OUR DINO!!!! Dinodreamin, DMP
Dinobutt Dinotale

Hey pallies, likes loves this Dinotale related by author Max Lucado while speakin' recently at Baylor University. What woulda I give to be this Thomas dude who not only saw our Dino playin' golf, but gots to snag the butt of his smoke...what a treasure that woulda certainly be! Hopes you are diggs this Dinotale as much as me and likes if you wanna read this in it's original form, likes just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram. Dinodiggin', DMP
Lucado opened by reminiscing on a childhood memory. His best friend, Thomas, had snagged the cigarette butt of famous singer Dean Martin at a local golf tournament.
"Thomas invited his three best friends over, me included, to witness the holy stogy," Lucado said.
"We all felt that if we were connected to someone special, like Dean Martin, then we became special, too."
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "Let's Get Friendly" from "Hollywood Or Bust"
Hey pallies, it's day numero five on Dinoamore Dinomonth and it's on to cut numero 6 on the news Dinodisc "AMORE"........"Let's Be Friendly." Today's clip comes from the last of our Dino and the kid's flicks, "Hollywood Or Bust" and features our great man singin' his heart out. And, likes what true Dinoholic guy or gal woulda wanna gets friendlly with our Dino?
As I have been doin' the Dinoreseach to find clips to match the Dinoamoretunes I have been surprised by how many of these Dinoamoretunes have been featured in Dinoflicks. Makes this dude wanna have a Dinofest of Dinoviewin' of our great man's big screen efforts just to watch and listen to our Dino sings 'bout amore. Knows all your Dinolovers will gets much Dinopleasure from this classic Dinotune. Dinoaddictedly, DMP
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
On This Day In Dinohistory...premiere of "The Stooge"
Hey pallies, thanks to a dude tagged Michael T. Barrett over at his blog Retromental: Time Capsules we learn that on this date in Dinohistory, February 4, 1953 that classic Dino and the kid flick, "The Stooge," had it's premiere. So loves learnin' all these important Dinodates in the life of our thanks to Michael (if you wanna view this Dinoinfo in it's original Dinoformat, likes just click on the tagg of this Dinogram)..and enjoy the clip from the Dinoflick.... Dinolearnin' and Dinogrowin', DMP
The Stooge
On This day in 1953, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis appeared in the premiere of “The Stooge”.
The Stooge
On This day in 1953, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis appeared in the premiere of “The Stooge”.
Dinoamore Dinomonth present "Innamorata" from "Aritists and Models"
Hey pallies, as we continue to celebrate Dinoamore Dinomonth here at ilovedinomartin, sorry to say that no can find any Dinoclips of numero 3 "Let Me Love You Tonight" or numero 4 "How Sweet It Is" from the "AMORE" Dinoalbum, so we moves on to feature " Innamorata" number 5 on the new Dinodisc.
This Dinoclip is from that classic of classic Dino and the jer flick "Artists and Models." I loves each and every one of our Dino and the kid films, but I does thinks this is the bestest of the best that the duo did together. Our Dino is so so hot as he croons this beautiful love song. No one is more amore then our Dino and this here Dinoscene certainly proves it in these stellar Dinomoments from this stellar Dinoflick. So, enjoys these Dinomoments of Dinoamore all my Dinoholic pallies.... Dinodelightedly, DMP
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
When the moon hits your eye...
Hey pallies, likes this is such a cool cool's a wonderful guy tagged Ralph who's daddy-o gots to hang with our Dino and the all 'bout it below...and if likes you wanna reads this in the original Dinoformat, likes as usual, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinopost. In the Dinopatter I left for Mr. Ralph, likes I said likes what woulda I give to say that my old man hung with our Dino!!!! Dinopsyched, DMP
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
When the moon hits your eye...

I have only slight memories of many things when I was young, so the past comes alive on film. The picture I have here is one I remember quite well since a kid - it was framed on a wall of our living room (42nd Ave, Bayside Queens) and family room in (East Hartford). It is my father (Ralph II) lounging alongside Dean martin and Jerry Lewis. I would guess about 1954, and in Atlantic City where my father was a reporter for the AC Press. Obviously it was staged, but the lowly reporter did have an audience with the hottest team in entertainment before their breakup in 1956. A unique photo this is. As the picture has aged, I sharpened added the sepia tone which adds to its aged authenticity. A view at a different era.
Posted by Ralph at 11:50 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
When the moon hits your eye...

