Hey pallies, likes times to put on your Dino-thinkin' caps dudes! Today we goes to the "Autograph Magazine Live!" forum where a pallie tagged Mr. Steve Viola is askin' other site members 'bout the authencity of several autographs attributed to our most belove Dino. Likes wonderin' what your Dino-inquirin' minds think 'bout each of the Dino-graphs presented below?
Besides likes givin' all us Dino-philes a chance to test our wits of Dino-encity, likes gotta 'fess up that likes this dude has never ever (likes that I can remember) seen the third stunnin' pix of our great man. Likes any of you pallies sent that Dino-pose before?
Hats off to pallie Steve for seekin' to grow in his Dino-awareness in this way and for such a cool site to pose such Dino-quires! To checks this out in it's original format, simply clicks on the tag of this Dino-scribin'. Dino-discoverin', DMP
Dean Martin Signatures
Posted by Steve Viola
It has been known Dino used a secretary for his through the mail requests. I'd like to know what your opinions are on these 3 items. The first 2 are Lps, the 2nd being signed in ballpoint on the back. The 3rd item is a photo. Thanks.

and another!

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