Man o man, pals...we made it!
'Nother CRAZY year has come & gone!
Wasn't an easy one either!
Ups & Downs...Good & Bad...Happy & Sad.
Well, my friends...we DID make it!
So...Welcome to our numero uno Sunday Serenade! January 1st 2017!
I'm SO SO sure that this year will be BETTER...COOLER...DINO-er, than ever!!! Hahaha!!!
Let's jump into this one with positive vibes & Dean's swagger in mind!
Real cool, baby!
I'm gettin' pumped just thinkin' 'bout it, pallies! Ha!
Now, mi amici...this year is VERY special!
Very excitin'!
Very importante!!!
We is approachin' a full century of Dino!!!
OMG, pals...I almost just fainted! Haha!!
It's just TOO DAMN powerful to even talks 'bout!!! Ha!
Hey, friends...I got's a COOL idea...let's officially start the countdown to Dino-Day, right here & now!
It is EXACTLY 157 days 'til (D-Day) June 7th!!!
Now THATS gonna be a celebration!
This will DEF I NATE LY be THE bestest year yet, my friends!
I can just feel Dean's presence in the air!
Now...we need a REAL smooth tune for this week's EXTRA SPECIAL Serenade!
Gotta be SWINGIN' yet CHILLIN'!
HOT yet very COOL!
Somethin' to warm our blood durin' these cold cold Wintery days & nights.
Got it!!!
What jam better to heat us up & kick off our D-Day countdown than "I've Got My Love to Keep Me Warm"?!!!
Man! I am SO SO enthusiastically lookin' forward to 2017!
I just have such GREAT GREAT vibes for ALL us Dino-holics here at THE AB SO LUTE COOLEST of the COOLEST Dino-blogs on the net!
Special "THANKS, PAL!" to DMP for keepin' us fixed with our drug of choice...Dino...day in & day out...month after month & year after year! Real cool, man!
OK...Turn it up, pallies!
It's a new year & time to start fresh!
Let's get thins' swingin' like never before!
Happy New Year, pals...SALUTE!
The snow is snowin' and the wind it is blowin'
But I can weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've gotta my love to keep me warm
I cannot remember a worst December
Just watch those icicles form
What do I care if icicles form
I've got my love to keep me warm
Off with my overcoat off with my gloves
Who needs an overcoat I'm burnin' with love
My heart's on fire and the flame grows higher
So I will weather the storm
What do I care how much it may storm
I've got my love to keep me warm
I thought you ought to know my heart's on fire
The flame they just leap higher
So I will weather the storm
Why do I care how much it storms
I've got my love
To keep me warm
I've got my love to keep me warm!!!
Top shelf brother Danny!!
And many kudos to Mr. DMP for keeping this Dino-train goin', all the way through 2017, the Year of Dino!
Glad you liked, Ed, my Dino-diggin' brother. Happiest of New Dino-Years to you!
It really is hard to believe that 2016 is now officially done and we are now in 2017. This year seemed to fly by in the wink of an eye. Overall it was a good year, with some up's and downs and of course nothing is perfect. I look forward to seeing what this new year has in store for me as well as the rest of the world. lol
A wonderful sons as always Danny G.! thank you for your hard work and of course i look forward to this years Sunday songs.
Have a great week.
Thanks pal! Happy Dino Year to you!
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