BUT, likes that was before our pallies at google Dino-'lerts just yesterday directed us to yet 'nother of today's nouveau hipsters, Mr. Shaunt Dawson and his coolest of cool covers of 'nother Dino-classic "Sway." From the moment that we heard Shaunt do his vid intro sayin'..."Hey guys, I'm going to be doing one of my favorite songs, "Sway" by Dean Martin," and then as we listened to his cool cool croonin', likes we knew that we MUST MUST create some Dino-devotion so that the larger Dino-world would give Shaunt a listen! Likes, it is radically refreshin' to find so so many of today's youth turnin' on to the Dino-sound!
This appears to be Shuant's first vid effort on youtube, but we sure hope it ain't his last. We are awestruck by this testimony of yet 'nother of today's talented youth bein' drawn into the Dino-fold through their powerful passion for our Dino's tunes. We thanks Mr. Shaunt Dawson for sharin' his talent and am sure that he will draw many others of his generation into a deeper knowin', lovin' and honorin' of our one, our only Dino! In Dino, DMP
Dean Martin Sway Cover
Shaunt Dawson
Published on May 25, 2016
Just a short video of me singing Sway by Dean Martin. :)
Instagram: shauntdawson
It looks like this gentleman has hit another home run with his effort and his dedication to Mr. Dean Martin. It is always great to see people young and old pay homage to the one and only. Thank you DMP for this wonderful post.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty-o thanks for the awesome appreciato of Mr. Dawson..btw, to our notion, this is Shuant's first Dino-devotion, but we are sure much more croonin' is ahead for this nouveau hipster! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
I am sorry about that, i misread the beginning of your post DMP. This is what happens when one tries to speed read with poor eye sight. :-)
A great video and posting of course.
I hope your week is going well my friend.
Hey pallie, likes Scotty, no need to say sorry man, we were just settin' the record straight.
Thanks for your ever faithfulness to encouragin' the ol' Dino-blog with your potent patter...it is always much appreciated! Keeps lovin' 'n sharin' our most beloved Dino!
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