ilovedinomartin also encouraged our new pallie to consider sharin' more and more of his love for our Dino, and low and behold we just discovered a second bit of Dino-admiration posted at his bounteous blog on July 30. As you will note below, the post is tagged "Two of the Greatest, Frank Sinatra & Dean Martin just having Fun." And, like dude the fun that they are havin' is our most beloved Dino showin' his lovin' of his pallie Frank by givin' Sinatra a hug and a kiss. How wonderful to see two men so devoted to each other that they are not afraid of showin' such deep, pure, and true affection.
ilovedinomartin is thrilled to salute our pallie Scotty on showin' more of his passion for our Dino with his readership....and we are also psyched to see that Scotty has chosen to affiliate himself with all the pallies at ilovedinomartin by be comin' a follower! To checks out Scotty post in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this bit of Dino-prose. Dino-always, ever, and only, DMP
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