Hey pallies, likes youse just never ever know where our Dino will show up next on the ol' 'net. Likes today ilovedinomartin takes you to 'nother coolest of the cool blog pads tagged "Celebrity Net Worth" where in-the-know scriber Mr. Brian Warner hangs his hat.
Warner acccordin' to his official bio, "spent seven years as the Managing Editor of one of the largest entertainment portals on the internet. Before that, Brian attended Georgetown University where he double majored in finance and marketing. A native of Northern California, Brian currently resides in Los Angeles.
And, the subject of one of Bri's newest posts is, of course, none other then our most beloved Dino. Warner has prosed a very very nicely set of words that deeply deeply homage the great life and times of our great man....indeed, although the bio is rather short in length, usin' an economy of words, it is richly rich in Dino-knowledge! And, likes speakin' of rich dudes, Bri, as the tag of his beautiful blog woulda suggest, main point in puttin' the accent on Dino is to make known the monetary "worth" of our beautiful man.
Warner reports our Dino's "net worth" at a mere 30---count 'em---30 mil. That's quite a tidy pallies...and makes him one of the most endowed dudes ever. But, likes of course, all us true Dino-holics knows that much much more important then our Dino's dollars in the bank is how supremely our King of Cool is endowed with classic cool and tremendous talent unparalleled by anyone else to ever invade the planet.
ilovedinomartin says thank you very much to Mr. Brian Warner for makin' this Dino-information available to the masses of Dino-philes so so eager to learn each and every Dino-truth. And, likes who knows how many many more will be drawn into the Dino-fold by Bri's fabulous focus on our most beloved Dino! Dino-awed, DMP
Dean Martin Net Worth
How much is Dean Martin worth?
$30 Million
Dean Martin Net Worth: Dean Martin was an American singer, film actor, television star and comedian who had a net worth of $30 million. Born Dino Paul Crocetti (June 7, 1917 – December 25, 1995) in Steubenville, Ohio, he was considered to be one of the most popular and enduring American entertainers of the mid-20th century. The son of Italian immigrants, young Dean spoke broken English and was not hugely gifted academically. Dropping out of school at the age of 16, he tried his hand at boxing and spent some time working several part-time jobs. At the same time, he started singing with local bands, and throughout the 1940s he developed his own singing style. It was in the middle of the decade when he teamed up with comedian Jerry Lewis, the two becoming one of the hottest entertainment acts of the era. They starred together in approximately 16 films, making their TV debut on the first broadcast of CBS-TV network's Toast of the Town (later called The Ed Sullivan Show) in 1948. After the duo split, Martin continued to make movies, starring in both comedies and dramatic movies, as well as in the spoofy Matt Helm spy movies of the 1960s. He also performed solo as a singer, had numerous hit records, most notably That's Amore, Everybody Loves Somebody, Memories Are Made of This, You're Nobody till Somebody Loves You, Sway, Volare and Ain't That a Kick in the Head?. Eventually, he became a solid member of Frank Sinatra's "Rat Pack," which added much more to his popularity. Martin is said to have reached the peak of his career as a host of the television variety program The Dean Martin Show (1965–1974), and subsequently The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast's (1974–1985). Thanks to his effortless charisma and self-assuredness, Dean Martin was often called "King of Cool." As for his warbling crooning voice, it won the hearts of numerous ladies, three of which became Martin's wives. Dean died in 1995 from respiratory failure caused by lung cancer.
Quite a sum! Especially when we remember that, at one point, our Dino had "sold" himself to the tune of 110%.
Hey pallie, HA HA Miss AOW...that's a good one ma'am....keeps lovin' our most valuable Dino!
I was wondering if this is with inflation taken into account? Everywhere I look it has told me that he was worth 30 Million the day he died. It never says that the number is his net worth today, it just says when he died his worth was 30 Million at the time. This would make Dean Martin worth a lot more than 30 Million. Given his talent it wouldn't surprise me.
Good point!
I used this tool and got $48.13 million.
I'll bet that he's worth more than my above estimate. Investments and all that!
I absolutely love Dean Martin. I have been taking vocal lessons on and off for a few years now. The type of singing I have been learning is "crooning". I am only 20, but I have always loved the type of music Dean Martin and Bing Crosby sang. I have been working on getting a pianist so that I can do a few sets. I normally sing "One For My Baby (One More for the Road)" "Everybody Loves Somebody" "Swingin' On a Star" "Till Then" and "For the Good Times". I just wish we had talents that aspired to be more like Dean and the rest of them.
Good for you!
Crooning is a great style to work on vocally.
Hey pallie, likes Gfan thanks for sharin' your amore of our Dino with us, and we are just wonderin' a couple of thin's. Likes it would be cool to know how and when you came 'cross our ilovedinomartin blog, and we are wonderin' if you would ever consider bein' interviewed via email so that we could share your Dino-devotion with others here at the blog. It is always huge for us to find 'nother of today's youth who really digs our Dino! If you would be interested in doin' an interview, please email us at kentsmokerguy@yahoo.com. 'gain we are totally totally thrilled to have your join our humble little Dino-pad! Keeps lovin' our most most beloved Dino!
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