I have only slight memories of many things when I was young, so the past comes alive on film. The picture I have here is one I remember quite well since a kid - it was framed on a wall of our living room (42nd Ave, Bayside Queens) and family room in (East Hartford). It is my father (Ralph II) lounging alongside Dean martin and Jerry Lewis. I would guess about 1954, and in Atlantic City where my father was a reporter for the AC Press. Obviously it was staged, but the lowly reporter did have an audience with the hottest team in entertainment before their breakup in 1956. A unique photo this is. As the picture has aged, I sharpened added the sepia tone which adds to its aged authenticity. A view at a different era.
Posted by Ralph at 11:50 PM
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face"
Hey pallies, day three of Dinoamore Dinomonth features the second cut on our Dino's "AMORE" Dinoalbum.... that glorious love song from "My Fair Lady"...."I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face." Today's clip features a Dinoperformance from our Dino's great television programme, "The Dean Martin Show" with our Dino croonin' this tune with his unique and amazin' Dinohumor...likes he begins by askin' "What's the song?" And we all laughs and gets one of those Dinobuddhagrins on our faces and we enjoys our Dino's totally totally laid back style.
All Dinolovers have grown so accustomed to our Dino's ways and he certainly does "makes the day begin"....for all true Dinoholics we would never ever think of livin' one Dinoday without our Dino! This song is part of the stellar Dino DVD "That's Amore" and likes if any of you pallies still don't have it in your Dinopossesion, likes make haste to Dinoacquire it....a true true Dinotreasure full of likes totally Dinopure Dinopleasure. So likes sits back and enjoy 'nother amazin' Dinoamore Dinotune. Dinolistenin', DMP
Monday, February 02, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents a trib to our Dino and the kid featurin' "Just In Time"
Martin & Lewis and all their silliness (Dean Martin-Just In Time)
Hey pallies, on this second day of Dinoamore Dinomonth wanna share with all my Dinolovin' pallies this provocative and evocative clip of a trib to our Dino and the kid from youtube created by a 17 year old Dinolover tagged Katie...loves to see more and more of today's youth who have fallen head over heels in love with our Dino. To checks out Miss Katie, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to see her youtube space.
The tune of course is our Dino singin' his cover of "Just In Time" (as it appears on the new Dinoalbum "AMORE." For those of you who have read the jer's Dinobio...."Dean and Me"...a love know how appropriate "Just In Time" is to our Dino and the kid's relationship. By themselves, they each we not goin' much of anywhere...but was magic...and the world fell at their feet in awe of the chemistry between them...and what made that so the jer says, it was because they loved each other. Yes, the relationship eventually went sour, and it was in both of their best interests to split up and go their separate ways, but for a decade the comedy team of Martin and Lewis rocked the world with their antics and their devotion to each other. If you haven't read the jer's book, you simply must...such an amore to our great man! So, likes sit back and enjoys this wonderful trib to our Dino and the kid. Dino-only Dinofocused, DMP
Hey pallies, on this second day of Dinoamore Dinomonth wanna share with all my Dinolovin' pallies this provocative and evocative clip of a trib to our Dino and the kid from youtube created by a 17 year old Dinolover tagged Katie...loves to see more and more of today's youth who have fallen head over heels in love with our Dino. To checks out Miss Katie, just clicks on the tagg of this Dinogram to see her youtube space.
The tune of course is our Dino singin' his cover of "Just In Time" (as it appears on the new Dinoalbum "AMORE." For those of you who have read the jer's Dinobio...."Dean and Me"...a love know how appropriate "Just In Time" is to our Dino and the kid's relationship. By themselves, they each we not goin' much of anywhere...but was magic...and the world fell at their feet in awe of the chemistry between them...and what made that so the jer says, it was because they loved each other. Yes, the relationship eventually went sour, and it was in both of their best interests to split up and go their separate ways, but for a decade the comedy team of Martin and Lewis rocked the world with their antics and their devotion to each other. If you haven't read the jer's book, you simply must...such an amore to our great man! So, likes sit back and enjoys this wonderful trib to our Dino and the kid. Dino-only Dinofocused, DMP
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Dinoamore Dinomonth presents "Just In Time"
Hey pallies, likes it's the beginnin' of DINOAMORE DINOMONTH at ilovedinomartin and all true Dinoholics knows likes that THERE IS NO ONE MORE AMORE THEN OUR DINO AND NO ONE SINGS AMORE LIKES OUR GREAT MAN. On February 14 we celebrate of the great Dinocelebrations of every Dinoyear. Well this year ilovedinomartin will be featurin' our Dino singin' AMORE songs every single Dinoday of Dinoamore Dinomonth. Will be tryin' to Dinofeature as many as possible of the Dinotunes from our Dino's great new release "AMORE."
Todays we begin with the first cut on the new Dinoalbum....."Just In Time" with a stellar Dinoclip from musical "Bells Are Ringing" starrin' our Dino and Miss Judy Holliday from which the Dinosong is taken. Our Dino and Miss Judy have such great chemistry in this flick and this is the showpiece number from this adaptation of the broadway musical of the same tagg. How wish the makers of this film were to have chosen our great man to play the leadin' man....just wishes our Dino had had more opportunities to star on the big screen in musical comedy.
And, "Just In Time" is a great way to kick off Dinoamore month 'cause for those of us who loves our Dino, we know that Dino came into each of our lives 'just in time' 'and changed our lonely lives that lucky day.' So sits backs pallies and loves on our Dino singin' "Just In Time." Dinolovin' Dinoever, DMP
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